The Salvation Of Man

The salvation of man depends on his following (devoting himself to) a Prophet of God and a Friend of God (Wali-Saint) from Hz. Adam until the Resurrection Day. The Prophet or the Friend of God is the person who is joined with Allah in spirit. He is the bearer (possessor) of the Holy Spirit. The Prophet or the Friend of God will command to remember Allah often (the Remembrance of the Heart) and to perform worship abundantly (the Prayer of the Heart -silent and fervent prayer-) in order to reach Allah.

Besides this, the Holy Spirit, which the Prophet and the Friend of God bears, will help and protect the spirit and heart of the aspirant who follows him against the harms and dangers that the evil forces of the inner world will cause, with the great, Spiritual force he owns. For, the spirit of the beginner follower of God is weak and feeble.

Naturally, all of them happen with the permission of God. The person who does not bear Holy Spirit is not a Prophet or a Friend of God (Perfect Man), no matter who he is. Following a Prophet or a Friend of God is following the Holy Spirit of God. Attaching yourself to (devoting to) a Perfect Man is devoting yourself to Holy Spirit but not to a physical body. He, who follows and obeys the Friend of God, who bears the Holy spirit and who is a Perfect Believer, is considered to have devoted himself to Allah directly and to have obeyed him.

“Those that swear fealty to you swear fealty to Allah Himself.” (Al-Fath, 10)

“Those who obey you (submit themselves to you), obey Allah.” (Al-Teghabun 12 / Al-Nisa 80)

“You are ‘siracen münira-the shining light’, the one who gives, spreads, emits divine light that call men to Allah by His leave.” (Ahzab, 46)

Allah also uses the word “sirac-the shining light” for the Sun as well. (Noah, 16)

In this situation, (the Sun in the sky) is the sun of the physical world. The sun of the spiritual divine world is the pure Holy Spirit of Hz. Muhammad (S.A.V.). (The Greatest Spirit)

Our Superior Hz. Prophet (S.A.V.) and other Prophets are absolute “mübelliğ-the people who deliver, communicate and inform messages from Allah”.

However, they are not ordinary messengers or communicators. They are holy, saintly, sacred communicators who are equipped with the exalted divine qualities confirmed by the above verses. The Prophets and the Friends of God, who are Perfect Men, are not god but they bear divine qualities.

Allah the Almighty said for our Superior Hz. Muhammad (A.S.V): “He is ‘Rahmete’n lil alemin’ the mercy -the blessing- for all the worlds”. (Chapter Anbiyah, 107)

“Rahmetullah -The Mercy-Blessing- of Allah” is the mercy, the compassion of Allah for all the Universe. Is there anybody else greater than the mercy of Allah in both of the worlds? He also said: “Were it not for you (O Muhammad!), I would not have brought creatures into being.” (Sacred Hadith, Ajluni, Kashfu’l Hafa, vol. 2, p. 163)

Our Most High Lord said that if (the Sun of Reality) He, who is the shining light, did not exist, the worlds-the Creation would not have any meanings. With the word in the verse “-sirac-shining light”, our Master The Prophet (S.A.V.) is confirmed that he is the Sun that emits divine light.

“We inspired man with knowledge of sin and piety. The man who has been purified is surely saved.” (Al-Shams, 8-9)

Those who are not purified from the immorality and filthiness of the self cannot make contact with Allah personally. They cannot enter into dialogue with Him directly. Allah does not accept those who are not purified. Therefore, the Prophet and the Friends of God are present among us his mercy by Him to purify us. Our purification is possible by means of an Apostle or a Friend of God who bears the Holy Spirit.

“The Apostle (the Perfect Man) recites to you the revelations of Allah and purifies you of sin.” (The Imrans, 164) (See also Baqhara, 151 / Al-Jumah, 2 for similar verses)

“I can fit into neither the earth nor the Heavens but I am in the heart of my faithful slave.” (“40 Hadis” by Sadreddin Konevi, p.82, Vahdet Publ. Istanbul; Temyiz, 117, Ajluni “Kashfu’l Hafa”, vol. 2p. 99; Anna Maria Schimmel, “İslam’ın Mistik Boyutu”, p.191, Kabala Yayınevi)

“When I love a servant of mine, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he does work (strikes) and his foot with which he walks.” (Buhari, Rikak, 38; Ibn Mace, Fiten 16; Ibni Ebi’d Dünya, Kitabul Evliya, 26-27; Beyhaki; Kitabü’z Zühd No: 696-99) (*)

(The above sacred hadith is the definite proof of it. For, a man on the earth cannot make contact with Allah directly. The brightness of the dawn represents the Holy Spirit. The sun does not appear before the break of down. The dawn is a manifestation of the sun. It is not a second being apart from the Sun. The Holy Spirit is the manifestation of Allah just like the dawn. The spirit is the decree of Allah. The real meaning of decree is “state-condition”. The state or condition is the attribute of the possessors of the state. In other words, the Spirit of Allah, which is the decree, is not the person of Allah but it is His attribution, which is not separate from His person. The dawn is not the Sun itself but it is a state of the sun, a color, an attribute of it, which is not separate from it. The Holy Spirit is not a second separate being apart from Allah same as the dawn is not a second being apart from the Sun. The Holy Spirit is not a physical thing or body, that is to say; it is not an organic existence, but it is divine light. It is the divine light of the face of Allah. (**)

Mind (reason) in man is not a substance-organic- but it is an abstract divine existence, reality. What thinks in man is not the brain or its cells, which is a piece of flesh, but the divine light in the brain and in the cells, which is not physical. Mind is the understanding (comprehension) attribute of the spirit. God breathed His Spirit into man (into his brain and his heart).

“Ve nefehtu fihi min ruhi - I breathed into man from My spirit” (Sad, 72)

The science of this age determined that there are rays in the human brain and heart. Matter cannot think and understand. The brain, which is an organic piece of flesh cannot think and comprehend, as it is matter.)

The heart of the aspirant whose heart becomes shiny with the remembrance and worship of Allah will broaden and will be joyous and he will have thanked his Lord by this way. The reality of thankfulness is the smile of the heart.

The smile of the heart expresses the happiness of the aspirant. The happiness of the heart means to be pleased with Allah. Allah is also pleased with the person who is pleased with Allah. The intention of following a Prophet or a Friend of God (the Perfect Man) is to attain happiness, to be pleased with Allah, to thank Him and to gain the consent of Allah in this way.

The inner world has lofty-sublime- and low-evil- sides same as the outer world has lofty-sublime and evil-low- sides. Both the outer and the inner worlds have lofty-holy and low-evil- forces (All the legions, forces and the powers of the Heavens and Earth belong to Allah).

“Velillahi cünudu semavati vel ard - God’s are legions of the heavens and the earth.” (Al-Fath, 4 and 7)

All the legions-forces are Allah’s, no matter if they are divine, holy or evil, wicked. They are the holy, lofty and evil, wrathful forces of Allah the Almighty (They are called as merciful and wrathful forces).

Allah the Almighty protects His slaves with His slaves and helps His slaves with His slaves.

10 May 2007



(*) NOTE: In Sufism, there is no imagination of man (Adam) that is apart from Allah; and there is no imagination of God that is apart from man (Adam). For, Allah has breathed His pure and Holy Spirit to human beings (Adam) only. He had all the Angels including Gabriel prostrate before Him. As it is known, nobody has the qualities of thinking and comprehending except for man. Man (Adam-The Perfect Man) is the essence of the Universe and the most perfect manifestation-appearance of Allah. Man (Adam-the Perfect Man) is the external of Allah and Allah is the internal of the Perfect Man. Therefore, the Prophet (A.S.V.) said “He who knows Man-Adam- surely knows his Lord (the One who equipped man with divine qualities) (Sacred Hadith, Ajluni, Kashfu’l Hafa, vol. 2, p. 132: Şemseddin Yeşil, “Binbir Hadis”, p. 212, 1983-Istanbul)

“He is the First and the Last, the Visible and the Unseen. (He is the Existence who knows all things.)” (Al-Hadid, 3)

There is no second entity (Being-Existence) besides Allah, who is the real entity (Existence). Allah is the most holy Entity, Existence who is divine light and strength, who has the knowledge of all things, who is the Ever Living One (Al-Hayy), the Self- Existing One (Al- Qayyum) and Eternal. He is the Infinite and the Sole One who has no boundaries.

He is Sole. He is the Peerless One because there cannot be two infinite-eternal-beings. Due to this fact, the existence and unity of Allah is compulsory. Other worlds and things are like the temporary foam bubbles of the sea, which are but the manifestation, the appearances of the sea. They do not have real existences. They are relative. Foam bubbles are in need of sea. The things, the Worlds, the CREATION, the Universe are also “in need of Allah,” who is the first Existence, the first Reason, same as the foam bubbles. Allah is not in need of somebody else to exist, He is the Rich One (Ghani), The Satisfier of all Needs (Samad) “the Self-Existing One”. His existence is from Himself. Other beings and worlds, all the creation are in need of ALLAH, who is the first, eternal existence, in order to exist same as the foam bubbles are in need of the sea. The Creation, Adam-the Spirit are the manifestations of Allah. His manifestations are always from Himself to Himself. For, there is no place where He does not exist. The infinite existence has no end. If He ended, He would be restricted or limited. A limited being cannot be called as God. If he were limited, He would take a shape. However, Allah is the infinite, divine light who is exempt from shapes or forms. Allah was not born and He did not give birth. All the things are His own manifestations, appearances and signs. All the manifestations happen from Himself to Himself. The Existence-Divine Entity is one. There are not two beings or entities. It is out of reason even to think about it. The entity is one and He is infinite. Two infinite existences are impossible. Allah, who is infinite and limitless being, does not have and cannot have a match, a peer or a partner.


(**) “Say: The Spirit is from my Lord’s command -decree-.” (Al-Isra, 85)

“I breathed into man from My Spirit.” (Sad, 72)

According to these two verses of the Koran, Spirit and Decree are Allah’s. (The Decree of Allah, the Spirit of Allah)

“When Allah decrees a thing He need only say: ‘Be’ and it is.” (Ya Sin, 82) In this verse, ‘Be’ here is a command, a decree and it determines (defines) that Decree is Allah’s Word. (The Word of Allah) Allah also says that spirit is His Spirit. (The Spirit of Allah)

Allah has the names: “Decree (Emir)” and “Speaker (Mütekellim)”. The quality of each name is an attribute. In this situation, the Spirit is the attribute of both decree-command and word-speech.

In other words, Spirit is both the Decree of Allah and the Word of Allah.

Since the Person of Allah is Divine Light, His attributes are also Divine Light. Each attribute determines a state (condition) of Allah.

Divine Light has no shape. However, divine light takes the shape of the container it enters. For instance, water has no shape. Water takes the shape of the container it is in. Electricity-light- has no shape. Electricity takes the shape of the glass- bulb that it is in. Just like this, spirit takes the shape of the man into whom it is breathed. Spirit does not have gender. It takes the shape of a man when breathed into a man and the shape of a woman when breathed into a woman. Spirit does not have intestines and genitals.

There is no reproduction and filthiness in the Paradise (Heaven), which is of divine light in the inner world. Both paradise and the dwellers of paradise are of pure divine light. If Allah wills, He provides the spirits in the paradise with food and drinks. However, all the fruits, wine and milk are of divine light. There are not any organic beings consisted of cells in the paradise. Allah has said that the dwellers of paradise liken the fruits of the heaven to the fruits of this world. All things in the paradise are divine light and from divine light whereas the hell (Allah forbids!) is completely blazing fire and affliction. Another reason why the spirit breathed into man takes the shape of that man is to determine to whom each spirit breathed belongs. The Most High Allah, the Almighty does this in order to give that person a personality -an identity- and to exalt him by means of this. K.Y

Note: This article was published in the local newspaper “Adıyaman’da Bugün” on 15 May 2007

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In the Religion of Islam, there is no mediator between man and God and there cannot be any either. Establishing a connection and taking an oath of allegiance (to swear fealty) do not mean to make contact with an ordinary and ignorant man. Connection and swearing fealty is to the Holy Spirit (This spirit is the decree of God and it is qualified with all the qualities of God, firstly the Science attribute) or to the people who have this Holy Spirit such as the Prophets, Walis, Perfect Men and Scholars. Connection and swearing fealty is to the knowledge and wisdom but not to a physical body. Spirit is Divine Light and the commandment attribution of God and it is not a creature so, you swear fealty to Haq (the Truth) but not to ordinary people.

Turning towards the light of the sun means turning towards the sun. When you incline to the Perfect Man who bears Holy Spirit, who is wise and scholar, you incline to God. He cannot be called as a mediator because the spirit is the radiance-the light of God and it is impossible to make contact with the sun without radiance and the sun cannot be known without it either.

Therefore, a person who cannot communicate with the Holy Spirit cannot communicate with God, because God is very big and immense Divine Light. If this Divine Light suddenly becomes visible, the entire Universe burns. God sent us the Prophets and the Walis who bear this Holy spirit so as not to remain deprived of the Divine Light and in order to illuminate our spiritual world just like the stars and to inform us about the immense, infinite Divine Light.

The Perfect Man is Nur (Divine Light) -radiance-, God is very big and infinite Divine Light. It is a fact that "Those who do not like little light and do not accept it, do not like and accept much light at all." They are just like the bats. If they do not like and accept the Perfect Men, the Friends of God and the Prophets whose hearts and spirits shine like an electric bulb and who are Divine Lights, how will they accept and love the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, the sun of God, and Allah, who is limitless, edgeless Divine Light?

Some people say: "We believe in God, we love God, we do not care about the Prophets and we are also human"; and some say: "We believe in the Prophets of God, Who are the Walis (Saints, the Friends of God)?" All these sayings are nonsense, blasphemy and told in order to cover the reality.

The principle is: "Those who do not like little light can never like much light.”

There are and there will be Perfect Men who have good faith, who own the Holy Spirit and who know God entirely among all these people in the world because life goes on, the sun rises and sets and people are alive. God created the Universe in order to be known and the reality to be understood perfectly. Those who do not have the Knowledge of "Men Araf" and have not acquired the Knowledge of "Ledünnü -The Secrecy of the Divine World (Divinely Bestowed Knowledge)" cannot know the essence of the reality with perfection and cannot reach the universal good morals.

As the life goes on, there will be Perfect Men. If it is said that there are not any left, there will be no need for this world because it is contrary to the mystery of the creation. If there are unripe grapes in a vineyard, there are also the ripe ones. There are absolutely Perfect Men among ignorant and imperfect men, like the ripe grapes in a vineyard among millions of unripe grapes. They are the Friends of God (Walis). If a person cannot make contact with a Perfect Man, he is in deep darkness, in bewilderment and in corruption. It is not possible to know God without a Perfect Man (*) and to be benefited from the light and the true Knowledge of God.

Adam - the Perfect Man - is the mirror who reflects God's person and the spirit and the heart of the Perfect Man is the Divine Light, the attribute of God.

(*)Believing in God and knowing God are different matters. For instance, everybody believes in the sun, however, how many people have the knowledge about the structure and properties of the sun?

Footnote: Imagining the holy face of our exalted Prophet (S.A.V.) and imagining the shining, divine faces of Hz. Ali, Hz. Abubaqir and their similar Friends of God and the Friends of God who are alive is also “rabıta-spiritual connection”.

Encountering a shining divine face increases one’s faith and this draws him near Allah. Allah is enormous Divine Light anyway. Therefore, our Prophet (S.A.V.) said: “To look at Hz. Ali’s face is to worship”. (Sacred Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Mesud, Taberani, Aziziye, vol.3, p. 417, See also Kettani, 11 It was narrated from the Companions. “Tevatür Hadisler”, Karınca Yayınları, p. 575, 2003 İstanbul)

He said: “Keremallahu vechehu- Allah honored his face”. That is to say, rabıta -making spiritual connection- is to the pure divine light of Allah in the face of the Prophet and of the Friends of God. It is not to a physical body or to substance or matter. The intention of worshipping is to approach Allah anyway.




In the Religion of Islam, there is no mediator between man and God and there cannot be any either. Establishing a connection and taking an oath of allegiance (to swear fealty) do not mean to make contact with an ordinary and ignorant man. Connection and swearing fealty is to the Holy Spirit (This spirit is the decree of God and it is qualified with all the qualities of God, firstly the Science attribute) or to the people who have this Holy Spirit such as the Prophets, Walis, Perfect Men and Scholars. Connection and swearing fealty is to the knowledge and wisdom but not to a physical body. Spirit is Divine Light and the commandment attribution of God and it is not a creature so, you swear fealty to Haq (the Truth) but not to ordinary people.

Turning towards the light of the sun means turning towards the sun. When you incline to the Perfect Man who bears Holy Spirit, who is wise and scholar, you incline to God. He cannot be called as a mediator because the spirit is the radiance-the light of God and it is impossible to make contact with the sun without radiance and the sun cannot be known without it either.

Therefore, a person who cannot communicate with the Holy Spirit cannot communicate with God, because God is very big and immense Divine Light. If this Divine Light suddenly becomes visible, the entire Universe burns. God sent us the Prophets and the Walis who bear this Holy spirit so as not to remain deprived of the Divine Light and in order to illuminate our spiritual world just like the stars and to inform us about the immense, infinite Divine Light.

The Perfect Man is Nur (Divine Light) -radiance-, God is very big and infinite Divine Light. It is a fact that "Those who do not like little light and do not accept it, do not like and accept much light at all." They are just like the bats. If they do not like and accept the Perfect Men, the Friends of God and the Prophets whose hearts and spirits shine like an electric bulb and who are Divine Lights, how will they accept and love the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, the sun of God, and Allah, who is limitless, edgeless Divine Light?

Some people say: "We believe in God, we love God, we do not care about the Prophets and we are also human"; and some say: "We believe in the Prophets of God, Who are the Walis (Saints, the Friends of God)?" All these sayings are nonsense, blasphemy and told in order to cover the reality.

The principle is: "Those who do not like little light can never like much light.”

There are and there will be Perfect Men who have good faith, who own the Holy Spirit and who know God entirely among all these people in the world because life goes on, the sun rises and sets and people are alive. God created the Universe in order to be known and the reality to be understood perfectly. Those who do not have the Knowledge of "Men Araf" and have not acquired the Knowledge of "Ledünnü -The Secrecy of the Divine World (Divinely Bestowed Knowledge)" cannot know the essence of the reality with perfection and cannot reach the universal good morals.

As the life goes on, there will be Perfect Men. If it is said that there are not any left, there will be no need for this world because it is contrary to the mystery of the creation. If there are unripe grapes in a vineyard, there are also the ripe ones. There are absolutely Perfect Men among ignorant and imperfect men, like the ripe grapes in a vineyard among millions of unripe grapes. They are the Friends of God (Walis). If a person cannot make contact with a Perfect Man, he is in deep darkness, in bewilderment and in corruption. It is not possible to know God without a Perfect Man (*) and to be benefited from the light and the true Knowledge of God.

Adam - the Perfect Man - is the mirror who reflects God's person and the spirit and the heart of the Perfect Man is the Divine Light, the attribute of God.

(*)Believing in God and knowing God are different matters. For instance, everybody believes in the sun, however, how many people have the knowledge about the structure and properties of the sun?

Footnote: Imagining the holy face of our exalted Prophet (S.A.V.) and imagining the shining, divine faces of Hz. Ali, Hz. Abubaqir and their similar Friends of God and the Friends of God who are alive is also “rabıta-spiritual connection”.

Encountering a shining divine face increases one’s faith and this draws him near Allah. Allah is enormous Divine Light anyway. Therefore, our Prophet (S.A.V.) said: “To look at Hz. Ali’s face is to worship”. (Sacred Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Mesud, Taberani, Aziziye, vol.3, p. 417, See also Kettani, 11 It was narrated from the Companions. “Tevatür Hadisler”, Karınca Yayınları, p. 575, 2003 İstanbul)

He said: “Keremallahu vechehu- Allah honored his face”. That is to say, rabıta -making spiritual connection- is to the pure divine light of Allah in the face of the Prophet and of the Friends of God. It is not to a physical body or to substance or matter. The intention of worshipping is to approach Allah anyway.

