Muhammad Ali̇ Adam (the Perfect Or Mature Man -i̇nsan-ı Kâmil)

God has explained the superiority of man with the verse:

"Ve nefehtü fihi min ruhi - I breathed My spirit into man." (Sad, 72)

The spirit that is the Divine Light of God's person and qualified by all the good qualities, mainly science, will certainly be superior to all the physical and spiritual beings by means of this right. God also called man "My messenger, My caliph, My apostle, My prophet, My saint, My heir” because the spirit has the attributes of thinking and inventing.

The body of man was created better and more perfectly than the other beings. The right of standing upright is given only to man among the other beings, which enabled man to be the administrator or the master of the entire universe and of all the physical and spiritual beings. The shape of man and the mysteries or the secrets of God on his face show the superiority of him. When man stands up, he has the form of the Arabic letter Elif "A", when he bends, Dal "D", when he prostrates, Mim"M". If you put these letters next to each other in order, you get the word "ADAM". The reason why the first man was given the name - Adam - depends on this mystery. When man prostrates, he gives the form "MUHAMMAD" in Arabic letters.

“Muhammad” means, "highly praised by God". The name given to the Last Prophet shows his exalted rank and prophecy. As every prophet, the name of the last Prophet is also special and nobody was called by the same name before Him.

Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, Adam, David, John the Baptist, Zachariah, Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Aaron, Lot, Hud, Enoch, Sheet and the other Prophets (May peace be upon them!) were given their names before the others. The history of humanity is a witness to this reality. This fact shows that these holy men, mentioned above, have been chosen by God. The Prophets and the Walis who are the friends of God are the Words of God. Another name of the spirit is "the literal word of God".

The Prophet Muhammad, who is the biggest manifestation of God, just like the sun, has taken the name "Cevamiül kelim - Total of all the names". For, he is the divine father of all the spirits -Ebi Mukaddes. Among the other Walis -the Friends of God -, the only person who has a special name is Hazrat Ali, who is the son of Muhammad's uncle. Nobody has taken the name "Ali" before. That is why this greatest friend of God is called "Şâhi Velayet -The King of Sainthood", "Veliyullah - the Saint (Friend) of God" and "Keremallahü Vechehu -God treated his face with honor".

A baby is in the form of prostrating in his mother's womb: His hands are on his ears and his knees are stretched towards his abdomen. He draws the word “Muhammad” in Arabic letters when he is upside down and his feet are together. It shows that God has given man the name "Muhammad -praised". Man draws the word "Muhammad" when he prostrates during his ritual prayer. A poet tells us this reality with the following lines:

"I am evident with my absence; I belong to the family of the Prophet,

In the form of my prostrating, my witness is the name of Muhammad."

Prostrating is the most important action in the performance of the ritual prayer. Prayer consists of three main actions which are called as "Kıyam -standing upright", "Rüku -bending" and "sücut -prostrating". While a person is performing salat, he does all the worships of all the plants, of all the animals and of all the people at the same time. "Namaz" is the most important worship for this reason, God has given this great honor only to man. This worship should be performed with a complete belief and as the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him!) had done. Namaz, which means begging and praying to God, removes wickedness and adultery from man. This matter has been clarified by the following verse:

"İnnessalate tenha anil fehşai vel münker - Namaz fends away the indecency, evil and the adultery." (Al - Ankabut, 45)

Ritual prayer cannot be performed without through cleansing. Man receives physical and moral favors of God when he is in the presence of Him with a clean body and a strong belief. The heart and the body of man who performs this prayer become pure. Cleanliness enables the body and spirit to become healthy. Ritual prayer also means action. Life is action too. If a person performs his ritual worship five times a day, he becomes active and healthy. He is never lazy or insensible.

"Fasting", performed with belief, is also another way of worshipping God. Fasting kills one's lower instincts, his sinful carnal desires and it controls his passions. It enables man to be resolute and determined. It also causes the heart and mind to rest by keeping them away from the pressure of the digesting organs because it has positive effects on the circulation of blood and on the digesting system. Fasting helps man to get used to struggling with his evil feelings. It incites the feelings of fairness and compassion hidden in the spirit and heart of man by means of hunger. In addition, it causes man to feel sorry for the poor and to realize the necessity of helping them. To sum up, fasting helps everybody to understand and to be willing to help each other.

These two very important worshipping "prayer and fasting" should be done in order to get God's love and consent with a true belief, just as the other worships. They are the duty of being a man. They are a secret between man and his God. They should be done as secretly as possible in order not to be seen and heard by the other people. God likes secret worship. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad encouraged people to perform the secret worship very much as well as the obligatory ones.

As explained above, God has given man the possibility of liberty and limitless authority because of the superiority He entrusted him. He gave everything between the Earth and the Heavens, the Angels and the entire Universe, seen and unseen, to man's command. Man obtained a highness that enables him to perform duty in the name of God due to all these attributes. He also became responsible to God for this liberty and highness. The face of man has been embellished by two eyes that look like the letter "Ayn" in Arabic. His nose looks like "Lam" and his mouth with his upper lips diverted into two in the middle looks like "Ya" which make it very beautiful. When these letters are connected, "Aliyyül âlâ-Very Exalted" is written on his face. It is the proof of the superiority of man by the hand of God.

Man has five inner and five outer senses.

The exterior senses are seeing, smelling, speaking, hearing, touching and the inner ones are imagination, surmising, remembering, memory and thinking, which have embellished and ornamented man.

“Find Adam, Adam

His breath is the breath of God.

The inner of the person

That does not find the breath of Adam

Becomes Satan!

If the secret of mystery is known to Hashimi

And if he ever glances at a disbeliever

He becomes an object of faith

The person who meets Ali Aba joins with God

Our spiritual guide is Ali

The person who denies his sheikh

Certainly becomes Marwan!”

(A Sufi Poet Hashimi)


You can read this article in details in our book called “EXISTENCE”.


8 November 2006
