The Verses About Swearing Fealty (allegiance)

1- “İnnema yübayiuneke innema yübayiunallah…-Those that swear fealty

to you, swear fealty to Allah, Himself. The hand of Allah is above their hands. He that breaks his oath breaks it at his own peril, but he that keeps his pledge to Allah shall be richly awarded by Him.” (Al-Fath, 10)

2-“Kul inküntüm tuhibbunallahe fettebiuni yuhbibkumullah veyeğfirleküm zünubeküm-Say O Muhammad: ‘They say they love Allah.’ Tell them: ‘if you love Allah, swear fealty to me (follow me, love me). Then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins’.” (Al-Imran, 31)

3- “Vebteu ileyhi’l vesile-Whoever wants to find Allah should obey the mediator.” (Al-Maidah, 35)

4- “O! The Prophet! Allah is sufficient for you and for the believers who follow you!” (Al-Anfal, 35)

5- “Show kindness to those of the believers who follow you!” (Al-Shuara-215)

6- “Vekalellezi amene… -He who was a true believer said: ‘Follow me, my people, that I may guide you to the right path.’ ” (Al-Mu’min, 38)

7- “Allah was well pleased with the faithful when they swore allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts. Therefore He sent down tranquility (Divine light, peace, confidence, happiness) upon them and rewarded them with a speedy victory.” (Al-Fath, 18)

8- “Prophet! If believing women come to you and pledge themselves to serve no other deity besides Allah, to commit neither theft, nor adultery, nor child-murder, to utter no monstrous falsehoods of their own invention, and to disobey you in nothing reasonable, (if they promise you on these terms) accept their allegiance and implore Allah to forgive them. Allah is forgiving and merciful.” (Al-Mumtahinna, 12)

9- “Your Lord brought forth descendants from the kins of Adam’s children, and made them testify against themselves. He said: ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They replied: ‘We bear witness that You are.’ This He did, lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘We had no knowledge of that.’ Or ‘Our forefathers were, indeed, idolaters; but will You destroy us, their descendants on account of what the followers of falsehood did?’

Thus do We make plain Our revelations so that they may return to the right path.” (Al-A’raf, 172-174)

10- “Keep your covenant, and I will be to Mine. Dread My Power!” (Al-Baqarah, 40)

11- “We made a covenant with you, as We did with the other Prophets; with Noah and Abraham, with Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary. Yes We made a covenant with them.” (Al-Ahzab, 7)

12- “When Allah made His covenant with the Prophets, He said: ‘Here are the Scriptures and the wisdom which I have given you. An Apostle will come forth to confirm them. Believe in him and help him. Will you affirm this and accept the burden I have laid on you in these terms?’

They replied: ‘We will affirm it.” ‘Then bear witness’ He said, ‘and I will bear witness with you.’ ” (The Imrans, 81)

13- “Allah has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods and in return has promised them the Paradise. They will fight for the cause of Allah, slay and be slain. Such is the true promise which He has made them in the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran. And who is more true to his pledge than Allah? Rejoice then in the bargain you have made. That is the supreme triumph.” (Al-Tawbah, 111)


1- When a person gives alms, it reaches the hand of Allah before it reaches the hand of the beggar. (1) The Prophet (a.s.v.) recited this verse afterwards: “Allah surely accepts the repentance of His servants and takes their alms.” (Al-Tawbah, 104)

2- A public crier (a person who calls) calls on the Day of Resurrection: ‘O the People of Unity! Forgive each other! Giving the reward of it belongs to Me!’ (2)

3- God the Most High revealed one of His Prophets in this way: ‘Tell My faithful servants not to be proud with Me. I surely apply My justice on them, I torture them and I do not become a cruel for this. Tell My sinful servants not to lose their hope from My mercy. No sin I will forgive is a burden for Me.’ (3)

4- This religion (Islam) is the religion that I like it for Myself. Only munificence and good moral qualities suit it. Therefore, as long as you associate with it, offer it and make it perfect with these two virtues. (4)

5- According to a tradition from Anas (r.a.) our Prophet (s.a.v.) reported that Allah commanded as follows: ‘In the Heaven, I have prepared for My virtuous servants some blessings that which no eye seen, no ear has not heard and no human mind has ever thought of. ” (5)

6- I love those who love each other for My sake, who visit each other for My sake and who help each other for My sake. (6)

7- A young believer, who believes in My commandment and judgment, who obeys the Book (the Koran), who is contented with what I give him and who abandons his carnal passion for My sake is at the rank of some Angels. (7)

8- Allah said to Jesus (a.s), the son of Mary: “O Jesus! First of all, give advice to your own self, if you get benefit of that advice, give advice others or else get ashamed from Me. (8)

(1) Ebu Nuaym, Hilyetü’l Evliya, 4, 81; Hakim, Müstedrek, 2,333; Ibn-i Kesir, Tefsir

(2) Taberani reported from Ümmühani (Fahite binti Ebi Talib)

(3) Abu Zer reported from Anas (r.a.)

(4) Rafii reported from Hz. Anas, İbn Adiyy, Ukayli, Harait, Hatib-i Bagdadi, Ibn-i Asakir and Kudai

(5) Ibn -Cerir related it.

(6) Taberani and İbn-i Ebi’d-Dunya reported from Amr İbn-i Anbese.

(7) Deylemi reported from İbn Omar (r.a.)

(8) Deylemi related from Abu Musa Al Ashary


1- “He who has faith in Me and confirms Me must accept Ali as a guide (Saint) because His sainthood is My sainthood, My sainthood is the sainthood of Allah.” (1)

2- “Follow AbuBaqir and Omar after my death. Join the right path that Ammar follows.” (2)

3- “Whoever I am the Master of, Ali is also his Master.” (3)

4- “They swore fealty to the Prophet (a.s.v.) on condition that in poverty and in wealth, in happy and troubled times they will obey him and not argue with the administrators who are in charge and tell the truth wherever they are without hesitating and abstaining from the blames of others.” (It was the allegiance of the 12 Muslims who came from Madina at the first Aqaba) (4)

5- “When the Muslims asked the Prophet (a.s.v.) at the second Aqaba: “O the Prophet! We will keep this allegiance in spite of the destruction of our property and the murder of our elders, what shall we get in return of this if we are faithful to this?” He answered: “You will get paradise.” They said: ‘Then, extend your hand to us and we shall swear fealty to you!’ The Prophet (a.s.v.) extended his hand and they swore fealty to him.” (5)

6- While Muslims were swearing fealty to our Prophet at Rıdvan allegiance, Hz. Omar was supporting them by holding the Prophet’s hand. (6)

7- Anas b. Malik (r.a.) said: “I have sworn fealty the Prophet (a.s.v.) with this hand of mine promising to obey him as much as I can.” (7)

8- While they were swearing fealty to the Prophet at Hudaybiya, he said: “Osman went to Mecca in charge of some works of Allah and the Prophet and I am also doing allegiance for him.” He held his right hand and shook it with his left hand and said: “This hand is for Osman and this allegiance is for him.” (8)

9- Our Mother Aysha told: “The Prophet was accepting the allegiance of women on condition that they serve no deity besides Allah, commit neither theft, nor adultery, nor child murder, utter no monstrous falsehoods of their own invention and disobey him in nothing reasonable. (Mumtahinna, 12) The Prophet had not touched any women’s hands except his legal wives.” (9)

10- While the Prophet was accepting allegiance, he put a piece of cloth on his hand and the women swore fealty to him by putting their hands on it. (10)

11- As it was reported from his grandfather by the father of Amr. B.Shuayb, when the Prophet migrated to Madina, some Muslim women came to him and said: “Our men swore fealty to you and we want to swear fealty to you too.” So, the Prophet wanted some water in a cup he put his hands into it and gave it to women. The women also put their hands into it one by one and it was their allegiance… (11)

12- Ummi Atiyye tells: When the Prophet came to Madina, Ansar (Helpers) gathered their women in a house and sent us to Omar b. Hattab as a representative. Hz. Omar greeted us coming to the house where we were in. We also greeted him, then he said: “I am the envoy the Prophet (a.s.v.) sent to you” and we said: “Welcome the envoy of the Prophet!” He said: “Swear allegiance by promising not to attribute any partners to Allah, not to commit theft and adultery!” We answered: “All right, we accept all you say and swear fealty to you!” Then Hz. Omar extended his hand to us from the outside of the door and we extended our hands from the inside of the house. He said: “May Allah be a witness to it!” (12)

13- Muhammad b. el-Münkedir transmitted: “While the Prophet (a.s.v.) was accepting the allegiance on the Conquest Day of Mecca, he assigned a woman for women and that woman accepted their allegiance in the name of the Prophet (a.s.v.).” (13)

Maverdy and Bursevi who is the owner of “Ruhu’l Beyan” said that woman was Umayma who was the sister of Hz. Hatice and the aunt of Hz. Fatima. (14)

14- When Mecca was conquered, the Prophet (a.s.v.) sat on the hill of Safa for allegiance: the Meccans; women-men, young-old came there and swore fealty to him. (15)

15- Abdullah b. Abbas, Hz. Hasan, Hz. Husayn and Abdullah b. Zubayr swore fealty to the Prophet (a.s.v.) while they were very small (before they reached the age of puberty). Our Master did not accept any allegiance of other small children. (16)

16- When Dimad b. Sa’leme swore fealty to the Prophet (a.s.v.) upon Islam, our Master (a.s.v.) said: “Swear fealty for your people to accept Islam too!” and he said: “I swear fealty for my people too.” (17)

17- When the gathering of Sekif came near the Prophet (a.s.v.), there was a leper among them. Our prophet sent him a man and said: “We accepted your allegiance like this so you may go back now!” And he accepted his allegiance without holding his hand. (18)

18- Necashi (He may be the king of Abyssinia) reported his allegiance to the Prophet (a.s.v.) with a letter. (19)

19- Our Dear Prophet (a.s.v.) said: “A person who swears fealty to an Imam extending his hand with his love should obey him as much as he can.” (20)

20- Our Prophet (a.s.v.) says: “My Companions are like the stars. You can find the right path by whomever you obey.” (21)

21- Our Dear Prophet (a.s.v.) says: “The person who is not faithful to his promise has no religion.” (22)

22- Our Dear Prophet (a.s.v.) says. “Allah continuously shoots (sprouts) and exists a generation that He uses for His obedience in this religion.” (23)

_________________________________________________________ (1) From Ammar b. Yasir: Hz. Peygamberin Dilinden Dört Halifesi, Trans. by A. Fikri Yavuz, Sönmez Publ., p.278, Istanbul-1981Binbir Hadis, Şemseddin Yeşil, p. 181, Istanbul-1983

(2) Onların Alemi by Sayyid Ahmed Ar Rufai, trans. by A. Akçiçek, p.83, Ist. 1964

From Ibn Mes’ud and Huzeyfe b. el Yeman, Müsned, Abu Hanifa Aliyyül Kari Şerhi, p.217 Şamil Publ. İstanbul

(3) From Zayd b. Erkam, Bureyde, Habeşi, Anas and Ammar (r.a.)

Thirmizi, Tac trans. Bekir Sadak, vol.3, p.619

(4) Bukhari, ahkam, 43; Muslim, Imaret, 41-42; Nesai, Bey’at, 1 Ahmed, Müsned, 5, 316; Ibn Sa’d Tabakat, 1, 220

(5) Ibn Kesir, el-Bidaye,3, 160

(6) Ibn-i Sad, Tabakat, 3, 100; Muslim, İmaret 67 (Bab,18);

Ahmed, Müsned, 3,335; Darimi, Siyer, 18

Ali el Muttaki, Kenzu’l Ummal, 1, 322 (no: 1506)

Bukhari, Fedailü Ashab’n-Nebi, 7; Ahmed, Müsned,2, 120; Ibn Sad, Tabakat, 2,97

Ibn Kayyim, Zadü’l Mead, 3, 291

(9) Bukhari Ahkam, 49; Abdürrezzak, Musannef, 4,7; Kurtubi, el-Cami, 18,71; Ibn Kesir, El Bidaye,4, 318

(10) Ibn Sa’d, Tabakat, 8,6; Abdürrezzak, Musannef,6,9 (No: 9832); Kurtubi El-Cami, 18,71 Zemahşeri, Keşşaf, 4, 95; Alusi, Ruhul Meani,14, 81

(11) Ibn Sa’d tabakat, 8,11 Zemahşeri, Keşşaf, 4, 95; Kurtubi, el-Cami, 18-71; Razi, Tefsir-i Kebir vol. 29, p.267

(12) Ibn Sa’d, Tabakat, 8, 7; Taberi, Camiul Beyan, Chapter: 28, p.p. 80-81; Kurtubi El-Cami, 18, 71

Suyuti Ed Dürrül-Mensur, 8, 140

(13) Kurtubi, El-Cami, 18, 71; Abu Baqir Ibn-ul Arabi, Ahkamu’l Kuran, 4,1779; Abu’s-Suud İrşadu’l Akli’s Selim, 5, 716; Maverdi, En-Nüketu Vel Uyun, 5, 524

(14) Bursevi, Ruhul Beyan, 9, 491; Maverdi a.g.e.5, 524

(15) Zehebi, Tarihu’l Islam, Mecazi, 558; Ezraki, Ahbaru Mekke, 2, 201; Heysemi, Mecmau’z Zevaid, 4, 37; M Asım Köksal, Islam Tarihi,15, 301

(16) Heysemi, Mecmeu’z Zevaid, 40

(17) Muslim, Cum’a, 46

(18) Muslim, Selam, 126; Ibn Mace, Tibb, 44

(19) Bukhari, Ahkam, 43

(20) Muslim, İmaret, 46-47; Abu Davud, Melahim, 1 (No: 4248); Nesai, Biat, 25; Ibn mace, Fiten 9 (3956)

(21) Ajluni, 1, 132

(22) Ahmed b. Hanbel, 3-135, 154; Abu Nuaym, Hilyetü’l Evliya, 3- 220

(23) Ibn Mace, Sünen, 1, 5

