The Glorious Verses Written In Rufai Külli̇yati (the System And The Complete Works Of Rufai Order) And In The Inspirations Of The Existence*

THE GLORIOUS VERSES WRITTEN IN RUFAI KÜLLİYATI (THE SYSTEM AND THE COMPLETE WORKS OF RUFAI ORDER) AND IN THE INSPIRATIONS OF THE EXISTENCE* BİSMİLLAHİRRAHMANİRRAHİM - (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) "Kulhüvallahü ahed - Say: He is Allah, He is One." "Allahüssamed - God does not need anything in His presence. His creation needs Him in order to exist and maintain their existence." "Lemyelid velem yuled - God begot none nor was He begotten." "Velem yekün lehü küfüven ehad - None is equal to God." (Al-Ikhlas, 1-4) "Ela innehu bi küll şey'in mühit - Surely God has encompassed all things." (Al-Fussilat, 54) "Hüvel evvelü vel âhiru vezzahiru vel batın ve Hüve bi külli şey'in Alim - He is the first and the last; the seen and the unseen and He -God knows everything." (Al-Hadid, 3) "Allahü yebdeül halke sümme yu'idühü sümme ileyhi turce'ün - The source of all the creation (the creatures, things) is Allah, then they will return to that source” (Rum, 11) "İnna lillâhi ve inna ileyhi raciun - We belong to God and to Him we shall return." (Al-Baqarah, 156) "Külle yevmin Hüve fi şa'n - He is in a glory, in a manifestation and in a vision every moment." (Al-Rahman, 29) "Küllü şey'in helikun illa vechehu -All things shall perish except Himself- His face." (Al- Qassas, 88) "Yüddebirül emre minessemâi ilel ard- He governs all, from Heaven to Earth - from above to below, by His commandment." (Al-Sajdah, 5) "Veyes’eluneke anirruhi, külirruhi min emri Rabbi - If they ask you about the Spirit, say: The spirit is at my God's command." (Al-Isra, 85) *The same verses written in THE EXISTENCE, RELIGIOUS SECTS IN ISLAM AND ASCENDING, THE SINLESS, ASCENSION IN MAN, MUHAMMAD-JESUS-ADAM, SHARIAT AND TARIQAT IN ISLAM and ISLAMIC ECONOMY are taken in order and generally one by one… "Ve nefehtü fihi min ruhi - I breathed into man from My spirit." (Sad, 72) "Mübeşşiren bi Resulin, ye'ti min badismühü AHMED - I give the good news to Israelities, the Messenger, who will come after me, is called AHMED." (Al-Saff, 6) "Elestü bi Rebbiküm - Am I not your Lord - your origin, your holy master?" and they replied altogether: "Bela şehidna… - We bear witness that You are." (Al-Araf, 172) "İnni cailün fil ardi halifeten - I placed man on the earth one that shall rule as My deputy." (Al-Baqarah, 30) "Veallemel Ademe esmae külleha - I taught Adam (man) all my names." (Al- Baqarah, 31) "Ve izkülna lilmelaiketiscüdü li Adame fesecedu illa iblis - I said to the angels: Prostrate yourselves before man, they all prostrated themselves except Satan." (Al- Baqarah, 34) "Allahü lâ ilâhe illahu lehül esmaül hüsna - There is no other God but Allah and His are the most gracious names (qualities)." (Taha, 8) "Allamel insane ma'lem ya'lem - God teaches man what he does not know." (Al-Alaq, 5) "İnna halaknel insane min nutfetin emşac - I have created man from the union of two waters, I may put him into proof (I may try him)." (Al- İnsan, 2) "Lekad halaknel insane fi ahseni takvim - I created man in the most noble, beautiful image then I reduced him to the lowest of the low." (Al-Tin, 4-5) "Belhüm edel - He is lower than an animal." (Sad, 72) "Vezekkirhüm bi eyyamillah - Remember the days you spent with God." (Abraham, 5) "İrcii ila Rebbiki - Return to your God!" (Al - Fajr, 28) "Kül innema ena beşerün mislüküm yuha - Say: I am a mortal like yourselves but more, I have the sacred word of God, sacred spirit and very high knowledge of God." (Al -Kahf, 110) "In hüve illa vahyün yuha - Whatever the Prophet (Muhammad) - the Perfect Man says- it is the revelation (the word of God)." (Al -Najm, 4) "Ve nahnü akrebü ileyhi min hablil varid - We are closer to man than the vein in his throat." (Qaf, 16) "Sıbğet Allah - Take on God's own color (dye)!” (Al-Baqarah, 138) "Fa'lem ennehu “LA İLAHE İLLALLAH” - Know that there is no God but Allah." (Muhammad, 19) "Vele zikrüllahi ekber -The foremost duty is to remember God." (Al- Ankabut, 45) “Fezküruni ezkürküm - Remember Me (God) so that I will remember you.” (Al- Baqarah, 152) "Vezkür Rebbeke iza nesite - When you forget, remember your God." (Al- Kahf, 24) "Ya eyyühellezine âmenüzkürullahe zikren kesira - O men, Remember God abundantly." (Al- Ahzab, 41) "Ela bizikrillahi tetmeinnül kulub - Surely in the remembrance of God, all hearts are comforted." (Al - Rad, 28) "Vezkürüllahe kesiren lealleküm tüflihun - Remember God always so that you may be saved." (Al-Juma, 10) "Ellezine yezkürunallahe kıyamen ve ku'üden ve ala cünubihim veyetefekkerune fi halkissemavati vel ard - Those who have faith remember God when sitting, standing and lying down in their side and think about the creation of the Heavens and the Earth." (Al- Imran, 191) "Fes'elu ehlezzikri in küntüm lâ ta'lemun - Ask the knowledge which you do not know from the people of remembrance (Dhikr)." (Al- Nahl, 43) "Ve hüve meaküm eynema küntüm - God is with you wherever you are." (Al-Hadid, 4) "Do you not see how your God lengthens the shadow, had it been His will He could have made them constant?" (Al-Furqan, 45) "Kaf vel Kur'anil mecid - Renovated Koran." (Al Qaf, 1) "God made all things subject to man." (Al-Jathiyah, 13) "İnne ekremeküm indallahi etkaküm - The noblest (the most precious) of you in God's sight is he who is afraid of God." (Al - Hucurat, 13) "Velekad kerremnâ beni Ademe - I have bestowed blessings on Adam's children." (Al- Isra, 70) "En yab aseke Rebbüke makamen Mahmuda - O Muhammad! Your Lord sent you to the praised place." (Al -Isra, 79) "Vela retbin yabisin illa fi kitabin mübin - Anything green or sear but is recorded in the Koran (which means in other words, all the knowledge about the inner and outer worlds are in the Koran)." (Al-An 'am, 9) "Fasbir inne va'dallahi Hak - Have patience, keep on doing good works, you will be saved at the end." (Hud, 11) "Vezkürühü kema hedaküm - However I guided you, you remember me in that way." (Al -Baqarah, 198) "Velillahil meşrikü vel mağribu fe eynema tüvellu fesemme vechullah - To God belongs the east and the west. Whichever way you turn, the face of God is there." (Al-Baqarah, 115) “Where are you escaping?”, "Fefirru illallah - Go (run) to Allah!" (Al-Dhariyat, 50) “Ya İsa bin Meryem - Jesus is the son of Mary.” (Al- Maidah, 110) "Vema halakez zekara vel ünsa - He created nothing without a female (a negative)." (Al - Leyl, 3) "Vema öberriü nefsi innennefse leemmaratün bissui - Do not think that self is away from wickedness! Carnal soul guides the work of the treacherous." (Yusuf, 53) "I created man with My two hands." (Sad, 75) "I covered every self with itself." (Isra, 84) "Fesecedel melaiketü küllühüm ecme'un - My angels one and all prostrated themselves before man." (Al - Hijr, 30) "Ya eyyetühennefsül mütmeinneh, ircii ila Rabbiki radiyeten merdiyyeh, fedhüli fi ibadi vedhüli fi cenneti!- O serene soul! who found the truth and became contented. Return to your Lord who is your origin, joyful and pleasing -willing and contented-.Join the pure servants whom God chose and enter My paradise. See me!” (Al-Faajr, 27-30) "They do not have faith anymore (they are unbelievers)." (Ya-Sin, 7) "Ve rahmeti vesiat külle şey'in - My mercy really encompassed everything." (Al-A'raf, 156) "Külli şey'in sebaba - Everything has a reason." (Al-Kahf, 84) "O Muhammad! Let this property (capital) not be the property shared between the rich." (Al-Hashr, 7) "To God belongs all that the Heavens and the Earth contain." (Nur, 42) "Fevelli vecheke şetrel mescidil haram - Turn your face towards the Kaaba in Mecca (Mescid - i Haram)." (Al-Baqarah, 144). "İnneddine indillahi’l İslam - The religion in God's sight is Islam (to accept the Truth)." (Al - İmran, 19) "Kane minel cinni- He was a jinnee. " (Al-Kahf, 50) “I (Allah) will judge their disputes.” (Al- Baqarah, 113) “Circle the Kaaba by turning around (pilgrimage)!” (The Imrans, 97) “Fortify yourself with prayer, (attend your prayers)!” (Al-Baqara, 43, Nur, 56) “Fasting is decreed for you!” (Al-Baqara, 183, 185) “O Muhammad! Praise Allah!” (Ahzab, 42) “O Muhammad! Remember Me in the morning and in the evening!” (Al-Araf, 205) “That is Allah’s promise; Allah will never break His promise (in other words, His promise of metaphysical life, the life of the next world is true). Yet most men do not know it. They know the outward show of this life (in other words, they know physical sciences), but of the life to come they are heedless (they do not know the qualities of Allah, the world of Decree, Spirit, Angels, Genies, Satan, Melekut, Paradise, the Hell).” (Rum, 6-7) “Remember Me morning and evening!” (Ta Ha-130) “Kulid’ullahe evid’urrahman eyyen ma ted’u felehu’l esma-ul husna - It is the same whether you call on Allah or on the Merciful: His are the most gracious names.” (Al-Isra, 110) “Allahu lailahe illa hu lehu’l esma ul husna - He is Allah. There is no god but Him. His are the most gracious names.” (Ta Ha, 8) “Velillahi’l esma il husna - The gracious names belong to Allah.” (Al-Araf, 180) “İza zikrullahi vecilet kulubuhüm - The hearts of believers tremble, beat at the mention of Allah (Their hearts also says Allah).” (Al-Anfal, 2 / Al-Hajj, 35) “They plunge into the dhiqr of Allah.” (Al-Hadid, 16) “Satan is your foe. Seek refuge in Allah from Satan.” (Al-A’raf, 22 / Fussilat, 36) “Velakin Resullahi ve hatemennebiyyin - But, he is the Apostle of Allah and the last (seal) of the Prophets.” (Al-Ahzab, 40) “Tubu ilallah- Turn to God in repentance.” (Al-Nur, 31) “You are responsible of the Koran all.” (Al-Zukhruf, 44) “Vie with each other in good works!” (Al-Maidah, 48) “Hüvellezi enzele sekinete fi kukubi’l mü’minine liyezdadu imanen mae imanihim - He Allah sent down tranquility into the hearts of believers.” (Al-Fath, 4) “Say: I and my followers are on the right path.” (Joseph, 108) “Yerfellahillezine âmenu minkum - I have raised to high ranks those that have faith and knowledge among you.” (Mujadele: 11) “Verefana leke zikrek - I have given you high renown.” (Inshirah, 4) “O Lord! Help us against disbelievers!” (Al-Baqarah, 286) “Allah creates everything by His will.” (Hud, 107) “It is He who brings into being of his own will.” (Al-Buruj, 16) “İ’lemu ennallahe şedidül ikabi ve ennellahe gafurürrahim - Know that Allah is stern in retribution, and that God is forgiving and merciful.” (Al-Maidah, 98) “Allahu haliku külli şey - Allah is the Creator of all things.” (Al-Zumar, 62) “God created you and all that you have made.” (Al-Saffat, 96) “You shall be questioned about all your actions.” (Nahl, 93 / Al-Anbiyah, 23) “Indeed, in no way does Allah wrong mankind, but men wrong themselves.” (Jonah, 44) “Strength (Glory) belongs to Allah and to His Apostle and to the faithful.” (Al-Munafiqun, 8) “Felillahi’l izzetü cemia-The Glory is Allah’s alone.” (Al-Fatir, 10) “When a man dies, a witness and the one who will drive it on take his Spirit to the presence of God. Allah questions him and makes his decision about him and he tells them to take him to the Hell (about disbeliever).” (Qaf, 19-35) About the Next Life: Al-Baqarah, 25, Al-Nisa 57,122 Al-Tawbah, 72,100, Abraham, 23, Hajj 23, 56, Talaq-11, Kalam, 34 “You cannot make those who are in their graves hear you.” (Al-Fatir, 22) “Why should God punish you if you render thanks to Him and truly believe Him?” (Nisa, 147) “The earth is changed into a different earth and the heavens into new heavens.” (Abraham, 48) “Never think that these who were slain in the cause of God are dead. They are alive and well-provided for by their Lord.” (Imrans, 169) “The Koran is an advice for those who have a heart and can hear and see. Those who hear it are martyrs.” (Kaf, 37) “Fehüm lâ yübsirun - They will never see.” (Ya Sin, 9) “Lâ yemutu vela yehyâ- They neither die nor live there (in the Hell).” (A’la, 13) “Allah: I am pleased with the Muhajirins.” (Al-Hashr, 8) “When Allah decrees a thing. He need only say: “Be” and it is.” (Yasin, 82) “They come to you and declare, O Muhammad, we believed in Allah and the Prophet of Allah. No! They were not true believers and I did not guide them rightly either. They would rather say: “We professed Islam”. (Al-Hujurat, 14) “Ve yekulüne meta haze’l fethü inküntüm sadikin- They ask, O Muhammad! When will this Conquest Day happen? (You always say “Conquest, Conquest, We will come and conquer Mecca.) If what you say be true?” (They are making fun of Muslims and say you say this by yourselves. Who will come and where will they come and take Mecca from Abu Sufyan, from the Umayyad tribe and break the stone idols of the Kaaba?)”. “Köl yevme’l fethi la yenfeullezine keferu imanihüm velahüm yünzerun - Say! O Muhammad! On the Day of the Conquest, the faith of unbelievers shall not avail them nor shall they be reprieved!” “Fea’rid anhüm….. - Give no heed to them (to those who believed on the Conquest Day untruly)! “Fentezir innehüm müntezirun - Keep them under your control!” “They are also watching you.” (Sajdah, 28-30) “You shall not pray for any of their dead nor shall you attend their burial.” (Al-Tawba, 84) “All that is in heaven and earth gives glory to Him.” (Al-Jumah, 1/ Teghabun, 1) “Peace be on the Apostles! Praise to God, Lord of the Universe.” (Saffat, 181,182) “Ve kelimetullahi hiye’l ulya-The exalted word is the word of Allah only.” (Al-Tawba, 40) “Kul nezellehu Ruh’ul Kudusi min Rabbike- Say: The Holy Spirit is coming down (descending) from your Lord.” (Al-Nahl, 102) “You have been divided into three multitudes: those on the right, those on the left and those to the fore. Those to the fore are the ones who approached Allah.” (Al-Vaqıa, 7-10) “Sümme evresne’l kitabellezinestefeyna min ibadina ve minhüm zalimun linefsihi ve minhüm müktesidin ve minhüm sabikun bi’l hayrati biiznillah-We have bestowed the Book on those of our Servants whom we have chosen. Some sin against their souls, some follow a middle course and some, by God’s leave, vie with each other in charitable works: This is the supreme virtue.” (Al-Fatir, 32) “İnnel müttakine fi Cennatin ve neherin fi mak’adi sıdkin inde Melikin muktedirin-The righteous shall dwell in gardens watered by running brooks, honorably seated in the presence of a Mighty King.” (Al-Qamar, 54-55) “Ennebiyyü evla bi’lmümunine min enfüsihim veezvacuhu ümmehatahüm - The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on each other. His wives are their mothers.” (Al- Ahzab, 6) “Yüzekkiküm veyüallimükümu’l kitabe ve’l hikmete ve…-Your Apostle recites to you Our revelations and purifies you (purifies your spirit, your self and your thoughts), and instructs you in the Book (the revelation of Allah, the Word of Allah) and wisdom (prophecy).” (Al-Baqarah, 151) “Rabbeneğfirli velivalideyye vel’I mü’minine yevme yekumu’l hisab-Forgive me my Lord (Allah)! Forgive my parents and all the faithful on the Reckoning Day.” (Abraham, 41) “Vela yestetiune lehüm “nesren” vela enfüsühüm yensurun-Will they worship those which can create nothing, but are themselves not created? They cannot help them, nor can they help themselves.” (Al-A’raf, 192) “None can intercede with God save him who has received His sanction.” (Al-Saba-23 / Ta Ha-109) “Ve inneke leala hulukin azim- Surely, You, O Muhammed, are on a sublime nature.” (Kalem, 4) “Such are those that are brought near Allah. They are in the gardens of delight -Naim Paradise-: a whole multitude from the men of old, but only a few from the later generations.” (Al-Waqiah, 11-14) “Ve cealna minel mâi külli şey’in hay- We made every living thing of water.” (Al-Anbiyah, 30) “Let there become of you a nation that shall call for the righteousness, enjoin justice and forbid evil. Such men will surely triumph.” (The Imrans, 104) “Though they hold it dear, they give sustenance to the poor man, the orphan, and the captive, saying: “We feed you for God’s sake only; we seek of you neither recompense nor thanks for we fear from our Lord a day of anguish and of woe.” God will deliver them from evil of that day, and make their faces shine with joy. He will reward them for their steadfastness with robes of silk and the delights of paradise.” (Al-İnsan/Dehr, 8-12) “There are some people who would give away their lives in order to find favor with Allah; Allah is compassionate to His servants.” (Al-Baqarah, 207) “Allah turned back the unbelievers in their rage, and they went away empty-handed. He helped the faithful in the stress of war: mighty is Allah, and all-powerful.” (Ahzab, 25) “For heeding ears comprehend and protect..” (Haqqa, 12) “…Fi’l gari iz yakulu lisahibihi latahzen- In the cave he said to his companion: “Do not despair, God is with us.” (Tawbah, 40) “1- Ya Sin. 2- I swear by the Wise Koran 3- You are one of the Apostles sent upon. 4- You are on a straight path. 5- You are on a path descended by the Mighty, the Merciful Allah. 6- So that you may forewarn a nation whose fathers were not warned before them and live in heedlessness. 7- For most of them, “the Word” has been decreed, now that they are unbelievers. 8- We have bound their necks with chains of iron reaching up to their chins, so that they cannot bow their heads. 9- We have put barriers before them and behind them covered them over, so that they cannot see. 10- It is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will never have faith. 11- You shall admonish none, but those who observe Our precepts and fear the merciful, though they cannot see Him. To these give news of pardon and a rich reward.” (Ya Sin: 1-11) “7- It may well be that Allah will put good will between you and those with whom you have hitherto been at odds. Allah is mighty. Allah is forgiving and merciful. 8- Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who have neither made war on your religion nor driven you from your homes. Allah loves equitable. 9- But Allah forbids you to make friends with those who have fought against you on account of your religion and driven you from your homes or abetted others to do so. Those that make friends with them are wrongdoers.” (Mumtahinnah: 7-8-9) “El yedel beyza…- The white hand…” (Naml 12, Kassas 32) “When his Lord put Abraham to the proof by enjoining on him certain commandments and Abraham fulfilled them, He said: “I have appointed you a leader of mankind.” (Baqara, 124) “We sent forth to you an apostle of your own who will recite to you Our revelations and purify you of sin, who will instruct you in the Book and in wisdom, teach you that of which you have no knowledge.” (Al-Baqarah, 151) “When Jesus observed that they had no faith, he said: ‘Who will help me to go to Allah?’ The disciples replied: ‘We are the helpers of Allah’.” (The Imrans, 52) “No mortal to whom God has given the Scriptures and whom He has endowed with judgment and prophethood would say to men: ‘Worship me instead of Allah, but rather: ‘Be devoted servants of God’.” (The Imrans, 79 “Cling one and all to the rope of Allah (the Perfect Man) and let nothing divide you. Remember the favours God has bestowed upon you, how after your enmity, He united your hearts, so that you are brothers through His grace and how He delivered you from the abyss of fire when you stood on the very bring of it.” (The Imrans, 103) “Let there become of you a nation that shall call for the righteousness, enjoin justice and forbid evil. Such men will surely triumph.” (The Imrans, 104) “Many large armies have fought by the side of their Prophet. They were never daunted by what befell them on the path of Allah: they neither weakened nor cringed abjectly. God loves the steadfast. Their only words were ‘Lord, forgive us our sins and our excesses, make us firm of foot and give us victory over the unbelievers.’ Therefore God gave them the reward of this life to come; God loves the righteous.” (The Imrans, 146-148) “Varied are those (they are at different ranks) in the presence of Allah.” (The Imrans, 163) “Never think that those were slain in the cause of Allah are dead. They are alive and well-provided for by their Lord.” (The Imrans, 169) “God was not to leave the faithful in their present plight, but only to separate the evil from the good. Nor was God to reveal to you what is hidden. But God chooses those of His Apostles, for if you have faith and guard yourselves against evil, your reward shall be rich indeed.” (The Imrans, 179) Our Lord, we have heard someone calling to the true faith saying: ‘Believe in your Lord’ and we believed Lord, forgive our sins and remove from us our evil deeds and make us die with the righteous.” “Lord, grant us what you promised through Your Apostles, and do not hold us up to shame on the day of Resurrection. You will never break Your promise.” “The Lord answers them, saying: ‘I will deny no man or woman among you the reward of their labors. I shall forgive them their sins and admit them to the gardens watered by running streams as a reward from God. God holds the richest recompense.” (The Imrans: 193, 194, 195) “How will their condition be when We produce a witness from every nation and call upon you to testify against them.” (Nisa, 41) “On that day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Apostle will wish that they were leveled into dust, they shall hide nothing from God.” (Nisa, 42) “If when they wronged themselves, they had come to you imploring God’s pardon and if the Apostle had sought of God’s forgiveness for them, they would have found God Forgiving and Merciful.” (Nisa, 64) “He that obeys Allah and the Apostle shall dwell with the Prophets and the saints, the martyrs and the righteous men whom God has favoured. Gracious companions will be those.” (Nisa, 69) “Those who deny God and Apostles and those that draw a line between God and Apostles, saying: ‘We believe in some but deny others’ - thus seeking a middle way- these indeed are the unbelievers.”(Nisa, 150-151) “......of some Apostles We have already told you, but there are others of whom We have not yet spoken.....and Allah spoke to Moses.” (Nisa, 164) “Believers, do not choose the infidels rather than the faithful for your friends.” (Nisa, 144) “When I enjoined the Disciples to believe in Me and My Apostle, they replied: ‘We believed in. You bear witness that we are the real Muslims.” (Maidah, 111) “They ask: ‘Why has no angel been seen to him (the Perfect Man)? If we had sent down an angel, their fate would have been sealed and they would have never been reprieved. If We had made him (the Perfect Man) an Angel, We would have given him the semblance of a man and would have thus added to their confusion. Other Apostles have been laughed to scorn before you. But those that scoffed at them were overtaken by the very scourge they had derided.” (An’am: 8, 9, 10) “Those to whom We have given the Scriptures know him (the Perfect Man) as they know their own children. But those who have forfeited their souls will never have faith.”(An’am, 20) “We sent forth Apostles only to give good news to mankind and to warn them. Those that believe in them and mend their way shall have nothing to fear and regret.”(An’am, 48) “Thus have We made some among them a means for testing others, so that they should say: “Are these the men whom Allah favours among us?’ But does not God best know the thankful? (An’am, 53) “Those are the men whom God guided. Follow then their guidance and say: ‘I demand of you no recompense for this. It is an admonition to all mankind.” (An’am: 90) “Momentous signs (the eyes of the heart) have come to you from your Lord. He that sees them shall himself have much to gain, but he who is blind to them shall lose much indeed. I am not your keeper.” (An’am: 104) “Thus have we assigned for every Prophet an enemy, the devils among men and jinn.” (An’am, 112) “Can the dead man whom We have raised to life and given a light to walk with among men, be compared to him who is in darkness from which he will never emerge?” (An’am, 122) “ ‘Jinn and men! Did there not come to you Apostles of your own who proclaimed to you My revelations and warned you of this day?’ They replied: ‘We bear witness against our own souls’. Indeed, the life of this world seduced them. They will testify against themselves that they were unbelievers.” (An’am, 130) “We will question those to whom the messengers were sent, and We will question the messengers themselves.” (A’raf: 6) “Do you think it is strange that an admonition (ziqr) should come to you from Your Lord through a mortal like yourselves and that We should warn you?” (A’raf: 69) “The enchanters (magicians) prostrated themselves all saying: ‘We believe in the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Moses and Aaron.” (A’raf: 120-122) “Vema remeyte izremeyte ve lâkinnellahe rema-It was not you but God who slew them.” (Enfal: 17) “Believers, obey (run, accept) Allah and His apostle, when he calls you to that which gives you life. Know that Allah stands between man and his heart, and that in His presence you shall all be assembled.” (An’fal, 24) “Prophet! God is your strength (Allah is sufficient) for you and for the faithful who follow you.” (Anfal, 64) “There are others among them who speak ill of the Prophet, saying: ‘He believes (listens to) everything he hears.’ Say: ‘He hears only what is good for you. He believes in Allah. He puts his trust in the faithful. He is a blessing to the true believers among you. Those that wrong the Apostle of Allah shall be sternly punished.” (Tawbah, 61) “There has now come to you an honorable apostle of your own, one who grieves at your troubles and cares for you, one who is Benevolent and Merciful to true believers.” (Al-Tawbah, 128) “We revealed Our will to a mortal from among themselves, saying: ‘Give warning to mankind and proclaim good tidings to the faithful. Their endeavors shall be rewarded by their Lord’. The unbelievers say: ‘This man is obviously a skillful enchanter.” (Yunus, 2) “The friends of God have nothing to fear or regret. Those that have faith and keep from evil shall rejoice both in this world and in the hereafter, the word of God shall never change. That is the supreme triumph.” (Yunus, 62-64) “We sent forth Noah to His people. He said: I have come to warn you plainly.” (Hud, 25) “ (He said:) Serve none but God. Beware the torments of a woeful day!” (Hud, 26) “The unbelieving elders of his people said: We see you but a mortal like ourselves. Nor can we see you followed by any but the lowliest of our men. Those who are rash and undiscerning. We see no superior merit in you. In deed we think that you are lying.” (Hud, 27) “He said: ‘Consider my people, if my Lord has revealed to me His will and bestowed on me His grace, though it be hidden from you can we compel you to accept it against your will?” (Hud, 28) “Every nation has a guide.” (Ra’d, 7) “Allah guides those who repent and have faith (who inclines to Himself). (Ra’d: 27) “Each Apostle We have sent has spoken in the language of his own people, so that he might make his meaning clear to them.” (Abraham, 4) “We sent forth Moses with our signs, saying: ‘Lead your people out of darkness into the light and remind them of God’s favors: Surely, in this, there are signs for every steadfast thankful man.” (Abraham: 5) “Your Lord said to His Angels: “I am creating man from dry clay, from black moulded loam. When I have fashioned him and breathed of My spirit into Him, kneel down and prostrate yourselves before Him.” “The Angels, one and all, prostrated themselves, except Satan. “He refused to prostrate himself with the others.” (Hijr, 26-31) “…We will not punish a nation until We have sent forth an Apostle to forewarn them.” (Isra, 15) “When We said to the Angels: ‘Prostrate yourselves before Adam’ they all prostrated themselves except Satan who replies: ‘Shall I bow to him whom You have made of clay? Do you see this being whom You have exalted above me? If You give me respite till the Day of Resurrection, I will exterminate all but a few of his descendants.” “Be gone!” said He. “Hell is your reward and the reward of those that follow you. An ample reward it shall be. Rouse with your voice whomever you are able. Muster against them all your forces. Be their partner in their riches and in their offspring. Promise them what you will. But over My true servants you shall have no power. Your Lord will be their all-sufficient Guardian.” (Isra: 61, 62, 63, 64, 65) “We shall summon every nation with its Apostle (Imam, leader, guide) on that Day. (Isra: 71) “Nothing prevents men from having faith when guidance is revealed to them but the excuse: ‘Can it be that God has sent a human-being as an Apostle?” (Isra, 94) “The friend who is a guide...” (Kahf, 17) “Zachariah said: “I now fear my kinsmen who will succeed me, for my wife is barren. Grant me a “guardian-a friend -a saint” who will be my heir from your presence.” (Maryam, 5) “Father, things you know nothing of have come to my knowledge, therefore follow me that may guide you along an even path.” (Maryam, 43) “Sorcerers prostrated themselves, crying: We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses.” (Ta Ha, 70) “On that day no intercession will avail except from him that has received the sanction of the Merciful and whose word is pleasing Him.” (Ta Ha, 109) “When We said to the Angels: ‘Prostrate yourselves before Adam,’ they all prostrated themselves, except Satan.” (Ta Ha, 116) “Their hearts are set on pleasure. In private, the wrongdoers say to each other: Is this man (Muhammad) not a mortal like yourselves? Would you follow witchcraft with your eyes open “Say: “My Lord has knowledge of whatever is said in heaven and earth. He hears all and knows all.” “Some say: ‘It (the Koran) is but a medley of dreams.’ Others: ‘He has invented it himself.’ And yet others: ‘He is a poet: let him show us some sign, as did the Apostles in days gone by.’ ” “The nations whom We destroyed before them did not believe either. Will they believe?” (Al-Anbiya, 3 - 6) “We ordained them leaders to guide mankind at Our behest, and enjoined on them charity, prayer and almsgiving. They served none but Ourself.” (Al-Anbiyah, 73) “We wrote in the Psalms after the Torah was revealed: ‘The righteous (the pure) among My servants shall inherit the earth.’ ” (Al-Anbiyah: 105) “Kul ya eyyühennasü innema ena leküm nezîrün mübin-Say: Men! I have been sent to warn you plainly.” (Hajj: 49) “Allah chooses His messengers from the angels and from men. God hears all and observes all.” (Hajj: 75) “Are we to believe in two men like yourselves, whose people are our bondsmen?” They denied them, and thus incurred destruction.” (Muminun 47-48) “Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. His light may be compared to a niche that enshrines a lamp, the lamp within a crystal of star-like brilliance. It is lit from a blessed olive tree neither eastern nor western. Its very oil would almost shine forth, though no fire touched it. Light upon light, God guides to His Light whom He will. God speaks in metaphors to men. God has knowledge of all things. His light is found in temples God has sanctioned to be built for the remembrance of His name. In them, morning and evening, His praise is sung by men.” (Nur: 35, 36) “They only are true believers who have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and who, when gathered with him upon a grave occasion, do not depart till they have begged his leave. (O Muhammad!) The men who ask you leave to go away on any business of their own are the people who believe in Allah and His Apostle. When they ask you leave to go away, grant it to whomever you please and implore Allah to forgive them; Allah is forgiving and merciful.” (Al-Nur, 62) “They also say: “How is it that this Apostle eats and walks about the market-squares? Why has no angel been sent down with him to warn us?” -“Why has no treasure been given him, no garden to provide his sustenance?” And the wrongdoers say: ‘The man you follow (swear fealty to) is surely bewitched.’ ” (Al-Furqan, 7-8) “On that day the wrongdoers will bite his hands and say: ‘Would that I had walked in the Apostle’s path! Oh, would that I had never chosen so and so for my companion.’ ” (Furqan: 27, 28) “Had it been Our will, We could have sent to every nation someone to give warning.” (Furqan, 51) “We have sent you only to proclaim good news and to give warning.” (Furqan, 56) “Never have We destroyed a nation whom We did not warn and admonish beforehand. We are never unjust.” (Shuara, 208-219) “Show kindness to those of the believers who swear fealty to you (follow you).” (Shuara: 215) “Say: ‘Praise be to God, and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen! Who is more worthy, God or the idols they serve besides Him?’ ” (Naml, 59) “None shall hear you except those who believe in Our revelations and They surrender themselves to Us right away (they became Muslims)” (Naml, 81) “On that day God will call them, saying: ‘What answer did you give Our Apostles?’ ” (Kassas: 65) “We had made him (Moses A.S.) a guide for the Israelites.” (Sajdah, 23) “It is not for true believers- men or women- to take their choice in their affairs if Allah and His Apostle decree other wise. He that disobeys Allah and His Apostle strays far indeed.” (Al-Ahzab, 36) “Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women used to do in the days of ignorance. Attend to your prayers, give alms and obey Allah and His Apostle. O the Household of the Prophet! Allah seeks only to remove uncleanness from you and to purify you.” (Al-Ahzab, 33) “Certainly, the Prophet is blessed by God and His angels. Bless him, then, you that are true believers, and greet him with a worthy salutation. Those who torture Allah and His Apostle are cursed by God in this life and in the life to come. He has prepared for them a shameful punishment.” (Ahzab: 56, 57) “We have sent no apostle to any nation whose messenger was not denied by those of them that lived in comfort.” (Sebe: 34) -“They solemnly swore by God that if a Prophet should come to warn them, they would accept his guidance more readily than did other nations. Yet, when someone did come to warn them, they turned away from Him.” (Fatir: 42) “Therefore give warning. Your duty is only to give warning: you are not their keeper. As for those that turn their backs and disbelieve, God inflict on them the supreme chastisement. To Us they shall return, and We will bring them to account.” (Gashiyah, 21-26) “You shall cite, as a case in point, the people of the city to which Our messengers made their way. At first, We sent to them two messengers, but when they rejected them (both) We strengthened them with a third. They said: “We have been sent to you as Apostles.” But the people replied: ‘You are but mortals like yourselves. The Merciful has revealed nothing, you are surely lying.’ They said: ‘Our Lord knows that We are true Apostles. Our only duty is to warn you plainly.’ The people answered: ‘Your presence bodes for us nothing but evil. Will you not take heed? Surely you are great transgressors.’ Thereupon a man came running from the far side of the city. “My People!” he said: “Follow those who have been sent to you. Follow those who ask no reward of you and rightly guided. Why should I not serve Him who has created me and to whom you shall be recalled? I believe in your Lord, so hear me. We said to him: ‘Enter Paradise’ and he exclaimed: “Would that my people know how graciously my Lord has been to me, how highly He exalted me!” (Yâ Sin: 13, 27) “Alas for My bondsmen! They laugh to scorn every Apostle that comes to them.” (Yâ Sin: 30) “But why do we not see those whom we deemed wicked and whom we laughed to scorn? Or have our eyes missed them?” This is the discussion of the heirs of the Hell among themselves and it is true. -Say: My mission is only to give warning. There is no god but Allah, who is Sole and Mighty.” (Sad: 62, 65) “Ve nefehtü fihi min ruhi-I breathed man from My spirit.” (Sad, 72) “Those who proclaim the truth, and those who give credence to it-they surely are God-fearing.” (Zumar, 33) “The earth has shone with the Light of her Lord, and the Book is laid open. The Prophets and the witnesses are brought in and all are judged with fairness. None shall be wronged (they will not be tortured unjustly)”. (Zumar, 69) “In hordes, the unbelievers are led to Hell. When they draw near, its gates are opened and its keepers have said to them: ‘Did there not come to you apostles of your own who proclaimed to you the revelations of your Lord and forewarned you of this day?’ ‘Yes,’ they answer. And thus the promised scourge has smitten the unbelievers.” (Zumar, 71) “Those who bear the Throne and those who stand around it give glory to their Lord and believe in Him. They implore forgiveness for the faithful saying: ‘Lord, you embrace all things with Your mercy and Your knowledge. Forgive those that repent and follow Your path. Shield them from the scourge of Hell.’ ” (Mü’min, 7) “One of the Pharaoh’s kinsmen, who in secret was a true believer, said: ‘Would you slay a man merely because he says: “My Lord is God”? He has brought you evident signs from your Lord. If he is lying, may his lie be on his head, but if he is speaking the truth, a part at least of what he threatens will smite you. God does not guide the lying transgressors.” (Mü’min, 28) “Vekalellezi amene ya kevmittebiuni ehdiküm sebilerreşad- Follow me my people that I may guide you to the right path.” (Mu’ min,38) “We shall help Our Apostles and the true believers both in this world and on the day when the witnesses rise to testify.” (Mü’min, 51) “They said: “Our hearts are proof against the faith to which you call us. Our ears are stopped, and a thick veil stands between us. Do as you think fit, and so will we.” (Fussilat, 5) “Many a Prophet did We send forth to the ancients, but they scoffed at each Prophet that arose among them.” (Zukhruf, 6, 7) “Thus, whenever, before you, We sent an apostle to forewarn a nation those who lived in comfort said: ‘This was the faith our fathers practised, we are merely following in their footsteps.” (Zukhruf, 23) “This is the knowledge which shows the Hour of Doom. Have no doubt about its coming and follow Me. This is the right path.” (Zukhruf, 61) “As for those who follow the right path, He will increase their guidance and show them the way to righteousness.” (Muhammad, 17) “Believers, obey Allah and obey His Apostle, and let not your labors come to nothing!” (Muhammad, 33) “We have sent you forth as a witness and as a bearer of good news and warnings.” “So that you have faith in Allah and His Apostle and that you may assist Him, honor Him and praise Him morning and evening.” (Al-Fath, 8- 9) “Allah was well-pleased with the faithful when they swore allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts. Therefore, He sent down tranquility upon them, and rewarded them with a speedy victory.” (Feth, 18) “Believers! Do not behave presumptuously in the presence of Allah and His Apostle. Have fear of God because He hears all and knows all.” (Hujurat, 1) “Believers, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor shout aloud when speaking to him as you do to one another, lest your labours should come to nothing without your knowledge.” (Hujurat, 2) “Know that God’s Apostle is among you. If he obeyed you in many matters, you would surely fail. But God has bestowed the faith to you and beautified it in your hearts, making unbelief, wrongdoing and disobedience abhorrent to you.” (Hujurat, 7) “The true believers are those that have faith in God and His Apostle, and never doubt and who fight with their wealth and their persons for the cause of Allah. Such are those whose faith is true.” (Hujurat, 15) “They marvel that a Prophet of their own has arisen amongst them. The unbelievers say: ‘This is indeed a strange thing.” (Qaf, 2) “To give a lesson and admonition and to open the eye of the heart of all the penitent men.” (Qaf, 8) “Each soul shall come attended by one who will drive it on and another to testify against it.” (Qaf, 21) “Say (My beloved): “Therefore seek Allah. I come from Him to warn you plainly. Set up no other deity besides Allah. I come from Him to warn you plainly.” Thus, whenever an apostle came to those that flourished before them they cried: ‘Sorcerer!’ or ‘Madman!’ ” (Al-Dhariyat, 50-52) “Therefore give warning. By the grace of Allah, you are neither soothsayer nor madman.” (Al-Tur, 29) “By the declining star, your compatriot (Muhammad) is not in error nor is he deceived! He does not speak out of his own fancy. Whatever the Prophet Muhammad (the Perfect Man) says is an inspired revelation. He is taught by one who is powerful and mighty. He stood on the uppermost horizon, then, drawing near, he came down within two bows’ length or even closer and revealed to His servant that which He revealed. His own heart did not deny his vision. How can you then question what he sees? He beheld him once again at the Sidra Tree beyond which no one may pass near it is the Garden of Repose. When that tree was covered with what covered it his eyes did not wonder, nor did they turn aside, for he saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs.” (Najm, 1-18) “You shall not penetrate the skies except with a Perfect Man who bears a Divine (Sultani) Spirit.” (Rahman, 33) “We have sent Our Apostles with veritable signs. “We sent forth Noah and Abraham and bestowed on their offspring prophethood and the Scriptures. Some were rightly guided, but many were evil-doers.” (Hadid, 26) “Keteballahu feeğlibenne ene ve resulih-Allah has decreed (allah wrote in the Book (Levh-i Mahfuz): ‘I will surely triumph, Myself and My Apostles’. Powerful is Allah and mighty.” (Mujadele, 21) “ Ülaike hizbullah ela inne hizbellahi hümü’l müflihun- They are the confederates of God (They are the holy people whom God has chosen, who have been saved and who found the straight path .) God’s confederates will surely triumph” Allah has inscribed the faith in their own hearts and strengthened them with a spirit of His own. (Mujadele, 22) “It is He that has sent forth among the illiterate an apostle of their own to recite to them His revelations, to purify them and to instruct them in the Book and in wisdom, though they have hitherto been in gross error.” (Juma, 2) -They said: “Shall a mortal be our guide (will take us to the right path)?’ They disbelieved and became unbelievers.” (Teghabun, 6) “NUN” By the pen and what they write, you are not mad: thanks to the favour of your Lord; A lasting recompense awaits you, for yours is a sublime nature. You shall before long see-as they will see-which of you is mad. Your Lord knows best those who are rightly guided. Give no heed to the disbelievers; they desire you to overlook yours. Nor yield to the wretch of many oaths, the mischief making, slanderer, the opponent of good, the wicked transgressors, and the bully who is doubtful birth to boot. Though such a man be blessed with wealth and children, when Our revelations are recited to him, he says: “They are fables of the ancients.” (Kalem, 1-15) “We have sent forth an Apostle to testify against you, just as We sent an Apostle to Pharaoh before you.” (Al-Muzammil, 15) “Your duty is but to warn those that fear Him.” (Naziat, 45) “When the Apostles are brought together to testify ....”. (Murselat, 11) “Happy (saved) shall be the man who purifies himself, who remembers the name of his Lord and prays.” (Âlâ, 14) “Hüvellezi enzele sekinete ve kûlubi’l Mü’minine liyezdâdu imânen maa imânihim-It was He who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the faithful, so that their faith might grow stronger (increases).” (Fath, 4) “Yerfellahillezine âmenu-I have raised to high ranks those that have faith and knowledge among you.” (Mujadele, 11) “Your only protectors (your friend, your beloved) is Allah, His Apostle and the faithful: those who attend to their prayers, render the alms levy, and kneel down in worship.” (Maidah, 55) “Is he whose heart Allah has opened to Islam that he is on a path lighted from his Lord, like the man whose heart is sealed? Those whose hearts are against the remembrance of Allah are in grossest error.” (Zumar, 22) “God has now sent down to you an apostle proclaiming to you the revelations of Allah in all plainness, so that he may lead the faithful who do good works from darkness to the light.” (Talaq, 11) “THEY ARE PLEASED WITH ALLAH AND ALLAH IS PLEASED WITH THEM.” (Maidah, 119) Some of the Glorious verses on this subject are as follows: Al Maidah: 15-16 / Qaf: 12-14 An’am: 84-89 / Najm: 56 A’raf: 35-59-60-65-66-157 / Qamar: 8-9 Tawba: 33 / Hadid: 8-9-12-13 Yunus: 41-44-86-103 Saff: 5-9-10-11 Ra’d: 38 / Jumah: 3-7 Abraham: 11-12-44 / Munafiqun: 5 Hijr: 10-11, 89 / Talaq: 11 Nahl: 36, 84, 89,113 / Kalem: 51-52 Isra: 47,105 / Haqqa: 38-42 Kahf: 55-56 / Bayyinah 8 Ta Ha: 133-134 / Saba: 10-33, 34 Hajj: 67 / Fatir: 19, 24, 37, 42 Mu’minun: 32-40, 44, 70, 74 Sad: 62-65, 70 Furqan: 20/ Shura: 31 Naml: 14-40, 44, 53 / Zuhkruf: 45 Anqabut: 26 / Ahqaf: 21, 30-31 Kassas: 43, 50, 59, 61 / Hujurat: 3-4, 14 Luqman:15 Sajda: 24 Ahzab: 22, 40-47, 56-57, 66-67 “Ve Höve’l Veliyyü’l Hamid-( He) God is the Guardian worthy of praise. (He has praised qualities.)” (Al-Shura, 28) “Vallahu zü’l fadl’il azim- God’s grace is infinite.” (Al-Imran, 74) “Vecahidu biemvaliküm ve enfüsiküm! - Fight against yourself and your wealth!” (Al-Tawba, 41) “Vemen cahede feinnema yücahidu linefsihi - He who wants fight should fight against his self.” (Al-Anqabut, 6) “Know that the life of this world is but a sport and a pastime, a show and an empty vaunt among you, a quest for greater riches and more children. The life of this world is but a vain provision.” (Al-Hadid, 20) “The believers are a band of brothers. Make peace among your brothers! (Make peace and do not spoil your unity and your cooperation)” (Al- Hujurat, 10) “I will turn away from my signs the arrogant and the unjust (who walk with pride and arrogance on the earth). (Al-A’raf, 146, Al-Kiyamah, 33) “Believers! Let no man mock another man! (Hujjurat, 11) “Vetebarekallahu ahsenü’l halikin- God is the noblest of creators.” (Al-Muminun, 14) “Vekane bi’lmü’minine rahima- God is merciful to true believers.” (Ahzab, 43) “Vema erselnake illa rahmete’n li’l alemin - O Muhammad! I sent you forth as a Blessing (My mercy) to all the worlds!” (Al-Anbiyah, 107) “Raufu’nnas- God is compassionate to His servants.” (Al-Baqarah, 207), “Raufu’n bi’l ibad- Compassionate is God and merciful to men.” (Hajj-65) “Have intercourse with your wives that what God enjoins come true, that a human can be born” (Al-Baqarah, 223) “Ve en leyse li’l insani illa masea- Each man will be judged by his own labour.”(Al-Najm-39) “Do not backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?” (Hujurat, 12) “İnnallahe Maassabirin-God is with those that are patient”. (Al-Baqarah, 153) “Fasbir inne va’dallahi hak - Have patience; God’s promise is true.” (Ghafir, 77/ Al-Rum, 60) “Fasbir sabren cemila - Conduct yourself with becoming patient. Patience is good.” (Mearij, 5) “Vetavasevbi’l hakki vetevasevbi’ssabr - Exhort each other to justice and fortitude.” (Al-Asr, 3) “God loves those who exercise justice.” (Al-Hujurat, 9) “God loves the equitable.” (Mumtahinne, 8) “İnnallahe yuhibbu’l muksitin - God loves those that deal justly.” (Al-Maidah, 42) “İnne ardallah - Earth (as it is the means of general production) is surely the God’s. (It belongs to the state in the name of God.)” (Al-A’raf, 73, 128) “Ve küli’l hakku min Rabbiküm feme’n şae fe’l yü’min ve men şae fe’l yekfür - Say o Muhammad! This is the truth from your Lord. Let him who will believe in it and him who will deny it.” (Al-Kahf, 29) “La ikrahe fi’ddin-There is no compulsion in religion.” (Al-Baqarah, 256) “Leküm diniküm veliyedin-You have your own religion and I have mine.” (Khafirun, 6) “Innehu ene’llah-I absolutely am. I am Allah”. (Naml, 9) “Do not with your hands cast yourselves into destruction.” (Al-Baqarah, 195) “Ve tevekke’l ala’llah fehüve hasbühü - Put your trust in God. God is your all-sufficient guardian.” (Al-Nisa, 81, Al-Ahzab, 3) “O Muhammad! Those who say that they do nothing but good are the people who are the real evil-doers (anarchists).” (Al-Baqarah, 11-12) “Do not corrupt the earth after it has been purged of evil!” (Al-Araf, 56) “Köl etiullahe ve etiurresule ve ulu’l emri minküm- Say (O Muhammad!): Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those in authority among you (the Muslim ruler of your country)!” (Al- Nisa, 59) “O Muhammad! Your duty is only to give plain warning.” (Al-Maidah-92, Al-Nur-54) “The hypocrites are in the lowest depth of the fire.” (Al-Nisa, 145) “Do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites!” (Al-Ahzab, 1) “Another sign of them: When the Muslims are strong, they become a Muslim and when Muslims weakens, they cooperate with unbelievers and they say to them: “We are only mocking with Muslims.” (Al-Baqarah, 14) “Yesuddune an sebilillah - …to debar others from the path of God.” (Araf, 45) “Enjoining what is just and forbidding what is evil.” (Al-Tawbah, 71) “God is mighty and capable of revenge.” (The Imrans, 4) “Lanetullahi alazzalimin- The curse of God is on the wrongdoers.” (Hud, 18) “Do not associate partners to Me. Thank Me and your parents!” (Al-Nisa: 36, Al-An’am: 151) “Your lord has enjoined you to worship none but Him and to show kindness to your parents. If either or both of them attain old age in your dwelling, show no sign of impatience, nor rebuke them, but speak to them kind words. Treat them with humility and tenderness and say “Lord, be merciful to them! They nursed me when I was an infant.” (Al-Isra, 23- 24) “Rabbeneğfirli velivalideyye…- Forgive me, Lord, and forgive my parents and all the faithful on the day of reckoning.” (Abraham, 41) “The believers are the people who are true to their trusts and promises.” (Muminun, 8) “God does not like the treacherous.” (Anfal, 58) “Vetevasevbi’sabri vetavasevbi’I merhameh - O Muhammad! Enjoin to be patient and to be merciful!” (Al-Balad, 17) “Curb your anger and forgive your fellowmen!” (Al-İmran, 134) “Yusebbihu lehu mafissemavati ve’l ard - All that is in Heaven and earth gives glory to God. (All things know that God is free from defect and they exalt and praise Him.)” (Hashr, 24) “Sübhanehu - Glory be to Him! (The Most Holy)” (Al-An’am, 100) “As for those who hoard up money for their self: ‘I will heat their money in the Hell and brand with them on their foreheads, sides and backs and I will torture them until they finish their money.” (Al-Tawba, 34-35) “El malu ve’l benune zinetü’l hayati’ddünya ve’l bakiyatüs salihat- Wealth and children are the ornament of this life but the deeds of lasting merit are better (to perfect yourself, to be a virtuous human).” (Al-Kahf, 46) “Len tenalü’l birre hatta tünfiku mimma tahibbun- You shall never be truly righteous until you give in alms what you clearly cherish.” (Al-Imran, 92) “The alms is the right of the poor.” (Al-Dhariyat, 19) “Veyes’eluneke maza yünfiküne kuli’l afve- They ask you what they should give in alms. Say: “What you can spare.” (Al-Baqarah, 219) “Who will give a generous loan to God. He will pay him back twofold and he shall receive a rich reward.” (Hadid, 11) “La ilahe illa ente sübhaneke inni küntü minezzalimin - O Lord ! There is no god but You. Glory be to You! I have done wrong.” (Al-Anbiyah, 87) “Elhamdülillahi Rabbi’l Alemin - Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe. His glory is Exalted.” (Al-Fatiha, 1) “Believers! Conduct yourselves with Justice and bear true witness before Allah, even though it be against yourselves, your parents, or your kinsfolk! Be they rich or poor.” (Al-Nisa, 135) “Thus, We give the wicked sway over each other as a punishment for their misdeeds.” (Al-An’am, 129) “Vekafirune hümüzzalimin-Truly, it is the unbelievers who are unjust. (Those who do not know the truth and who do not want people to know the truth are the wrongdoers and unbelievers.)” (Al-Baqarah, 254) “Sümme caalnake ala şeriatin mine’l emri fettebiha - We have set you on the right path (the laws). Follow it (Obey them)!” (Al-Jathiyah, 18) “When the Koran is recited, listen to it in silence!” (Al-A’raf, 204) “When the Koran is read to unbelievers, they do not kneel in prayer (prostrate before it).” (Al- Inshiqaq, 21) “Innedine indallahi’l ISLAM- The only true faith in God’s sight is Islam (to accept the Truth).” (The Imrans, 19) “Dinillah - The Religion of Allah” (The Imrans, 83) “Vela tücadilu ehle’l kitabi illa billeti hiye ashen- In this verse, God orders us to be courteous when we argue with the People of the Book, except with those among them who do evil.” (Ankabut, 46) “The nation of Abraham is Muslims.” (Al-Nisa, 125) “You may marry women who are lawful (until) four of them. If you fear that you cannot maintain equality among them, marry one only.” (Al-Nisa, 3) “Those who endure and become patient in illness, adversity and in times of war are the ones who are steadfast and God-fearing.” (Al-Baqarah, 177) “İnna nahnu nezzelnezzikre ve inna lehu lehafizun-It was We that revealed the Koran and shall Ourself preserve it.” (Al-Hijr, 9) “Hözi’l afve ve’mür bi’l maruf ve arid ani’l cahilin - Show forgiveness, enjoin kindness and turn away from the ignorant.” (Al-A’raf, 199) “La takneti min rahmetillah - Do not despair from God’s mercy!” (Zumar, 53) “Declare war against usury and abolish usury!” Al-Baqarah, 279) “Do not regard trading equal to usury.” (Al-Baqarah, 275) “Those who serve other gods besides Him give no alms and disbelieve in the life to come.” (Al-Fussilat, 7) “The rich people of every city are the arch-transgressors of it.” (Al-An’am, 123) “Vekül Rabbi zidni ilmen - Say (O Muhammad): Lord! Increase my knowledge!” (Ta Ha, 114) “Though the infidels abhor it, God perfects His light.” (Al-Tawbah, 32) “Feeynema tevellu fesemme Vechullah - Whichever way you turn, there is the face of Allah.” (Al-Baqarah, 115) “Yedeyillah-The hands of God are two: Jamal and Jalal” (Al-Hujurat, 1) “Zül Celali- Very Wrathful,” (Rahman, 78) “Zü’r Rahme- Very merciful” (Al-An’am, 133) “I gave you a mind that can distinguish the good from the evil.” (Yunis, 100) “Whoever does an atom’s weight of good shall see it and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil shall see it also.” (Zalzalah, 7-8) “Fight and struggle with your person and your property! Fight against infidels (those who cover reality), the hypocrites (those who pretend to be a Muslim although they do not believe), the cruel (those who treat people and the weak badly, they are dictators and they exploit people’s property directly and indirectly and they are the wealthy ones who torture people in their town or around them!). (Al-Tawbah: 41-43, Furqan: 52, Tahrim: 9 and other glorious verses) “All of them are from God, but why do you not want to understand the word? The good-the blessing is from Allah; the bad-the evil are from your self.” (Al-Nisa, 78-79) “You want to correct yourselves, but they (the wicked ones) do not understand anything.” (Al-Maidah, 105) “Put your trust in Allah; He is your all-sufficient guardian.” (Al-Ahzab, 3) “Veliyyü’l Mü’minin - He is the guardian (their friend, their owner) of the faithful.” (The Imrans, 68) “Men kane yuridu hars’el ahireti nezid lehu fi harsihi vemen kane yüridu harse’ddünya nü’tihi minha vema lehu fi’l ahireti minnasib-Whoever seeks the harvest of the world to come, to him We will give in great abundance (We make him rich); and whoever desires the harvest of this world, a share of it shall be his; but in the hereafter he shall have no share at all.” (Al-Shura, 20) “Ahsen’ül halikin-The Most Gracious Creator.” (Al-Saffat, 125) “Ve kül cael hakkü ve zeheke’l batıl- Say: (O Muhammad!) Truth has come and Falsehood has been overthrown.” (Isra, 81) “Do not tamper with the property of orphans!” (Al-An’am, 152) “O Muhammad! As in Mecca, the upper class (the influential men) is the arch-transgressors, the most sinful people of that place.” (Al-An’am, 123) “İnne ekremeküm indallahi etkaküm- Surely, the noblest of you in God’s sight is he who is most righteous (those who abstain from wickedness).” (Al-Hujurat, 13) “David! We have made you Master (a Deputy) in the land in the name of God. Rule with justice among men.” (Sad, 26) “Those that say: “Our Lord is Allah” and follow “the straight path” shall have nothing to fear or regret.” (Al-Ahqaf, 13) “İnnellezine yübayiuneke innema yübayiunellah…-Those who swear allegiance unto thee (Muhammad) swear allegiance only unto Allah. He that breaks his oath, breaks it at his own peril, but he that keeps his pledge to God shall be richly rewarded by Him.” (Al-Fath, 10) "Euzübillahi en ekune mineccahilin - God forbid that I should be so foolish." (Al-Baqarah, 67) "Ünzile biilmi'llah-God's knowledge is being revealed." (Hud, 14) "Külli şey'in sebaba - Everything has a reason." (Al-Kahf, 84) "Allah created the Heavens and the Earth. He sent down water from the sky and He brought forth fruits for your sustenance." (Abraham, 32) “Yehdi ile Hakki ve ila tarik’in mustakim - directing to the truth and to a straight path.” (Al-Ahkaf, 30) “Belhüve Kur’anün mecid- Surely, this is a glorious Koran, it is new (fresh) and it is being renewed and it is noble. It is inscribed on an imperishable tablet.” (Al-Buruj, 21-22) “Nezele bihir Ruhü’l emin ala kalbike - The faithful Spirit is revelaed down into your heart with the Koran.” (Al-Shuara, 193-194) “God is surely the source, the origin, the essence of every creature and every created thing will return to Him (God) afterwards.” (Yunus, 4) “Ve innehu halaka’zzevceyni’zzekere ve’l ünsa- Surely He-God has created the positive and negative of all things.” (Al-Najm, 45) “Zü’l celali ve’l ikram- God is very majestic and very glorious.” (Al-Rahman, 27) “Ellezine’stekberu-those who deemed themselves mighty” - in other word, the powerful and happy minority that we call as influential people or upper class who takes sovereign a country’s administration in some places.” (Al-A’raf, 75, Sebe, 32) “Men! Have fear of your Lord, who created you from single soul. From that soul He created its mate…” (Al-Nisa, 1) “Men, We have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you might get to know one another. The noblest of you in God’s sight is he who is most righteous.” (Al-Hujurat, 13) “Laked caeküm Resulin min…… bi’l mü’minine reufu’nrahim - There has come to you an Apostle of your own, one who grieves at your troubles and cares for you; one who is really benevolent and merciful to believers.” (Al-Tawbah, 128) “On that day there shall be shiny faces looking towards their Lord.” Al-Kıyamah, 22-23) “Ve enne’l kafirine la Mevla lehüm - God is not the Friend (protector) of the unbelievers.” (Muhammad, 11) “Vallahu Veliyyü’l Mü’minin - Allah is the guardian, the protector of the faithful.” (The Imrans, 68) “Allahu haliku külli şey - Allah is the Creator of all things.” (Rad, 16) “Ve hüve Rabbü külli şey - He is the Lord of all things.” (Al-An’am, 164) “Allah loves the faithful and the faithful love Allah.” (Al-Maidah, 54) “Velatecessesu- Do not spy on one another nor backbite one another.” (Al-Hujurat-12) “Femen kane yercu likae Rabbihi felya’mel salihen velayüşrik biibadeti rabbihi ahada - Let him that hopes to meet his Lord do what is right and worship none besides Him.” Al-Kahf-110) “Tenezzelu’l Melaiketü ve’rruhü fiha biizni Rabbihim… - The Angels and the Spirit by their Lord’s leave come down with each decree…” (Qadr, 4) “…who comes before his Lord with a pure heart (the heart that is protected against the illness of disbelief and hypocrisy).” (Al-Shuara, 89) “They do not covet what they are given, but rather prize them above themselves, though they are in want. These that preserve themselves from their own greed shall surely prosper.” (Al-Hashr, 9) “Do not revile the idols which they invoke besides Allah, lest in ignorance they reviler God with rancor.” (Al-An’am, 108) “Sümme telinu cüluduhüm ve kulubühüm ila zikrillah-Afterwards, their skins are softened and their hearts are prolonged with the remembrance of Allah. They are upon the remembrance of Allah.” (Al-Zumar, 23) “Be steadfast in prayer. Prayer fends away indecency and evil - But your foremost duty is to remember Allah.” (Al-Anqabut, 45) “Ya eyyühellezine amenu kanu ensarullah - Believers! Be the helpers of Allah!” (Saff, 14) “We created man in the most beautiful image.” (Al-Tin, 4) “Ve sekahüm Rabbühüm şeraben tehura - Their Lord gives them pure wine.” (Al-Insan, 21) “We entrusted Our trust to the Heavens, to the earth, and to the mountains, but they refused the burden and were afraid to receive it. Man undertook to bear it.” (Al-Ahzab, 72) “Believers, wine and games of chance, idols and divining arrows are abominations devised by Satan. Avoid them, so that you may prosper. Satan seeks to stir up enmity and hatred among you by means of wine and gambling and to keep you from the remembrance of God and your prayers. Will you not abstain from them?” (Al-Maidah, 90-91) “They believe in the unseen and are steadfast in prayer, who bestow in charity a part of what We have given them.” (A-Baqarah, 3) “Such are they who buy the life of this world at the price of the life to come. Their punishment shall not be lightened, nor shall they be helped.” (Al-Baqarah, 86) “Righteousness (the favors and the obedience that brings people nearer to Allah) does not consist in whether you face towards the East or West. The righteous man is he who believes in God and the last Day, in the Angels and the Book and the Prophets; who, though he loves it dearly, gives away his wealth to kinsfolk, to orphans, to the helpless, to the traveler in need and to beggars, and for the redemption of captives; who attends to his prayers and renders the alms levy; who is true to his promises and steadfast in trial and adversity and in times of war. Such are the true believers; such are the God-fearing.” (Al-Baqarah, 177) “Do not devour one another’s property by unjust means, nor bribe with it the judges in order that you may wrongfully and knowingly usurp the possessions of other men.” (Al-Baqarah, 188) “Give generously for the cause of Allah and do not with your own hands cast yourselves into destruction. Be charitable; Allah loves the charitable.” (Al-Baqarah, 195) “There are some who say: “Lord, give us abundance in this world!” These shall have no share in the world to come.” (Al-Baqarah, 200) “For the unbelievers the life of this world is decked with all manner of temptations. They scoff at the faithful, but those that fear Allah shall be above them on the Day of Resurrection. Allah gives without measure to whom He will.” (Al-Baqarah, 212) “They will ask you about almsgiving. Say: Whatever you bestow in charity must go to parents and to kinsfolk, to the orphans and to the helpless and to the traveler in need. Allah is aware of whatever good you do.” (Al-Baqarah, 215) “Believers, bestow in alms a part of what We have given you before that day arrives when commerce and friendship and intercession shall be no more.” (Al-Baqarah, 254) “He that gives their wealth for the cause of Allah is like a grain of corn which brings forth seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains.” “Those that give their wealth for the cause of Allah and do not follow their almsgiving with taunts and insults shall be rewarded by their Lord; they shall have nothing to fear or to regret.” (Al-Baqarah, 261- 262) “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit what is indecent. But God promises you His forgiveness and His bounty.” (Al-Baqarah, 268) “Believers, do not mar your almsgiving with taunts and mischief-making, like those who spend their wealth for the sake of ostentation and believe neither in Allah nor in the Last day. Such men are like a rock covered with earth: a shower falls upon it and leaves it hard and bare. They shall gain nothing from their works. God does not guide the unbelievers.” (Al-Baqarah, 264) “But those that give away their wealth from a desire to please Allah and to reassure their own souls are like a garden on a hill-side: if a shower falls upon it, it yields up twice its normal produce; and if no rain falls, it is watered by the dew. Allah takes cognizance of all your actions.” (Al-Baqarah, 265) “Believers, give in alms of the wealth you have lawfully earned and of that which We have brought out of the earth for you; not worthless things wh
