The Glory Of Muhammad Aleyhisselam And The Divine, Holy Verses About Him

We are presenting to your attention 1418 verses about our Master the Prophet Muhammad (A.S). When you read these verses carefully, you will see the Exalted Glory of Hz. Muhammad (A.S.V.) at the sight of Allah and you will prostrate before the Glory of Muhammad respectfully. Our Master, the King of the Prophecy is not only a messenger as it is said. The verses that explain the exalted Glory of Him are obvious. Allah said for the Honour of the Universe: “Üsvetün hasenetün” (Ahzab, 21), “Vema erselnake illa rahmete’n lil alemin- I sent you forth as a blessing to mankind” (Al-Anbiyah, 107) and in a sacred tradition “I created Muhammad fom the Divine Light of My face”. (Source: Sirrül Esrar by Abdul Kadir Geylani) Here, “face” means “His person or Divine Essence”. He says He created him from the Divine Light of His person. He has got the most beautiful morality and praised moral qualities:

“Ve inneke le ala hulukin azim - Yours is a sublime nature.” (Al-Qalam, 4)

It also means “Your creation is very great.”

These three divine, holy opinions define the Glory of Muhammad very clearly as follows:

By saying “üsvetün hasenetün” Allah the Most High states that Hz. Muhammad bears the most beautiful, the most exalted qualities. The other verse “I sent you forth as a blessing to mankind” shows that Hz. Muhammad is the blessing -mercy- of Allah.

There is no other most exalted quality than the blessing of Allah and there cannot be any because all the creatures are in need of the compassion-mercy of Allah. Our Prophet is the merciful attribution of Allah because He says very clearly in this verse: “You are My blessing” and “You are the Divine Light of My face.”

Our Prophet said: “I am from Allah and the believers are from Me”. (See Sirrül Esrar, pp.70-75 by Abdül Kadir Geylani”. This hadith also confirms the fact that Hz. Prophet of Allah is the first sign, the first manifestation of Allah.

Hz Muhammad said in the sacred traditions about Hz. Ali: “Ali is from Me and I am from Ali”. (See ‘Hz. Peygamberin Dilinden Dört Halifesi’, pp. 244, 247, 255) Then, “Hz. Ali” is also included to this First Spirit.

My Brothers! These verses and 1418 verses which we are presenting to you inform you about the exalted qualities-attributions of Hz. Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah and by these qualities He shows his superiority compared to others and that we can never be like him. These verses emphasize that he resembles us physically as a human being but he has very divine qualities. I wanted you to know that the Glory of Muhammad is like the sun in the Universe, and nobody can be his resemblance and others are like stars in comparison with him.

In the Koran, Allah the Most High uses the word “sirac-very bright, shining light” for the Sun and for the Prophet Muhammad (A.S). The other name of the Sun in the Koran is “sirac” and Hz. Muhammad is also called as “sirac”. It is written in Ahzab, 46: “Ya eyyühennebiy! Inna ersalnake şahiden ve mübeşşiren ve nezira, ve da’iyen ilallahi, bi’iznihi ve siracen müniyra –O the Prophet (Muhammad)! I have sent you forth as a witness, a bearer of good tidings and an admonisher; one who shall call men to Allah by His leave and guide them like a shining light.” Our Lord describes our Prophet as “sirac-shining light” in this verse and Allah also calls the sun “sirac-the shining light”.

Hz. Muhammad is a sun in the Universe and the other Prophets, the Friends of God -saints- and pious people are like stars compared to him. That is to say, He (Our Master, Our Prophet) is the sun which emits divine light and this is proved by the Koran. And by saying “a witness”, He means: “You are the one who sees and watches Allah” because “a witness” means the one who sees and watches”. He also sees us, protects us, takes care of us and guides us. In a verse in Chapter Tawba, Allah says: “Sellu Aleyhim inne salateke sekenün lehüm- Pray for them (for the believers) because your prayer is serenity for them”. (Al-Tawbah, 103)

Serenity gives them relief, peace. It comforts them, which means it strengthens their faith.

This verse also shows that the Prayer of our Prophet is accepted by Allah. In the Chapter Muhammad, Allah wants him to pray for the believers and to implore forgiveness for them “Falem Ennehu; La ilahe illallah vestağfir zenbike ve lil Müminine vel müminat- Know that there is no god but Him -Allah. Implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the true believers, men and women”. (Muhammad, 19)

These verses also show very clearly that Allah has given permission to our Prophet to intercede for the believers. All the human beings and all the creatures are grateful to Him. May our love, greetings, gratitude be upon Him!

Our last word on this matter is: Our Lord says: “Vema sahibikun bi mecnun-O the believers! Your protector Muhammad is not mad” (Takwir, 22). The Prophet becomes very sorry when you are hurt, he grieves at your troubles and he cares for you. He is benevolent and merciful to you (to believers). “Rauf”means “benevolent” and “Rahim” means “very merciful”. These two names are the attributions of Allah the Most High but He says Hz. Muhammad is “Rauf and Rahim”. (Tawba, 128)

In other verses, Allah says: “He recites the speech of Allah (the Koran), he purifies you. He instructs you the Book, the wisdom and Prophecy . He teaches you what you do not know.” (Al-Baqarah, 151; Al-Jumah, 2)

Therefore, Hz. Muhammad is the owner (protector) of the believers. Here, owner means the one who protects them against physical and spiritual dangers, the one who cares for them and looks after them. Concerning these verses, our Prophet, our master Hz. Muhammad is our owner. He is not mad. He is like the sun in comparison with other minds. He is the Universal Intellect and Universal Spirit. He is the source of all the intellects-minds.

Those who are crazy and denial like Abu Cahils and the unbelievers-hypocrites like Abu Sufyans call the Prophet Muhammad (A.S), who is the Master of Mankind, mad. People who read the Koran and who are a little mindful and fair never call him mad. The Prophet Muhammad, whose glory is very exalted, is our owner, our protector, our intercessor, our teacher and our guide and leader who teaches us what we do not know. He is the person who protects us through inspiration and the one who has pity on us.

In addition to this, Allah says for our Prophet:

“Ve inneke le tehdi ila siratin müstakim ila…. – O Muhammad! You surely guide human beings and the believers to the right path, the path of Allah, to whom all the heavens and the earth contain”. (Shura, 52)

According to this verse, Allah has given the Prophet the authority of spiritual guidance. However, there is one point: even if Hz. Muhammad likes someone (like Abu Lahab) (in fact, Hz. Muhammad used to like Abu Lahab and he warned someone or some people who read the Chapter “Tebbet yeda ebi Lehebin” very often, saying: “Why are you always reading this chapter, aren’t there any other chapters in the Koran except this one?”) he cannot intercede him, if that person does not want it himself.

The hypocrites, the supporters of Umayyads replaced him with Abu Talib. It is definite that Abu Talib was the protector of Hz. Muhammad and he looked after him, he protected him until he died. Will Allah guide the cruel Abu Sufyan, his cruel family and his supporters, who tortured, swore and insulted the Prophet and the believers until the Day of the Conquest of Mecca and who sent them away from Mecca, instead of the person who helped and protected the Prophet?. They are the opponents of Hz. Ali. They do not insult Hz. Ali and the Hashimids directly but they insult them through insulting Abu Talib, who was his father, the Prophet’s uncle and his protector. Wherever they see a sinner in the Hashimids, they insult Hz. Ali and all the members of pious Hashim Family and they use the verse

“Inne ekremeküm indallahi etkaküm – The righteous are the honorable in the sight of Allah.”(Al-Hujurat, 13). Firstly, Hz. Ali is the Imam of the righteous-the believers. He is the Door of Knowledge.

In order to be pious, one should have the fear of God. The piety is acquired with the knowledge and the knowledge is to know all the seen-exterior- and unseen-interior- knowledge.

Those who have not learned the knowledge of Ledunni cannot have the fear of God. They are called as the scholars of exteriority-the ones who do not know the divine knowledge-spirituality or as the theologians of the Jurisprudence.

Hz. Ali is the chief, leader, teacher, guide, imam of Ulama (doctors of Muslim Theology). This is accepted by all the scholars. He was called as “Keremallahu vechehu - Allah honored his face”. In Arabic, “veche” is used for the personality of someone. Allah made Hz. Ali honorable. This expression was not used for any of the Companions of the Prophet and the Friends of God. All the great Sufis and the righteous are generally from the descendants of Hz. Muhammad and descendants of Hz. Ali. May peace be upon them!

There is one point about spiritual guidance: Hz. Muhammad, the Prophets, the Friends of God cannot guide people unless they want to have faith and the true path themselves; even if they want it for them, even if they are the people whom they love, such as their relatives, their friends, they cannot intercede for them because Allah prevents it. Allah is victorious, dominant. But, if a person comes by his own will and requires the true path from Hz. Muhammad and from the Friends of God (saints), they intercede for him. Then, they inspire them, protect them, mercy them and guide them.

The verse: “O Muhammad! You are surely the one who guides the true path.” (Al-Hajj, 67) is the confirmation of this. Therefore, the Prophet does not guide those who do not want the true path. Hz. Muhammad guides the person who wants and likes God. This is proved with the Koran.

Well, they say there are not any other intercessors except God. What does this verse show then? They also say there is not anybody else except Allah who can intercede, pray for people, mercy them, implore forgiveness for them from Allah, purify them and instruct them.

How can they deny the realities that we have explained above depending on verses and sacred traditions? They want to put the Prophets of Allah aside by saying “Nobody can enter between Allah and His servants”. They should be fair and reasonable!

What we have written so far are the exalted and holy qualities of the Glory of Muhammad.

Whatever the Sun and the Moon mean in the Universe, Muhammad Aleyhisselam- the Supreme Spirit and our Master Hz. Ali- the King of Sanctity- the Door of Knowledge mean in the inner world. They are like the Sun and the Moon in the unseen world.

The other Prophets, the Friends of God and the first and true believers-the Companions of the Prophet are like the Stars.


The first and the last Prophet is Hz. Muhammad. That holy

Prophet is the “Supreme Spirit” and the “First Spirit”. He is our dear Prophet, our intercessor and savior. Our spiritual guide, teacher and leader is Hz. Ali, whose glory is very high. For this reason, we say:

“Mercy us our Prophet Muhammad! Help us our spiritual guide and leader Ali!” Sallu ala Muhammad Sallu ala Ali…


31st October, 2004

1. (O Muhammad) They have faith in what has revealed to you and to others before you. They firmly believe in the life to come. (Al-Baqarah, 4)

2. Such are those that are on the right path of their Lord and are attained their desires. (Al-Baqarah, 4)

3. Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His Angels, His Prophets, of Gabriel or Michael will surely find that Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers. (Al-Baqarah, 98)

4. (O Muhammad) We have sent you forth as a perfect bearer of good news and as a real warner with truth. You are not responsible for the heirs of Hell. (Al-Baqarah, 119)

5. Our Lord! Send forth to them an Apostle of their own who shall recite them Your revelations (verses), and shall teach them the Book and the Wisdom and shall purify them of sin. You are the Mighty, the Wise One. (Al-Baqarah, 129)

6. They said: “Accept the Jewish or the Christian faith and you shall be rightly guided!” Say (My beloved): “By no means! We believe in the religion of Abraham, the upright one. He was no idolator.” (Al- Baqarah, 135)

7. Say: “We believe in Allah that which is revealed to us, in what was revealed to Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants; to Moses, and Jesus and the other Prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction among them (about believing or not). We have surrendered ourselves to God.” (Al-Baqarah, 136)

8. If they accept your faith, they shall be rightly guided; if they reject it, they shall surely be in schism (in disagreement). Against

them (O Muhammad) God is your all-sufficient defender. He hears

all and knows all. (Al- Baqarah, 137)

9. Take on Allah’s own dye. And who has a better dye than

Allah’s dye? We worship Him.” (Al- Baqarah,138)

10. Say (O Muhammad): “Would you dispute with us in the presence of Allah (because a Prophet came from Arabs).Yet, He is our Lord and your Lord. We shall both be judged by our works. To Him we are devoted.” (Al-Baqarah, 139)

11. “Do you claim that Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants were all Jews and Christians?” Say: Do you know better than Allah Himself? Who is more wicked than the man who hides a testimony he has received from Allah? Allah is never heedless of what you do”. (Al-Baqarah, 140)

12. They were a nation who passed away. Theirs is what they did and yours what you have done. You shall not be questioned about their actions.” (Al-Baqarah, 141)

13. Some foolish among people will ask: “What has made them turn away from qıblah?” Say: “The East and the West is Allah’s. He guides whom He will to the right path.” (Al- Baqarah, 142)

14. We have made you a just nation so that you may testify against mankind and that your own Apostle may testify against you. We decreed your former qıblah in order that We might know the Apostle’s true adherents and those who were to disown him. It was indeed a hard test, but not to those whom Allah has guided. He was not to make your faith fruitless. Allah is compassionate and merciful to men.” (Al- Baqarah, 143)

15. Those to whom We gave Books know him (Hz. Muhammad (A.S) as they know their own son. But some of them deliberately conceal the truth. (Al-Baqarah, 146)

16. Thus, We sent forth to you an Apostle of your own who will recite to you Our revelations and purify you of sin, who will teach you the Book and wisdom and who inform you that of which you have no knowledge. (Al-Baqarah, 151)

17. Such are the verses of Allah. We recite them to you (My beloved) in all truth, for you are one of Our Messengers. (Al-Baqarah, 252)

18. Of these Prophets We have exalted some above others. To some God spoke directly, others He raised to a lofty status. We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, veritable signs (the verses and miracles) and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. (Al-Baqarah, 253)

19. (My beloved-O Muhammad) It is not for you to guide them. Allah gives guidance to whom He will. Whatever alms you give shall rebound to your own advantage, you (the believers) give them for the love of God anyway. And whatever alms you give (in the path of Allah) shall be paid back to you in full. You shall not be wronged. (Al-Baqarah, 272)

20. The Prophet believed in what was revealed to him by his Lord, and so did the faithful. (Al- Baqarah, 285)

21. (O Muhammad) He has revealed to you the Book with the truth, confirming the Scriptures which preceded it; for He has already revealed the Torah and the Gospel for the guidance of Men, and the distinction between right and wrong. (Al-Imran, 3-4)

22. (O Muhammad) If they argue with you, say: “I have surrendered myself to Allah with those that follow me”. To those, who have received the Scriptures and to the illiterate say: “Have you accepted Islam?” If they become Muslims they shall be rightly guided; if they give no heed, then your only duty is to tell them. God is watching all His servants. (Al- Imran, 20)

23. (O Muhammad) Say: “If you love Allah, follow me. Allah will love you and forgive you your sins because Allah is very forgiving and merciful.” (It means: You should love Me (Muhammad), for you do not follow the one you do not love sincerely.) (Al- Imran, 31)

24. Say: “Obey Allah and the Prophet. If they give no heed, then truly, Allah does not love the unbelievers. (Al- Imran, 32)

25. Surely, Allah exalted Adam, Noah, the noble family of Abraham and the Family of Imran -they were the off spring of one another- above nations. (Al- Imran, 33-34)

26. After the knowledge you (O Muhammad) have received, say to him who argues about it: “Come, let us gather our sons and your sons, our wives and your wives, our people and your people. We will then pray (all together) and call down the curse of Allah on every liar. (Al-Imran, 61)

27. Abraham was neither Jew nor Christian. He was an upright man, one who surrendered himself to Allah- a Muslim-. He was no idolator. (Al-Imran, 67)

28. Surely the men who were nearest to Abraham were those who followed him, this Prophet (Hz. Muhammad s.a.v.) and the true believers. Allah is the friend, guardian (helper) of the faithful. (Al-Imran, 68)

29. When Allah made His covenant with the Prophets, He said: “Here are the Scriptures and the wisdom which I have given you. An Apostle will come forth to confirm them. Believe in him and help him. Will you affirm this and accept the burden I have laid on you in these terms?”. They replied: “We will affirm it”. “Then bear witness” He said, “and I will bear witness with you”. (Al-Imran, 81)

30. Say: “We believe in Allah, and the Glorious Koran-what is revealed to us; in that which was revealed to Abraham and Ismael, to Isaac and Jacob and their descendants and in that which their Lord gave Moses and Jesus and the Prophets. We discriminate against none of them (concerning their prophecy). To Him (to Allah) we have surrendered ourselves.” (Al-Imran, 84)

31. You are the noblest nation that has ever been raised up for mankind. You enjoin justice and forbid evil (because) you believe in Allah. Had the People of the Book (Christians and Jews) accepted the faith, it would surely have been better for them. Some are true believers but most of them are evil doers (who left the true religion). (Al-Imran, 110)

32. (O Muhammad) You said to the believers ( in the Battle of Uhud):Is it not enough that your Lord should send down three thousand angels to help you?” (Al- Imran, 124)

33. It is no concern of yours the works of My servants. Allah will either forgive them or punish them as they are wrongdoers. (Al-Imran, 128)

34. Obey Allah and the Apostle that you may find mercy. (Al-Imran, 132)

35. Muhammad is certainly a prophet. Other prophets have passed away before him. If you die or be slain, will you recant? He that recants will do no harm to Allah. But Allah will reward the thankful. (Al-Imran, 144)

36. (That time) It was thanks to Allah’s mercy that you dealt so leniently with them. Had you been cruel or hard-hearted, they would have surely deserted you. Therefore pardon them and implore God to forgive them. Take counsel with them in the conduct of affairs, and when you are resolved, put your trust in God. God loves those who trust in Himself. (Al-İmran, 159)

37. God has surely been gracious to the faithful in sending them an Apostle of their own to declare to them His revelations, to purify them and to instruct them in the Book and in wisdom; for before that they were in monstrous error. (Al-Imran, 164)

38. (My beloved) If they rejected you, other Apostles have also been rejected before you, although they brought down veritable signs, psalms and light-giving Scriptures. (Al-Imran, 184)

39. Such are the bounds set by Allah. He that obeys Allah and His Apostle shall dwell forever in gardens watered by running streams. That is the supreme triumph. (Al-Nisa, 13)

40. But he that defies Allah and His Appostle and transgress His bounds, shall be cast into a fire wherein he will abide forever. A shameful punishment awaits him. (Al- Nisa, 14)

41. How will it be when We produce a witness from every nation and call upon you (My beloved) to testify against them. (Al-Nisa, 41)

42. On that day those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Apostle will wish that they were levelled into dust; they shall hide nothing from Allah. (Al-Nisa, 42)

43. Some Jews take words out of their contexts and say: We hear, but disobey. May you bereft of hearing! They say “Ra’ina” distorting the phrase with their tounges and reviling the true faith. But if they said: “We hear and obey; hear us and “Unzurna”, it would be better and more proper for them. (Al-Nisa, 46)

44. Do they envy others what God has of His bounty given them? We gave Abraham’s descendants scriptures and prophethood, an illustrious kingdom. (Al-Nisa, 54)

45. Some believe in him (Hz. Muhammad a.s.v) but others reject him. (Al-Nisa, 55)

46. Believers! Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and those in authority among you. Should you disagree about anything refer it to God and the Apostle. (Al-Nisa, 59)

47. Mark those who profess to believe in what has been revealed to you (the Glorious Koran) and other prophets before you. They seek the judgement in the presence of magician, although they were bidden to deny him. Satan would load them for astray. (Al-Nisa, 60)

48. When it is said to them: “Come to be judged by that which God has revealed (arbitrator, the Glorious Koran) and by the Apostle”, you see the hypocrites turn to you a deaf ear. (Al-Nisa, 61)

49. First, how would it be if some disaster befell on them on account of what their hands committed? Then, they would come to you swearing by Allah that they desired nothing but amity and conciliation. (Al-Nisa, 62)

50. Such are those; but Allah knows what their hearts conceal. Let them be. Give them advice and tell them something effective about themselves. (Al-Nisa, 63)

51. We sent forth Apostles so that men should do their bidding by God’s leave. If, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you imploring Allah’s pardon and if the Apostle had sought of God’s forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah forgiving and very merciful. (Nisa, 64)

52. But they will not- I swear by your Lord- they will not be true believers until they seek your arbitration in their disputes. Then they will not doubt the justice of your verdicts and will submit you entirely. (Al-Nisa, 65)

53. He that obeys Allah and the Apostle shall dwell with the prophet and the saints, the martyrs and the righteous men whom Allah has favored. Gracious companions will be those. (Al-Nisa, 69)

54. We have sent you (My beloved) forth as an Apostle to mankind. Allah is your all-sufficient witness (for this). (Al-Nisa, 79)

55. He that obeys the Apostle obeys Allah. As for those that pay no heed, know then that We have not sent you to be their keeper. (Al-Nisa, 80)

56. They promise to obey you; but as soon as they leave you a number of them plot in secret to do otherwise than what you bade them. God takes note of all their plots. Therefore let them be (do not care), and put your trust in Allah. Allah is your all-sufficient guardian. (Al- Nisa, 81)

57. You are accountable for none but yourself. Rouse the believers. (Al- Nisa, 84)

58. He that mediates in a good cause shall gain by his mediation; but he that mediates in a bad cause shall be held accountable for its evil. (Al- Nisa, 85)

59. But for Allah’s grace and mercy you would have been led astray by some of them. They lead astray none but themselves, nor can they do any harm (How can they do?). Allah has revealed to you the Book and His wisdom and taught you what you did not know before. Allah’s goodness to you has been great indeed. (Al-Nisa, 113)

60. He that disobeys the Prophet after our Guidance has been revealed to him and follow a path other than of the faithful shall be given what he has chosen. We will consign him to Hell. (Al- Nisa, 115)

61. Believers, have faith in Allah and His Apostle, in the Book He has revealed to His Apostle, and in the Scriptures He formerly revealed. He that denies Allah and His Angels, His Scriptures, His Apostles and the Last Day has gone far astray. (Al- Nisa, 136)

62. Those that deny Allah and His Apostles, and those that draw a line between Allah and His Apostles, saying: “We believe in some but deny others” -thus seeking a middle way (between belief and unbelief) - these indeed are the unbelievers. (Al- Nisa, 150-151)

63. As for those that believe in Allah and His Apostles and discriminate against none of them, they shall be rewarded by Him. (Al- Nisa, 152)

64. The People of the Book ask you to bring down for them a book from the Heaven. Of Moses they demanded a harder thing than that. They said to him: “Show us Allah distinctly”. (Al- Nisa, 153)

65. There is none among the People of the Book but will believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Resurrection he (Jesus) will bear witness against them. (Al- Nisa, 159)

66. Men! A true Apostle has come to you from your Lord. Have faith in him and it shall be well with you. If you disbelieve, know that to Allah belongs all that the heavens and the earth contain. (Al- Nisa, 170)

67. Men! You have received clear evidence (Hz. Muhammad a.s.v) from your Lord. We have send down to you a glorious light. (Al- Nisa, 174)

68. People of the Book! Our Apostle (Hz. Muhammad a.s.v) has come to reveal to you much of what you have hidden of the Scriptures, and to forgive you much. A divine light, a glorious Book has come to you from Allah. (Al-Maidah, 15)

69. People of the Book! Our Apostle (Muhammad) has come to you with revelations after an interval during which there were no apostles, lest you say: “No one has come to give us good news or to warn us. Now someone has come to give you good news and to warn you. Allah has power over all things. (Al- Maidah, 19)

70. Those that make war against Allah and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides or banished from the country. (Al- Maidah, 33)

71. O the Prophet, do not grieve for those who plunge headlong into unbelief; those who say with their tongues: “We believe”, but have no faith in their hearts, and those Jews who are in blasphemy. They listen to lies constantly and work as a spy for those who do not come to your presence. They are the people Allah does not please to purify their hearts. (Al- Maidah, 41)

72. They listen to falsehood and practice what is unlawful. If they come to you, give them their judgment or avoid them. If you avoid them, they can in no way harm you; but if you do act as their judge, judge them with fairness. Allah loves those that deal justly. (Al-Maidah, 42)

73. But how will they come to you for judgment, when they already have the Torah which enshrines Allah’s own judgment? Soon after, they will turn their backs (after this judgment); they are no true believers. (Al-Maide, 43)

74. Your only protectors are Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful; those who attend to their prayers, render the alms levy, and kneel down in worship. (Al- Maidah, 55)

75. Those who seek the protection of Allah, His Apostle and the faithful must know that Allah’s followers are sure to triumph. (Al- Maidah, 56)

76. Apostle, proclaim what is revealed to you from your Lord; if you do not, you will surely fail to convey His (Allah’s) message. Allah will protect you from all men. Allah does not guide the unbelievers. (Al- Maidah, 67)

77. We made a covenant with the Israelites and sent forth apostles among them. But whenever an apostle came to them with a message that did not suit their fancies, some they accused of lying and others they put to death. (Al- Maidah, 70)

78. Obey Allah and obey the Apostle. Beware; if you give no heed, know that Our Apostle’s duty is only to you give plain warning. (Al-Maidah, 92)

79. When it is said to them: “Come to which Allah has revealed, and to the Apostle”, they reply: “Sufficient for us is the faith we have inherited from our fathers”, even though their fathers knew nothing and were not rightly guided. (A-, Maidah, 104)

80. How I enjoined the disciples to believe in Me and in My apostle they replied: “We believe, bear witness that we submit (we became real Muslims).” (Al- Maidah, 111)

81. “Jesus, son of Mary” said the disciples, “can your Lord send down to us from heaven a table spread with food?” He replied: “Have fear of Allah, if you are true believers.” (Al- Maidah, 112)

82. “We wish to eat of it”, they said, “so that we may reassure our hearts and know that what you said to us is true, and we may be witnesses of it”. (Al-Maidah, 113)

83. (My beloved, O Muhammad) If We sent down to you a Book inscribed on real parchment and they touched it with their own hands, the unbelievers would still assert: “This is but plain sorcery”. (Al- Anam, 7)

84. They ask: “Why has no Angel been sent down to him (to Hz. Muhammad)?” If We had sent down an angel, their fate would have been sealed and they would have never been reprieved. (Al- Anam, 8)

85. If We had made him (Hz. Muhammad) an angel, We would have given him the semblance of a man, and would have thus added to their confusion. (Al- Anam, 9)

86. Our apostles have been laughed to scorn before you. But those that scoffed at them were overtaken by the very scourge they had derided. (Al- Anam, 10)

87. Those to whom We have given the Scriptures know him (Hz.Muhammad) as they know their own children. But those who have forfeited their souls will never have faith. (Al- Anam, 20)

88. Some of them listen to you. But We have cast veils over their hearts and made them hard of hearing lest they understand your words. They will believe in none of Our signs, even if they see them one and all. When they come to argue with you the unbelievers say: “This is nothing but old fictitious tales. (Al-Anam, 25)

89. They forbid (people) it (being close to the Prophet) and depart from it. They ruin none but themselves, though they do not perceive it. (Al- Anam, 26)

90. If you could see them when they are set before the Fire! They will say: “Would that we could return (to the world)! Then we would not deny the revelations of our Lord ”. (Al- Anam, 27)

91. (My beloved) We know too well that what they say grieves you. It is not that they are disbelieving you; the evil doers deny Allah’s own revelations purposely. (Al- Anam, 33)

92. Other apostles have been denied before you. But they patiently bore with disbelief and persecution until Our help came down to them. (Al- Anam, 34)

93. If you find their aversion hard to bear, seek if you can a chasm in the earth or a ladder to the sky by which you may bring them a sign. Had Allah pleased He would have given them guidance, one and all. Do not be foolish, then. (Al- Anam, 35)

94. Those that can hear will surely answer. As for the dead, Allah will bring them back to life. To Him they shall all return. (Al- Anam, 36)

95. Do not drive away those that call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking only to gain His favor. You are in no way accountable for them, nor are they in any way accountable for you. If you dismiss them, you shall yourself become an evil doer. (Al- Anam, 52)

96. Thus have We made some among them a means for testing others, so that they should say: “Are these the men whom Allah favors among us.” But does not Allah best know the thankful? (Al-Anam, 53)

97. When those that believe in Our revelations come to you, say: “Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed mercy for Himself: If any one among you commits evil through ignorance and then repents and mends his ways, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful”. (Al- Anam, 54)

98. Thus do We make plains Our revelations, so that the path of the wicked may be laid bare. (Al-Anam, 55)

99. (O Muhammad) Say: I have received veritable proofs from my Lord, yet you deny Him. (Al- Anam, 57)

100. Say: “I demand of you no recompense for this (for the duty of prophecy). It is an admonition to all mankind”. (Al- Anam, 90)

101. They have no true notion of Allah’s glory because they said: “Allah has never revealed anything to a mortal”. Say: “Who, then, revealed the Scriptures which Moses brought down, a light and a guide for mankind? You have transcribed them on scraps of paper, declaring some and suppressing much, though now you have been taught what neither you nor your fathers knew before”.(My beloved) Say: “Allah!” and then leave them to amuse themselves with foolish chatter. (Al-Anam, 91)

102. Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad. This Book is revealed to you - so that you may thereby warn the unbelievers and admonish the faithful-. Let your heart not be troubled about it. (Al Araf, 1-2)

103. Those are the people who follow the Apostle-the Unlettered Prophet- whom they shall find described in the Torah and the Gospel. He will enjoin righteousness upon them and forbid them to do evil. He will make good things lawful to them and prohibit all that is foul. He will relieve them of their burdens and of the shackles that weigh upon them. Those that believe in him and honour him, those that aid him and follow the light send down with him, shall surely triumph. (Al- Araf, 157)

104. (My beloved) Say: “Men, I am the messenger of Allah to you all. He has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth. There is no god but Him, He ordains life and death. Therefore, have faith in Allah and His Apostle, the unlettered Prophet, who believes in Allah and His Word. Follow him so that you may be rightly guided. (Al-Araf, 158)

105. Has it never occurred to them that their compatriot (Hz. Muhammad, a.s.v) is no mad man, but one who gives plain warning?(Al- Araf, 184)

106. Have they feet to walk with? Have they hands to hold with? Have they eyes to see with? Have they ears to hear with? (My beloved)Say: “Call on your false gods and scheme against me. Give me no respite.” (Al-Araf, 195)

107. My guardian is Allah, who has revealed the Book. He is the guardian of the righteous. (Al-Araf, 196)

108. (My beloved) Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant. (Al- Araf, 200)

109. When you have no verse to recite to them, they say: “Have you not invented one?” Say: “I follow only what is revealed to me by my Lord. This Book (The verses of the Koran) is the eyes which are opened to your Lord (your hearts). It is a guide and a blessing to true believers. (Al- Araf, 203)

110. (My beloved) They ask you about the spoils. Say: The spoils belong to Allah and the Apostle. Therefore have fear of Allah if you are believers and end your disputes. Obey Allah and His Apostle. (Al- Anfal, 1)

111. That was because they defied Allah and His Apostle. He that defies Allah and His Apostle shall be sternly punished by Allah. (Al- Anfal, 13)

112. (O Muhammad) It was not you but Allah, who slew them. (Al- Anfal, 17)

113. Believers, obey Allah and His Apostle and do not forsake him while you are listening to yourself. (Al- Anfal, 20)

114. Believers obey Allah and His Apostle when he calls you to that which gives you life. Know that Allah stands between man and his heart, and that in His presence you shall all be assembled. (Al- Anfal, 24)

115. Believers, do not betray Allah and His Apostle, nor knowingly violate your trust. (Al- Anfal, 27)

116. But Allah would not punish them while you were present in their midst. Nor would He punish them while they sought forgiveness. (Al-Anfal, 33)

117. Know that one-fifth of your spoils shall belong to Allah, the Apostle, the Apostle’s kinsfolk, the orphans, the needy, and those that travel the road; if you truly believe in Allah and what we revealed to our servant (Muhammad) on the day of victory, the day when two armies met (Badr). (Al- Anfal, 41)

118. Allah made them appear to you in a dream as a small band. Had He showed them to you as a great army, your courage would have failed you and discord would have triumphed in your ranks. But this Allah spared you. He knows your inmost thoughts. (Al- Anfal, 43)

119. Obey Allah and His Apostle and do not dispute with one another, lest you lose courage and your resolve weaken. Have patience: Allah is with those that are patient. (Al- Anfal, 46)

120. If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may tell them the truth and the justice. Allah does not love the treacherous. (Al- Anfal, 58)

121. If they (enemies) incline to peace, make peace with them and put your trust in Allah. (Al- Anfal, 61)

122. Should they seek to deceive you, Allah is all- sufficient for you. He makes you strong with His help and rallies the faithful round you. (Al- Anfal, 62)

123. And He makes their hearts one. If you had given away all the riches of the earth, you could not have so united them: But Allah has united them. He is mighty and wise. (Al- Anfal, 63)

124. Prophet, Allah is your strength, and the faithful who follow you. (Al- Anfal, 64)

125. Prophet, rouse the faithful to arms. If there are twenty steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish two hundred; and if there are a thousand, they shall, by Allah’s will, defeat two thousand because those are the heedless people. (Al- Anfal, 65)

126. But if they seek to betray you, know that they have already betrayed Allah. Therefore, Allah has made you triumph over them. (Al- Anfal, 71)

127. This is an ultimatum (a warning) from Allah and His Apostle to the idolators with whom you have made agreements. (Al-Tawbah, 1)

128. A proclamation to the people from Allah and His Apostle on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage: Allah and His apostle are under no obligation to the idolaters. If you repent, it shall be well with you; but if you give no heed, know that you shall not be immune from Allah’s judgment. He proclaims a woeful punishment to the unbelievers. (Al- Tawba, 3)

129. If an idolater seeks asylum with you, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and then convey him to safety. For the idolaters are ignorant men. (Al-Tawba, 6)

130. Allah and His Apostle repose no trust in idolators, save those with whom you have made treaties at the Sacred Mosque. So long as they keep faith with you, keep faith with them. Allah loves the righteous. (Al-Tawba, 7)

131. Did you imagine you would be forsaken before Allah has had time to know those of you who have fought valiantly and served none but Allah, His Apostle and the faithful? Allah is cognizant of all your actions. (Al-Tawba, 16)

132. Say (O Muhammad): If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your tribes, the property you have acquired, the merchandise you fear may not be sold and the homes you love are dearer to you than Allah, His Apostle and the struggle for His cause, then wait until Allah shall fulfill His decree. Allah does not guide the evil doers. (Al-Tawbah, 24)

133. Then Allah caused His tranquility (spiritual knowledge and power) to descend upon His Apostle and the faithful: He sent to your aid invisible warriors (angels) and sternly punished the unbelievers. Thus were the infidels rewarded. (Al-Tawbah, 26)

134. It is He who has sent forth His Apostle with guidance and the true faith to make it triumphant over all religions, however much the idolators may dislike it. (Al-Tawbah, 33)

135. If you do not help him (My Apostle) Allah will help him as He helped him when he was driven out (from Mecca) by the unbelievers with one other. He was the second of two. They were in the cave on the top of the mountain (Sewr). He said to his companion (Hz. Abu Bakr): “Do not despair, Allah is with us”. Allah has caused His tranquility to descend upon him (his friend’s heart) and sent to his aid (to His beloved) invisible warriors, so that he routed the unbelievers and lowered the word of the infidels. (Al- Tawbah, 40)

136. If you meet with success, it grieves them; but if a disaster befalls, they say: “We have taken our precautions”. And they turn away rejoicing. (Al- Tawbah, 50)

137. (My beloved) Let neither their riches nor their children rouse your envy. Through these, Allah seeks to punish them in this life so that they shall die unbelievers. (Al-Tawbah, 55)

138. Would that they were satisfied with what Allah and His Apostle have given them, and would say: “Allah is all sufficient for us. He will provide for us from His own abundance, and so will His Apostle. To Allah we will submit”. (Al- Tawbah, 59)

139. And there are others among them (hypocrites) who speak ill of the Prophet (hurt him), saying: “He believes everything he hears”. Say: “He hears only what is good for you. He believes in Allah and puts his trust in the faithful. He is a blessing to the true believers among you. Those that wrong the Apostle of Allah shall be sternly punished”. (Al Tawbah, 61)

140. Are they not aware that the man who defies Allah and His Apostle shall abide forever in the fire of Hell? That surely is the supreme humiliation. (Al-Tawbah, 63)

141. The true believers, both men and women, are friends to one another. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil; they attend to their prayers, and render the alms levy, and obey Allah and His Apostle. On these, Allah will have mercy. Allah is mighty and wise. (Al- Tawbah, 71)

142. Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be heir home: an evil fate. (Al- Tawbah, 73)

143. (My beloved) It is the same whether or not you beg forgiveness for them. If seventy times you beg forgiveness for them, Allah will not forgive them, for they have denied Allah and His Apostle. Allah does not guide the evil doers. (Al- Tawba, 80)

144. Those that stayed at home were glad that they were left behind by Allah’s Apostles, for they had no wish to fight for the cause of Allah with their wealth and with their persons. (Al-Tawbah, 81)

145. If Allah brings you back in safety (from Tabuk to Madina) near some of them (near hypocrites) and some of them ask leave to march with you, say: “You shall not march with me, nor shall you fight with me against an enemy. You chose to stay at home on the first occasion; therefore, you shall now stay with those who will remain behind (with women and children). (Al- Tawbah, 83)

146. You shall not pray for any of their dead, nor shall you attend their burial. For, they denied Allah and His Apostle and remained sinners to the last. (Al, Tawbah, 84)

147. Let neither their riches nor their children rouse your envy. Through these, Allah seeks to punish them in this life, so that they shall die unbelievers. (Al- Tawbah, 85)

148. Whenever a Chapter was revealed, saying: “Believe in Allah and fight alongside His Apostle”, the rich among them excused themselves to you saying: “Leave us with those who are to stay behind”. (Al-Tawbah, 86)

149. They were content to be with those who stayed behind: a seal was set upon their hearts, leaving them bereft of understanding. (Al- Tawbah, 87)

150. But the Prophet and the men who shared his faith fought with their goods and with their persons. These shall be rewarded with good things. These shall surely prosper. (Al- Tawbah, 88)

151. Some Arabs of the desert turned up with excuses, begging leave to stay behind; while those who denied Allah and His Apostle remained idle at home. A woeful scourge shall fall on those of them that disbelieved. (Al-Tawbah, 90)

152. It shall be no offence for the disabled, the sick, and those lacking the means (because of poverty) to stay behind: if they are true to Allah and His Apostle. (Al-Tawbah, 91)

153. Nor shall those be blamed (and be responsible) who, when they came to you conveyances to the battle-front and you could find none to carry them, went away in tears grieving that they had not the means to contribute. (Al- Tawbah, 92)

154. Some desert Arabs surpass others in unbelief and hypocrisy, and have more cause to be ignorant of the laws which Allah has revealed to His Apostle. (Al- Tawbah, 97)

155. Yet, there are others among the desert Arabs who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and regard what they give as a means of bringing them close to Allah and to the Apostle’s prayers. Indeed, closer they shall be brought; Allah will admit them to His mercy. Allah is very forgiving and very merciful. (Al-Tawbah, 99)

156. (O Muhammad) Take alms from them (in order to give them to the needy), so that they may thereby be cleansed and prufied (from their sins) and you exalt them to the ranks of good people. And pray for them: for your prayers will give them comfort and mercy, Allah hears all and knows all (their regrets). (Al- Tawbah, 103)

157. Do they not know that Allah accepts the repentance of His servants and takes their alms, and that Allah is the Forgiving One, the Merciful. (Al- Tawbah, 104)

158. Say: “Do as you will”. Allah will behold your works, and so will His Apostle and the faithful; then you shall return to Him who knows alike the unknown and the manifest, and He will declare to you all that you have done. (Al- Tawbah, 105)

159. And there are those who built a mosque from mischievous motives, to harm the Muslims, to spread unbelief and disunite the faithful, in expectation of him who had made war on Allah and His Apostle. They swear that their intentions were good, but Allah bears witness that they are lying. (Al-Tawbah, 107)

160. (My beloved) You shall not stand for ritual prayer in it (a mosque called Mascid-i Zırar was set up and demolished on this place). It is more fitting that you should pray in a mosque founded on piety from the very first. There you shall find men who would keep pure. Allah loves those that purify themselves. (Al-Tawbah, 108)

161. Who is a better man, he who founds his house on the fear of Allah and His good pleasure, or he who builds on the brink of a crumbling precipice, so that his house will fall with him into the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the wrongdoers. (Al-Tawbah, 109)

162. The edifice which they have built shall ever inspire their hearts with doubt, until their hearts are cut in pieces (with death). Allah is all-knowing and wise. (Al-Tawbah, 110)

163. Allah turned in mercy to the Prophet, the muhajirin and the ansar, who stood by him in the hour of adversity, when some were on the point of losing heart. And then, He accepted their repentance because He is the Forgiving One, the Merciful. (Al-Tawbah, 117)

164. No cause have the people of Madinah and the desert Arabs who dwell around them to forsake Allah’s Apostle or to jeopardize his life so as to safeguard their own; for they do not expose themselves to thirst or hunger or to any ordeal for the sake of Allah, nor do they take any step which may provoke the unbelievers, nor do they inflict any loss on the enemy, but shall be counted as a good deed in the sight of Allah: He will not deny the righteous their reward. (Al-Tawbah, 120)

165. There has now come to you an apostle of your own, one who grieves at your troubles and cares for you; One who is benevolent and merciful to true believers. (Al-Tawbah, 128)

166. My beloved, if they do not have faith in you) If they give no heed , say: “Allah is all-sufficient for me. There is no god but Him. In Him I put my trust. He is the Lord of the Glorious Throne. (Al-Tawbah, 129)

167. Does it seem strange to mankind that We revealed Our will to a mortal (to Hz. Muhammad a.s.v) among themselves, saying: Give warning to mankind and proclaim good tidings (that you are the guide, the leader and the intercessor for them) to the faithful: their endeavors shall be rewarded by their Lord? The unbelievers say: “This man is a skilled enchanter.” (Yunis, 2)

168. When Our clear revelations are recited to them, those who entertain no hope of meeting Us say to you: “Give us a different Koran, or make some changes in it”. Say. “It is not for me to change it. I follow only what is revealed to me. I cannot disobey my Lord, for I fear the punishment of a fateful day.” (Yunis, 15)

169. Say (O Muhammad): “Had Allah pleased, I would never have recited it to you, nor would He have made you aware of it. A whole lifetime I dwelt among you before it was revealed. (Yunis, 16)

170. If they say: “He (the Prophet a.s.v.) invented it himself”, say (O Muhammad): “Bring me one chapter like it. Call on whom you may (trust) besides Allah to help you, if what you say be true. (Yunis, 38)

171. Indeed, they disbelieve what they cannot grasp, for they have not yet seen its prophecy fulfilled. Likewise did those who passed before them disbelieved (their prophets). But see what was the end of the wrongdoers. (Yunis, 39)

172. Some believe in it while others do not. But your Lord best knows the evil-doers. (Yunis, 40)

173. If they disbelieve you, say: “My deeds are mine and your deeds are yours. You are not accountable for my actions, nor am I accountable for what you do.” (Yunis, 41)

174. Some of them listen to you. But can you make the deaf hear you, incapable as they are of understanding? (Yunis, 42)

175. Some of them look upon you. But can you show the way to the blind, bereft as they are of sight? (Yunis, 43)

176. Indeed, in no way does Allah wrong mankind, but men wrong themselves. (Yunis, 44)

177. An Apostle is sent to every nation. When their Apostle comes, justice is done among them; they are not wronged. (Yunis, 47)

178. They ask: “When will this promise be fulfilled, if what you say be true?” (Yunis, 48)

179. Men! An admonition has come to you from your Lord, a cure for the heart, a guide and a blessing to true believers. (Yunis, 57)

180. Say (O Muhammad): In the grace and mercy of Allah let them rejoice, for these are better than the worldly riches they amass. (Yunis, 58)

181. You shall engage in no affair, you shall recite no verse from the Koran, you shall commit no act, but We will witness it. Not an atom’s weight in earth and heaven escapes your Lord, nor there is any object smaller or greater, but it is recorded in a glorious Book. (Yunis, 61)

182. The pious servants of Allah have nothing to fear or regret. They will not be sad either. (Yunis, 62)

183. They are the ones who believed and had piety. (Yunis, 63)

184. They will rejoice both in this world and in the hereafter: Word of Allah shall never change. This is the supreme triumph. (Yunis, 64)

185. (My beloved O Muhammad) Let their words and behaviors not grieve you. All glory belongs to Allah. He alone hears all and perfectly knows all. (Yunis, 65)

186. If they doubt what We have revealed to you, they should ask those who have read the Scriptures before you. The truth has come to you (Muhammad) from your Lord: therefore do not doubt it. (Yunis, 94)

187. Nor shall you deny the revelations of Allah, for then you shall be lost. (Yunis, 95)

188. Had your Lord pleased, all the people of the earth would have believed in Him, one and all. Would you then force people to have faith? (Yunis, 99)

189. We shall save Our Apostles and the true believers. It is but just that We should save the faithful. (Yunis, 103)

190. (O Muhammad) Say: “Men! Doubt my religion if you will, but never will I worship those that you worship besides Allah. I worship Allah, to whom you shall all return: for I am commanded to be one of the faithful. (Yunis, 104)

191. Say (O Muhammad): Men! The truth has come to you from your Lord. He that follows the right path follows it for his own good, and he that goes astray does so at his own peril. I am not your keeper. (Yunis, 108)

192. (My beloved, O Muhammad!) Obey what is revealed to you, and have patience till Allah makes known His judgment. He is the best of judges. (Yunis, 109)

193. Alif, Lam, Ra This Book, whose verses are perfected and made plain, is a revelation from Him who is wise and all knowing… (Hud, 1)

194. Serve none but Allah. I am sent to you as a Prophet from Him to warn you and to give you good tidings. (Hud, 2)

195. Seek forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance. A goodly provision He will make for you till an appointed day, and will bestow His grace on those that have merit. My beloved, say to them: But if you give no heed, then beware the torment of a fateful day. (Hud, 3)

196. You may chance to omit a part of what is revealed to you and be distressed because they say: “Why has no treasure been sent to him? Why has no angel come with him?” But you are only to give warning. Allah is the guardian of all things. (Hud, 12)

197. If they say: “He has invented it himself” say to them: “Produce ten invented chapters like it. Call on whom you will among your idols, if you trust in them apart from Allah, if what you say be true”. (Hud, 13)

198. ….Will you then become Muslims (accept Islam)? (Hud, 14)

199. (O Muhammad!) If they declare: “He has invented it himself” say: “If I have indeed invented it, then may I be punished for my sin! I am innocent of your crimes.” (Hud, 35)

200. (My beloved O Muhammad) Follow then the right path as you are bidden, together with those who repented with you, and do not transgress. He is watching all your actions. (Hud, 112)

201. We recount to you the histories of these Apostles to put courage into your heart. Through this the Truth shall be revealed to you, with precepts and admonition for true believers. (Hud, 120)

202. Say (O Muhammad) to the infidels: “Do whatever lies within power, and so shall we. (Hud, 121)

203. (O Muhammad!) Strive as you may, most people will not believe. (Yusuf, 103)

204. Say: “This is my path. With sure knowledge, I call on you to have faith in Allah, I and all my followers. Glory be to Allah. I am no idolater. (Yusuf, 108)

205. The unbelievers ask: “Why has no sign been given him by his Lord? But you are (O Muhammad) only to give warning. You are the mentor of every nation. (Al -Rad, 7)

206. Is then he who knows that the truth has been revealed to you by your Lord like him who is blind? Truly none will take heed but the wise. (Al-Rad, 19)

207. (O Muhammad) Thus have We sent you forth to a nation before whom other nations have passed away, that you may recite to them Our revelations. Yet they deny the Lord of Mercy. Say: “He is my Lord. There is no god but Him. In Him I have put my trust, and to Him I shall return.” (Al-Rad, 30)

208. (O Muhammad) Those to whom the Scriptures were given rejoice in what is revealed to you (the Koran). (Al-Rad, 36)

209. Whether We let you glimpse in some measure the scourge with which We threaten them, or cause you to die before We smite them, your mission is only to give warning: it is for Us to do reckoning. (Al-Rad, 40)

210. Alif, Lam, Ra. We have revealed to you (O Muhammad) this Book so that, by their Lord’s will, you may lead (all) men from darkness to the light; to the path of the Mighty, the Glorious One: the path of Allah. (İbrahim, 1)

211. Do you not see (O Muhammad) how Allah compares a good word to a good tree? Its root is firm and its branches are in the sky. (İbrahim, 24)

212. It yields its fruit in every season by your God’s leave. (İbrahim, 25)

213. Remember that time that Abraham said: “Lord, make this a land of safety. Preserve me and my descendants from serving idols.” (İbrahim, 35)

214. Lord, many have they led astray. He that follows me shall become my brother, but if anyone turns against me, You are surely forgiving and merciful. (İbrahim, 36)

215. Let them feast and make merry; and let their hopes beguile them. They shall know. (Al-Hijr- 3)

216. They say: “You to whom the warning was revealed, you are surely possessed (mad). (Al- Hijr, 6)

217. (O Muhammad) Tell My servants that I alone am the Forgiving One, the Merciful. (Al-Hijr, 49)

218. And that only My scourge is the woeful scourge. (Al-Hijr, 50)

219. (O Muhammad) By your life (your infinite personality), they were blundering in madness. (Al-Hijr, 72)

220. It was to reveal the Truth that We created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them. The Hour of Doom is sure to come: (O Muhammad) for this reason, bear with them nobly. (Al-Hijr, 85)

221. Surely, your Lord is the all-knowing Creator. (Al-Hijr, 86)

222. We have given you the seven oft-repeated verses and the Glorious Koran. (Al-Hijr, 87)

223. Do not regard with envy the good things We have bestowed on some among the infidels, nor grieve on their account. Show kindness to the faithful. (Al-Hijr, 88)

224. And say: “I am he that gives plain warning.” (Al-Hijr, 89)

225. (O Muhammad) Proclaim, then, what you are bidden and let the idolators be. (Al-Hijr, 94)

226. We will Ourself sustain you against those that mock you. (Al-Hijr, 95)

227. Those that serve other deities besides Allah shall before long know the truth. (Al-Hijr, 96)

228. (O Muhammad) We surely know that you are distressed by what they say. (Al- Hijr, 97)

229. Give glory to your Lord (praise Him) and prostrate yourself. (Al-Hijr, 98)

230. Worship your Lord till certain death overtakes you. (Al, Hijr, 99)

231. (O Muhammad) Strive as you may to guide them, Allah will not guide those whom He confounds and there shall be none to help them. (Al-Nahl, 37)

232. They solemnly swear by Allah that He will never raise the dead to life. But Allah’s promise shall be fulfilled, though most men may not know it. (Al-Nahl, 38)

233. The Apostles We sent before you were but men whom We inspired with revelations and with scriptures. Ask the People of the Remembrance, if you doubt this. (Al- Nahl, 43)

234. By the Lord, We have sent apostles before you to other nations. But Satan made their foul deeds seem fair to them and to this day he (Satan) is their patron. A woeful scourge awaits them. (Al-Nahl, 63)

235. We have revealed to you the Book so that you may resolve for them their differences and become a guide and a blessing to true believers. (Al-Nahl, 64)

236. But if they give no heed again, your mission is only to give plain warning. (Al-Nahl, 82)

237. They recognize Allah’s favours, yet they deny them. Most of them are unbelievers. (Al-Nahl, 83)

238. The day will surely come when We shall call a witness from ev ery nation to testify for it. We shall call you (O Muhammad) to testify for your people. We have revealed the Book which manifests the truth about all things, a guide, a blessing and good news for Muslims. (Nahl, 89)

239. When we change one verse for another -Allah knows best what He reveals-, they say: “You are an impostor”. Indeed most of them have no knowledge. (Al- Nahl, 101)

240. Say (O Muhammad): “The Holy Spirit brought (the Koran) it down from your Lord in truth to reassure the faithful, and to give guidance and good news to those that surrender themselves (for Muslims). (Al- Nahl, (102)

241. We know they say: “A mortal taught him”. But the man to whom they allude speaks a foreign tongue, while this is eloquent Arabic speech. (Al- Nahl, 103)

242. To the Jews We have made unlawful what We recounted to you before. We never wronged them, but they wronged themselves. (Al- Nahl, 118)

243. To those who commit evil through ignorance, and then repent and mend their ways, Your Lord (O Muhammad) is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Nahl, 119)

244. And now We have revealed to you (My beloved, O Muhammad) Our will, saying: “Follow the faith of saintly Abraham as a monotheist Muslim. He was no idolater”. (Al- Nahl, 123)

245. Call men to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kindly exhortation. Reason with them in the most courteous manner. Your Lord best knows who stray from His path. (Al- Nahl, 125)

246. Be patient, then: Allah will grant you patience. Do not grieve for the unbelievers, nor distress yourself at their intrigues.(Al- Nahl, 127)

247. For, Allah is with those who keep evil and do good works. (Al-Nahl, 128)

248. Glory be to Allah who made His servant (Muhammad Sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem) go by night from the Sacred Temple(Mascid-i Haram) to the farther Temple (Mascid-i Aksa) whose surroundings We have blessed, that We might show him (Hz. Muhammad) some of Our signs. He alone hears all and observes all perfectly. (Al-Isra, 1)

249. When you (O Muhammad) recite the Koran, We place between you and those who deny the life to come a hidden barrier. (Al-Isra, 45)

250. We cast a veil upon their hearts and make them hard of hearing, lest they understand it. That is why on hearing mention of your One and Only Lord in the Koran, they turn their backs in flight. (Al-Isra, 46)

251. We well know what they wish to hear when they listen to you, and what they say when they converse in private; when the wrongdoers declare: “The man you follow is surely bewitched”. (Al-Isra, 47)

252. Behold what epithets they bestow upon you (they likened you to a poet, a soothsayer.. ). They have surely gone astray and cannot find the right way. (Al- Isra, 48)

253. “What!” they said. “When we are turned to bones and dust, shall we be restored to life?” (Al-Isra, 49)

254. Say (O Muhammad) : You shall; whether you turn to stone or iron.. (Al-Isra, 50)

255. “..or any other substance which you may think unlikely to be given life.” They will ask: “Who will restore us?” Say: “He that created you at first”. They will shake their heads and ask: “When will this be?,” say: “It may be near at hand”. (Al, Isra, 51)

256. Tell My servants to be courteous in their speech because satan sows discord among them. Satan is surely the sworn enemy of man. (Al-Isra, 53)

257. Say: “Pray if you will to those whom you deify besides Him. They cannot relieve your distress, nor can they change it.” (Al-Isra, 56)

258. We have told you that your Lord encompasses all men. We have made the vision which we showed you, as well as the tree cursed in the Koran, a test for men’s faith. We seek to put fear in their hearts, but their wickedness increases. (Al-Isra, 60)

259. When We said to the angels: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam,” they all prostrated themselves, except Satan, who replied: “Shall I bow to whom You have made of clay?” (Al-Isra, 61)

260. The day will surely come when We shall summon every nation with its Apostle (with their guides). (Al-Isra, 71)

261. They sought to entice you from Our revelations, hoping that you might invent some other scripture in Our name, and thus become their trusted friend. (Al-Isra, 73)

262. Indeed, had We not strengthened your faith, you might have made compromise with them. (Al-Isra, 74)

263. And thus incurred a double punishment in this life and in the next. Then, you should have found none to protect you from Our wrath. (Al- Isra, 75)

264. They will seek to provoke you and thus drive you out of the land (from your country). Had they succeeded, they would have scarcely survived your departure. (Al-Isra, 76)

265. Such is Our way (Sunnah, the laws of Allah) with the Apostles whom We sent before you. You shall find no change in Our way (Sunnah, Our law). (Al-Isra, 77)

266. Recite your prayers at sunset, at nightfall, and at dawn; the dawn prayer (The dawn Koran) had its witnesses. (Al-Isra, 78)

267. Wake up to recite the Koran during the night as well!; an additional duty, for the fulfillment of which your Lord may exalt you (O Muhammad!) to an honorable station (Makam-ı Mahmud). (Al-Isra, 79)

268. Say: “Lord, grant me a goodly entrance and a goodly exit, and sustain me with your Power (A Sultan from Your presence).” (Al-Isra, 80)

269. Say: “Truth has come and Falsehood has been over-thrown.” Falsehood was bound to be discomfited. (Al-Isra, 81)

270. Say: “Each man behaves after his own character (his original nature). But your Lord best knows who is best guided.” (Al-Isra, 84)

271. They put questions to you about the Spirit. Say: “The Spirit is at my Lord’s command.” Little indeed is the knowledge vouchsafed to you. (Al-Isra, 85)

272. If We pleased We could take away that which We have revealed to you; then you should find none to plead with Us on your behalf. (Al-Isra, 86)

273. But your Lord has shown you mercy. His goodness to you has been great indeed. (Al-Isra, 87)

274. Say: “If men and jinn combined to write the like of this Koran, they would surely fail to compose the like, though they helped one another as best they could.” (Al- Isra, 88)

275. They say: “We will not believe in you until you make a spring gush from the earth before our very eyes.” (Al-Isra, 90)

276. Or cause rivers to flow in a grove of palms and vines. (Al-Isra, 91)

277. Or you cause the sky to fall upon us in pieces, or bring down God and the angels in our midst. (Al-Isra, 92)

278. Or you build a house of gold, or ascend to heaven; nor will We believe in your ascent until you have sent down for us a book which we can read. Say: “Glory to my Lord! Surely I am no more than an Apostle.”(Al-Isra, 93)

279. Nothing prevents men from having faith when guidance is revealed to them but the excuse: “Can it be that God has sent down a Human being as an Apostle?” (Al-Isra, 94)

280. Say: “Had the earth been safe enough for Angels to dwell in, We would have sent down to them an Angel from heaven as an Apostle.” (Al-Isra, 95)

281. Say: “Sufficient is God as a judge between us. He knows and observes His servants.” (Al-Isra, 96)

282. Say: “Had you possessed the treasures of my Lord’s mercy, you would have covetously hoarded them. How niggardly is man!” (Al-Isra, 100)

283. We have revealed the Koran with the Truth, and with the Truth it has come down. We have sent you forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning. (Al-Isra, 105)

284. We have divided the Koran into sections so that you may recite it to the people with deliberation. (Al-Isra, 106)

285. Say: “It is for you to believe in it or to deny it. Those who were endowed with knowledge before its revelation prostrate themselves when it is recited.” (Al-Isra, 107)

286. Say: “It is the same whether you call on God or on the Merciful: His are the most gracious names. Pray neither with too loud a voice nor in silence, but, between these extremes, seek a middle course.” (Al-Isra, 110)

287. Say: “Praise be to God who has never begotten a son; who has no partner in His Kingdom; who needs none to defend Him from humiliation.” Proclaim His greatness as it is required. (Al-Isra, 111)

288. Praise be to Allah who has revealed the Book to His servant Hz. Muhammad A.S.V shorn of falsehood and unswerving from the truth. (Al-Kahf, 1)

289. So that he may give warning of a dire scourge from Himself, proclaim to the faithful who do good works that a rich and everlasting reward awaits them. (Al-Kahf, 2)

290. And he may admonish those who say that Allah has begotten a son. (Al-Kahf, 4)

291. Yet, if they deny this revelation, you may destroy yourself with grief, sorrowing over them. (Al-Kahf, 6)

292. (My beloved) Did you think the Sleepers of the Cave and Al-Raqim were a wonder among our signs? ((Al-Kahf, 9)

293. We shall recount to you their story in all truth. They were young men who had faith in their Lord, and on whom We have bestowed Our guidance. (Al-Kahf, 13)

294. You might have seen the rising sun decline to the right of their cavern and, as it set, go past them on the left, while they stayed within. That was one of the signs of Allah. He whom Allah guides is rightly guided; but he whom He confounds shall find no friend to guide him. (Al-Kahf, 17)

295. You might have thought them awake, though they were sleeping. We turned them about to right and left, while their dog lay at the cave’s entrance with legs outstretched. Had you looked upon them, you would have surely turned your back and fled in terror.(Al-Kahf, 18)

296. Do not say of anything: “I will do it tomorrow”. (Al-Kahf, 23)

297. …without adding: “If Allah wills.” When you forget, remember your Lord and say: “May Allah guide me and bring me nearer to the Truth.” (Al- Kahf, 24)

298. Say: “None but Allah knows how long they stayed in it. His are the secrets of the heavens and the earth. Clear is His sight and keen His hearing. Man has no other guardians besides Him. He allows none to share His sovereignty.” (Al-Kahf, 26)

299. Proclaim what is revealed to you in the Book of your Lord. None can change His words. You shall find no refuge besides Him. (Al-Kahf, 27)

300. Restrain yourself, together with those who pray to their Lord morning and evening, seeking His pleasure. Do not turn your eyes away from them in quest of the good things of this life, nor obey him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, who follows his appetite and gives a loose rein to his desires. (Al-Kahf, 28)

301. Say: “This is the truth from your Lord. Let him who will, believe in it, and him who will, deny it.” For the wrongdoers We have prepared a fire which will encompass them like the walls of a pavilion. When they cry out for help they shall be showered with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces. Evil shall be their drink, dismal their resting-place. (Al-Kahf, 29)

302. Give them this parable: Once there were two men, to one of whom We gave two vineyards set about with palm-trees and watered by a running stream, with a cornfield lying in between. (Al-Kahf, 29)

303. Coin for them a simile about this life: We brought down water from the Sky and the vegetation of the world was mixed with it. Soon the plants turned into stubble which the wind scattered abroad. Allah has the power over all things. (Al-Kahf, 45)

304. Tell of the day We shall blot out the mountains and you will see the earth a barren waste; We have gathered all mankind together, leaving not a soul behind. (Al- Kahf, 47)

305. Their book will be laid down, and you shall see the sinners dismayed at the content. They will say: “Woe to us! What can this book mean? It omits nothing small or great; all is noted down!” and they shall find their deeds recorded there. Your Lord will wrong none. (Al-Kahf, 49)

306. Had it been His will to scourge them for their sins, Your Lord, who is forgiving and merciful, would have hurried on their punishment; but He has set for them a predestined time they cannot evade. (Al-Kahf, 58)

307. They ask you (O Muhammad) about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say: “I will give you an account of him.” (Al-Kahf, 83)

308. Say: “Shall I tell you who will lose most through their labors?” (Al-Kahf, 103)

309. (Shall I tell you) “Those whose endeavors in this world are misguided and who yet think that what they do is right.” (Al- Kahf, 104)

310. They are the people who disbelieve the revelations of their Lord and they deny that they will ever meet Him. Vain are the works of these. On the Day of Resurrection, We shall not weigh them. ((Al-Kahf, 105)

311. Say: “If the waters of the sea were ink with which to write the words of my Lord, the sea would surely dry up before the words of my Lord were finished, though we brought another sea to replenish it.” (Al-Kahf, 109)

312. Say: “I am but a mortal like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your Lord is one God. Let him that hopes to meet his Lord do what is right and worship none besides Him.” (Al- Kahf, 110)

313. And you shall recount in the Book the story of Mary: how she left her people and betook herself to a solitary place to the east. (Maryam, 16)

314. (My beloved!) Forewarn them of that woeful day! They are heedless and they are still persisting in unbelief. (Maryam, 39)

315. You shall also recount in the Book the story of Abraham. He was indeed a righteous prophet. (Maryam, 41)

316. In the Book tell also of Moses, who was a chosen man (sincere and good-hearted), an Apostle and a Prophet. (Maryam, 51)

317. And in the Book you shall tell of Ishmael because he too, was a man of his word, an Apostle and a Prophet. (Maryam, 54)

318. And tell also of Idris (Enoch) because he was a very honest Prophet. (Maryam, 56)

319. We will call them to account in company with all the devils and set them on their knees around the fire of Hell. (Maryam, 68)

320. Say: “The Merciful will bear long with those in error until they see the fulfillment of His threats: be it a worldly scourge or the Hour of Doom. Then shall they know whose is the worse plight and whose the smaller following.” (Maryam, 75)

321. Did you see the man who denies Our signs and who yet boasts: “I shall surely be given wealth and children!” (Maryam, 77)

322. Know that we send down to the unbelievers devils who incite them to evil. (Maryam, 83)

323. Do not be in a hurry about them! We are counting their days and breaths (recording their words). (Maryam, 84)

324. We have revealed to you the Koran in your own tongue that you may thereby proclaim good tidings to the upright and give warning to a contentious nation. (Maryam, 97)

325. How many generations have We destroyed before them! Can you find one of them still alive, or hear so much as a whisper from them? (Maryam, 98)

326. It was not to distress you (O Muhammad) that We revealad the Koran. (Ta Ha, 2)

327. You have no need to speak aloud: for He has knowledge of all that is secret, and all that is hidden. (Ta Ha, 7)

328. Have you heard the story of Moses? (Ta Ha, 9)

329. Thus do We recount to you the history of past events. We have certainly given you a dhikr (remembrance) from our presence. (Ta Ha, 99)

330. They ask you about the mountains. Say: “My Lord will crush them to fine dust and reduce them to a desolate waste.” (Ta Ha, 105)

331. Thus, have We sent it down: The Koran in the Arabic tongue, and proclaimed in it warnings and threats so that they may take heed and guard themselves against evil. (Ta Ha, 113)

332. Exalted be Allah, the true King! Do not be quick to recite the Koran before its revelation is completed, but rather say: “Lord, increase my knowledge.” (Ta Ha, 114)

333. Bear with what they say. Give glory to your Lord before sunrise and sunset. Praise Him day and night, so that you may find comfort. (Ta Ha, 130)

334. Do not regard with envy the worldly benefits. We have bestowed on some among them, for with these We seek only to try them. Better is your Lord’s reward, and more lasting. (Ta Ha, 131)

335. Enjoin prayer on your family and be diligent in its observance. We demand nothing of you. Blessed shall be the end of devout. (Ta Ha, 132)

336. Say: “All are waiting: so wait if you will. You shall know who has followed the right path and who has been rightly guided”. (Ta Ha, 135)

337. Their hearts are set on pleasure. In private the wrongdoers say to each other: “Is this man (Muhammad) not a mortal like yourselves? Would you follow witchcraft with your eyes open? (Al- Anbiya, 3)

338. Say: “My Lord has knowledge of whatever is said in heaven and earth. He hears all and knows all.” (Anbiya, 4)

339. Some say: “It (the Koran) is but a medley of dreams.” Others: “He has invented it himself.” And yet others: “He is a poet: let him show us some sign, as did the Apostles in days gone by.” (Al-Anbiya, 5)

340. The nations whom We destroyed before them did not believe either. Will they believe? (Al-Anbiya, 6)

341. The Apostles We sent before you were but men whom We inspired. Ask the People of the Dhikir (Remembrance) if you do not know this. (Al-Anbiya, 7)

342. Have they chosen other gods besides Him? Say: “Show us your proofs. Here are the Scriptures of today and those of long ago.” But most of them do not know the truth, and this is why they give no heed. (Al- Anbiya, 24)

343. We inspired all the Apostles whom We sent before you, saying: “There is no god but Me. Therefore serve Me.” (Al-Anbiya, 25)

344. No man before you have We made immortal. If you yourself are doomed to die, will they live forever? (Al-Anbiya, 34)

345. When the unbelievers see you, they scoff at you saying: “Is this the man who fulminates against your gods? And they deny all mention of the Merciful. (Al- Anbiya, 36)

346. Other Apostles have been mocked before you, but those who scoffed at them were smitten by the very scourge they mocked. (Al- Anbiya, 41)

347. Say: “Who will protect you by night and by day, from the scourge of the Lord of Mercy (Allah)?” Yet are they unmindful of their Lord’s remembrance. (Al-Anbiya, 42)

348. Say: “I warn you only by that with which I am inspired.” But the deaf can hear nothing when they are warned. (Al-Anbiya, 45)

349. Yet if the lightest whiff from the vengeance of your Lord touched them, they would say: “Woe to us: We have done wrong.” (Al- Anbiya, 46)

350. Before him Noah invoked Us, and We heard his prayer. We saved him and all his kinsfolk from the great calamity. (Al-Anbiya, 76)

351. And tell of David and Solomon: how they passed judgment regarding the cornfield in which strayed lambs had grazed by night. We gave Solomon insight into the case and bore witness to both their judgments. (Al-Anbiya, 78)

352. We taught him the armourer’s craft, so that you might have protection against in your wars. Will you then give thanks? (Al-Anbiya, 80)

353. And tell of Job: how he called on his Lord, saying: “I am sorely afflicted; but of all those that show mercy You are the most merciful.” (Al-Anbiya, 83)

354. And you shall also tell of Ishmael, Idris (Enoch) and Ezekiel (Dhul Kifl) who all endured with patience. (Al- Anbiya, 85)

355. And of Dhul-Nun (Jonah) how he went away in anger, thinking We had no power over him. But in the darkness he cried: “There is no god but You. Glory be to you! I have done wrong.” (Al-Anbiya, 87)

356. We answered his prayer and delivered him from distress. Thus shall We save the true believers. (Al-Anbiya, 88)

357. And of Zachariah, who invoked his Lord saying: “Lord, let me not remain alone, though of all heirs You are the best!” (Al-Anbiya, 89)

359. And of the woman (Mary) who kept her chastity. We breathed into her of Our spirit, and made her and her son a sign to all men. (Al-Anbiya, 91)

360. Your religion is but one religion, and I am Your only Lord. Therefore, serve Me! (Al-Anbiya, 92)

361. (O Muhammad!) On that day We shall roll up the heaven like a scroll of parchment. As We first created man, so will We bring him back to life. This is a promise We shall assuredly fulfill. (Al-Anbiya, 104)

362. We wrote in the Psalms after the Torah was revealed: “The righteous among My servants shall inherit the earth.” (Al-Anbiya, 105)

363. (O Muhammad) We have sent you forth but as a blessing to mankind. (Al-Anbiya, 107)

364. Say: “It is revealed to me that your God is one God. Will you submit to Him?” (Al-Anbiya, 108)

365. If they give no heed say: “I have warned you all alike, though I cannot tell whether the scourge you are threatened with is imminent or far off.” (Al-Anbiya, 109)

366. I do not know, this may be a test for you and a short reprieve. (Al-Anbiya, 111)

367. The Prophet of Allah said: “Lord, judge with fairness. Our Lord is the Merciful, whose help We seek against your blasphemies.” (Al-Anbiya, 112)

368. Do you not see how all who dwell in heaven and earth do homage to God? The sun and the moon and the stars, the mountains and the trees, the beasts and countless men – all prostrate themselves before Him. Yet many have deserved His scourge. He who is humbled by God has none to honor him. God’s will is ever done. (Al-Hajj, 18)

369. When We prepared for Abraham the site of the Sacred Mosque (the Kaaba) We said: “Worship none besides Me. Keep My house clean for those who walk around it, and those who stand upright or kneel in worship.” (Al-Hajj, 26)

370. For every nation We have ordained a ritual, that they may pronounce the name of Allah over the cattle which He has given them for food. Your God is one God; to Him surrender yourselves. (O Muhammad!) Give good news to the humble, respectful and sincere people. (Al-Hajj, 34)

371. They are the people whose hearts are filled with awe at the mention of Allah, who endure adversity with fortitude, attend to their prayers, and bestow charity of what which We have given them. (Al-Hajj, 35)

372. Their flesh and blood does not reach Allah but it is your piety that reaches Him. Thus has He subjected them to your service, so that you may give glory to Allah for guiding you. (O Muhammad) Give good news to the righteous. ((Al-Hajj, 37)

373. (O Muhammad) If they deny you, remember that before them to peoples of Noah, the tribes of Thamud and Ad had denied their Apostles. (Al-Hajj, 42)

374. The people of Abraham and of Lot had denied them. (Al-Jajj, 43)

375. The dwellers of Midian had denied their Apostles, Moses was also rejected. I bore long with the unbelievers, and then My scourge overtook them. How dire was the way I rejected them. (Al-Hajj, 44)

376. They bid you hasten the threatened scourge. Allah will not fail His promise. Each day of your Lord’s is like a thousand years in your reckoning. (Al-Hajj, 47)

377. Say: “Men, I have been sent to warn you plainly.” (Al-Hajj, 49)

378. Never have We sent a single Prophet or Apostle before you with whose wishes satan did not tamper. But Allah abrogates the interjections of satan and confirms His own revelations. Allah is all- knowing and wise. (Al- Hajj, 52)

379. …so that those who are endowed with knowledge may realize that this is the truth from your Lord and thus believe in it and humble their hearts towards Him. Allah will surely guide the faithful to a straight path. (Al-Hajj, 54)

380. Do you not see how Allah sends down water from the sky and forthwith the earth turns green? Gracious is Allah and all-knowing. (Al-Hajj, 63)

381. His is all that the heavens and the earth contain. Allah is the Self-sufficient (rich), the Glorious One (deserving to be praised). (Al-Hajj-64)

382. Do you not see how Allah subdued for you all that is in the earth? He has given you ships which sail the sea at His bidding. He holds the sky from falling down: this it shall not do except by His own will because Compassionate is Allah, and merciful to men. (Al-Hajj, 65)

383. It is He who has given you life, and He who will cause you to die and make you live again. Surely, man is ungrateful (infidel). (Al-Hajj, 66)

384. For every nation We have ordained a ritual which they observe. Let them not dispute with you concerning this. Call them to the path of your Lord; you are rightly guided. (Al-Hajj, 67)

385. If they argue with you, say: “God knows best all that you do.” (Al-Hajj, 68)

386. On the Day of Resurrection Allah will judge all your differences (He will tell who is right and who is wrong). (Al-Hajj, 69)

387. Are you not aware that Allah has knowledge of what heaven and earth contain? All is recorded in a Book. That is no difficult thing for Allah. (Al-Hajj, 70)

388. When Our revelations are recited to them in all their clarity, you will note denial in the faces of the unbelievers. Barely can they restrain themselves from assaulting those who recite Our revelations. Say: “Shall I tell you what is worse than that? The fire which Allah has promised those who deny Him. An evil fate!” (Al-Hajj, 72)

389. Men, listen to this aphorism! Those whom you invoke besides Allah could never create a single fly though they combined their forces. And a fly carried away a speck of dust from them, they could never retrieve it. Powerless is the suppliant, and powerless he whom supplicates. (Al-Hajj, 73)

390. They do not render to Allah the homage due to Him. Yet, Allah is powerful and mighty. (Al-Hajj, 74)

391. Allah chooses His Messengers from the Angels and from Men. Allah hears all and observes all. (Al-Hajj, 75)

392. Fight for the cause of Allah with devotion due to Him. He has chosen you, and laid on you no burdens in the observance of your faith, the faith of Abraham your father. In this (the Koran), as in former scriptures (the Books), He has given you the name of “Muslims”, so that His Apostle may testify against your fellow-men.

Therefore attend to your prayers, render the alms levy, and hold fast to Allah; for He is your Guardian. A gracious guardian and a gracious helper! (Al-Hajj, 78)

393. Leave them in their error till a certain time. (Al-Mu’minun, 54)

394. Do they think that, in giving them wealth and children, (Al-Mu’minun, 55)

395. We are solicitous for their welfare? By no means! They cannot see that this (wealth and children) is an examination for them. (Al- Mu’minun, 56)

396. Or is it because they do not know their Apostle (they do not know his honesty) that they deny him? (Al-Mu’minun, 69)

397. Do they say he is possessed? Surely he has proclaimed to them the truth. But most of them abhor the truth. (Al-Mu’minun, 70)

398. Are you seeking a reward from them? Far better is your Lord’s recompense. He is the most munificent Giver. (Al-Mu’minun, 72)

399. You have called them to a straight path! (Al-Mu’minun, 73)

400. Say: “Whose is the earth and all that it contains? Tell me, if you know the truth!” (Al-Mu’minun, 84)

401. They will reply: “Allah’s”. Say: Then, will you not take heed?” (Al-Mu’minun, 85)

402. Say (again): “Who is the Lord of the seven Heavens and the Glorious Throne?” (Al- Mu’minun, 86)

403. “Allah” they will reply. Say: “Will you keep from evil then?” (Al-Mu’minun, 87)

404. Say: “In whose hands is the sovereignty of all things, protecting all, while against Him there is no protector?” (Al-Mu’minun, 88)

405. “In Allah’s” they will reply. Say: “How then can you be so bewitched?” (Al- Mu’minun, 89)

406. Say: “Lord, if You will punish them with they are threatened.” (Al-Mu’minun, 93)

407. “Do not abandon me, Lord, among this sinful nation!” (Al-Mu’minun, 94)

408. Indeed, We have power enough to let you see the punishment with which they are threatened. (Al-Mu’minun, 95)

409. Requite evil with good. We are fully aware of all their slanders. (Al-Mu’minun, 96)

410. And say: “Lord, I seek refuge in You from the prompting of the devils.”(Al-Mu’minun, 97)

411. “Lord, I seek refuge in You from their presence!” (Al- Mu’minun, 98)

412. Say: “Lord, forgive and have mercy. You are the best of those that show mercy.” (Al-Mu’minun, 118)

413. Enjoin believing men to turn their eyes away from temptation and to restrain their carnal desires. This will make their lives purer. Allah has knowledge of all their actions. (Al-Nur, 30)

414. Enjoin believing women to turn their eyes away from temptation and to preserve their chastity; to cover their adornments (except such as are normally displayed); to draw their veils over their bosoms and not to reveal their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their step-sons, their brothers, their brother’s sons, their sister’s sons, their women-servants and their slave girls; male attendants lacking in natural vigor, and children who have no carnal knowledge of women. And let them not stamp their feet when walking so as to reveal their hidden trinkets. Believers, turn to Allah in repentance, that you may prosper. (Al-Nur, 31)

415. Do you not see how Allah is praised by those in heaven and those on earth? The very birds praise Him as they wing their flight. Each of them knows their own prayers and praises and Allah has also knowledge of all their actions. (Al-Nur, 41)

416. Do you not see how Allah drives the clouds, then gathers and piles them up in masses which poor down torrents of rain? From heaven’s mountains (from big clouds) He sends down the hail, pelting it away from He pleases. The flash of His lightning almost snatches off men’s eyes. (Al-Nur, 43)

417. They declare: “We believe in Allah and the Apostle and obey”. But no sooner do they utter these words than some among them turn their backs. Surely these are no believers. (Al-Nur, 47)

418. And when they are called to Allah and His Apostle that he may judge between them, some turn away. (Al-Nur, 48)

419. Had justice been on their side they would have come in all obedience. (Al-Nur, 49)

420. Is there a sickness in their hearts, or are they full of doubt? Do they fear that Allah and His Apostle may deny them justice? Surely these are wrong-doers. (Al-Nur, 50)

421. But when true believers are called to Allah and His Apostle that he may pass judgment upon them, their only reply is: “We heard and obeyed”. Such men will surely prosper. (Al-Nur, 51)

422. Those that obey Allah and His Apostle, those that revere Allah and fear Him, will surely triumph. (Al-Nur, 52)

423. They solemnly swear by Allah that if you order them to march forth, they will obey you. Say: “Do not swear; your obedience, not your oaths, will count. Allah is certainly cognizant of all your actions. (Al-Nur, 53)

424. Say: “Obey Allah and obey the Apostle. If you do not, he is still bound to fulfill his duty, as you yourselves are bound to fulfill yours. If you obey him, you shall be rightly guided. The duty of an Apostle is only to give plain warning.” (Al-Nur, 54)

425. Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good works to make them masters in the land as He had made their ancestors before them, to strengthen the Faith He chose for them, and to change their fears to safety. Let them worship Me and serve none besides Me. Wicked indeed are they who after this deny Me. (Al-Nur, 55)

426. Attend to your prayers, render the alms levy, and obey the Apostle, so that you may be shown mercy. (Al-Nur, 56)

427. Never think that unbelievers can escape their fate in this world. The fire shall be their home: an evil end. (Al-Nur, 57)

428. They only are true believers who have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and who, when gathered with him upon a grave occasion, do not depart till they have begged his leave. (O Muhammad!) The men who ask you leave to go away on any business of their own are the people who believe in Allah and His Apostle. When they ask you leave to go away, grant it to whomever you please and implore Allah to forgive them; Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Nur, 62)

429. Do not address the Apostle in the manner you address one another. Allah knows those of you who steal away, concealing themselves behind others. Let those who disobey his orders beware, lest some affliction or some woeful scourge be visited upon them. (Al-Nur, 63)

430. Blessed be He (Allah) who has revealed Al-Furqan (the criterion to decide what is true what is false) to His servant, that he may warn the nations. (Al-Furqan, 1)

431. The unbelievers say: “This is but a forgery. Muhammad invented it, in which others have helped him.” Unjust is what they say and false. (Al-Furqan, 4)

432. And they say: “Fables of the ancients he has written; they are dictated to him morning and evening.” (Al-Furqan, 5)

433. Say (to them): “It is revealed by Him who knows the secrets of heaven and earth. He is forgiving and merciful.” (Al-Furqan, 6)

434. They also say: “How is it that this Apostle eats and walks about the market-squares? Why has no angel been sent down with him to warn us?” (Al-Furqan, 7)

435. “Why has no treasure been given him, no garden to provide his sustenance?” And the wrongdoers say: “The man you follow (swear fealty to) is surely bewitched.” (Al-Furqan, 8)

436. See what epitaphs they bestow upon you! Surely they have gone astray and cannot return to the true path. (Al-Furqan, 9)

437. Blessed be Allah who, if He wills, can give you better things than these; gardens watered by running streams, and palaces too. (Al-Furqan, 10)

438. They deny the Hour of Doom. For those who deny that hour We have prepared a blazing fire. (Al-Furqan, 11)

439. From a long distance they shall hear it raging and roaring. (Al-Furqan, 12)

440. And when, chained together, they are flung into some narrow space, they will fervently call for many deaths. (Al-Furqan, 13)

441. “Do not call today for one death; call for many deaths.” (Al-Furqan, 14)

442. Say: “Which is better, this or the Paradise of Immortality which the righteous have been promised? It is their recompense and their retreat.” (Al-Furqan, 15)

443. On the day He (your Lord) assembles them with all their idols (they worshipped besides Allah), He will say: “Was it you who misled My servants, or did they choose to astray?” (Al-Furqan, 17)

444. We have sent no Apostles before you who did not eat or walk about the market-squares. We test you by means of one another. Will you have patience? Your Lord observes all. (Al-Furqan, 20)

445. On that day the wrongdoer will bite his hands and say: “Would that I had walked in the Apostle’s path.” (Al-Furqan, 27)

446. “Oh, would that I had never chosen so-and-so for my companion!” (Al-Furqan, 28)

447. The Apostle says: “Lord, my people have forsaken this Koran!” (Al-Furqan, 30)

448. Thus to every apostle W e have assigned adversaries among the wrongdoers: but you need none besides your Lord to guide and help you. (Al-Furqan, 31)

449. The unbelievers ask: “Why was the Koran not revealed to him entire in a single revelation?” We have revealed it thus so that We may strengthen your faith. We have imparted it to you by gradual revelation. (Al-Furqan, 32)

450. No sooner will they come to you with an argument than We shall reveal to you the truth and properly explain it. (Al-Furqan, 33)

451. Whenever they see you they scoff at you, saying: “Is this the man whom Allah has sent as His Apostle?” (Al-Furqan, 41)

452. They say: “Had we not stood firm, he would have turned us away from our gods.” But when they face the scourge they shall realize who has been more grossly misled. (Al-Furqan, 42)

453. Have you seen the man who has made a god of his own appetite? Would you be a guardian over him? (Al-Furqan, 43)

454. Do you think most of them can hear or understand? They are like cattle, indeed, even more misguided. (Al-Furqan, 44)

455. Do you not see how your Lord lengthens the shadow? Had it been His will He could have made them constant. Then, We made the sun the proof of it (shadow). (Al-Furqan, 45)

456. Do not yield to the unbelievers (the duty is only yours), but fight them with this (the Koran), most strenuously. (Al-Furqan, 52)

457. It was He who created man from water, and gave him kindred of blood and of marriage. (He divided him into two and made a woman who will be a relative by means of marrying a man who will have children). All-powerful is your Lord. (Al-Furqan, 54)

458. We have sent you only to proclaim good news and to give warning. (Al-Furqan, 56)

459. Say: “I demand of you no recompense for this. Let him who will, take the right path to his Lord.” (Al-Furqan, 57)

460. He created the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, and then ascended His throne. He is the Lord of Mercy. Ask those who know, concerning Him. (Al-Furqan, 59)

461. When it is said to them: “Prostrate yourselves before the Merciful”, they ask: “Who is the Merciful? Would you have us worship whatever you will?” And they grow more rebellious. (Al-Furqan, 60)

462. Say: “Little cares my Lord if you do not invoke Him. Now that you have denied His revelations, His punishment is bound to overtake you.” (Al-Furqan, 77) #9;

463. (My beloved) You will perhaps fret yourself to death on account of their unbelief. (Al-Shuara, 3)

464. If We will, We can reveal to them a sign from heaven before which they will bow their heads in utter humility. (Al-Shuara, 4)

465. They deny and turn their backs on each fresh warning they receive from the Merciful: but the truth of that which they have laughed to scorn will before long dawn upon them. (Al-Shuara, 6)

466. You Lord is surely the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 9)

467. Your Lord called out Moses, saying: “Go to those wicked people!” (Al-Shuara, 10)

468. “Go to the people of Pharaoh. Will they have fear of Me?” (Al-Shuara, 11)

469. Truly, your Lord is the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 68)

470. Recount to them the story of Abraham. (Al-Shuara, 69)

471. You Lord is surely the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 104)

472. The people of Noah, too, rejected their Apostles. (Al- Shuara, 105)

473. Your Lord is the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 12)

474. (The people of) Ad, too, disbelieved their Apostles (who were sent to them). (Al-Shuara, 123)

475. They rejected him, and thus We utterly destroyed them. Surely in that there was a sign; yet most of them do not believe. (Al-Shuara, 139)

476. Your Lord is the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 140)

477. (The people of) Thamud too, disbelieved their Apostles. (Al- Shuara, 141)

478. Your Lord is surely the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 159)

479. Lot’s people too, disbelieved their Apostles. (Al-Shuara, 160)

480. Your Lord is the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 175)

481. The People of Midian too, disbelieved their Apostles. (Al-Shuara, 176)

482. Your Lord is surely the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 176)

483. The Koran is surely revealed by the Lord of the Universe. (Al-Shuara, 192)

484. The Faithful Spirit brought it down into your heart. (Al-Shuara, 193)

485. That you might warn mankind. (Al-Shuara, 194)

486. In plain Arabic speech. (Al-Shuara, 195)

487. 489. If We let them leave in ease for many years, and then the scourge with which they are threatened falls upon them, of what avail will their past enjoyments be to them. (Al-Shuara, 205-207)

490. Call on no other god besides Allah, lest you incur His punishment. (Al-Shuara, 213)

491. Admonish your nearest kinsfolk. (Al-Shuara, 214)

492. And show kindness to those of the believers who follow you. (Al-Shuara, 215)

493. If they disobey you, say: “I am not accountable for what you do.” (Al-Shuara, 216)

494. Put your trust in the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Al-Shuara, 217)

495-496. The One who observes you when you stand upright for the ritual prayer and when you walk among the worshippers. (Al-Shuara, 218-219)

497-498. Have you not seen how aimlessly they rove in every valley, preaching what they never practice? (Al-Shuara, 225-226)

499. Not so the true believers, who do good works and remember Allah with fervor and defend themselves only when wronged. The wrongdoers will see what a comeback they shall have. (Al-Shuara, 227)

500. (O Muhammad!)You have received the Koran from Him who is wise and all- knowing. (Al-Naml, 6)

501. But when Our undoubted signs were shown to them, they said: “This is plain sorcery!” (Al- Naml, 13)

502. Their souls knew them to be true, yet they denied them in their wickedness and their pride. (My beloved) Consider the fate of the evil-doers. (Al-Naml, 14)

503. Say: “Praise be to God, and peace be upon His servants whom He has chosen. Who is more worthy, Allah or the idols they serve besides Him?” (Al-Naml, 59)

504. Who created the heavens and the earth? Who sent down water and we planted gardens of delight with it? You cannot cause even a tree of those gardens to grow. Another god besides Allah? No, they are the people who went astray. (Al-Naml, 60)

505. Surely worthier is He who has established the earth and watered it with running rivers; who has set mountains upon it and placed a barrier between the Two seas. Another god besides Allah? Indeed, most of them have no knowledge. (Al-Naml, 61)

506. Who answers the oppressed when they pray to Him, and relieves his affliction? Who has given you the earth to inherit? (Al- Naml, 62)

507. Who guides you in the darkness of land and sea, and sends the winds as harbingers of His mercy? (Al-Naml, 63)

508. Who has made His creatures and will bring them back to life hereafter; who gives you sustenance from earth and sky. Another god besides Allah? Say: “Show us your proof, if what you say be true!” (Al-Naml, 64)

509. Say: “No one in the Heavens or on earth has knowledge of what is hidden except Allah. Nor shall men ever know when they will be raised to life?” (Al-Naml, 65)

510. Their knowledge about the next world was gathered. (All the knowledge they attained showed the life to come). But, they are still in doubt about it and their eyes are sealed (blind). (Al-Naml, 66)

511. Say: “Roam the world and see what was the end of the guilty!” (Al-Naml, 69)

512. (My beloved!) Do not grieve for them, nor be distressed at their intrigues! (Al-Naml, 70)

513. And they ask: “When will this (scourge) be fulfilled, if what you say be true?” (Al- Naml, 71)

514. Say: “A part of what you challenge may well be near at hand.” (Al-Naml, 72)

515. Your Lord is bountiful to men; yet most of them do not give thanks. (Al-Naml, 73)

516. Your Lord surely has knowledge of what they hide in their bosoms and what they say aloud. (Al- Naml, 74)

517. There is no secret in heaven or earth but is recorded in a glorious Book. (Al-Naml, 75)

518. This Koran declares to the Israelites most of that concerning which they disagree. (Al-Naml, 76)

519. Surely, your Lord will rightly judge them (Israelites). He is the Mighty One, the All-knowing. (Al-Naml, 78)

520. Therefore put your trust in Allah, for the undoubted truth is on your side. (Al-Naml, 79)

521. You cannot make the dead hear you, nor can you make the deaf hear your call when they turn their backs and pay no heed. (Al-Naml, 80)

522. It is not for you to guide the blind out of their error. None shall hear you except those who believe in Our revelations and surrender themselves to Us (become Muslims). (Al-Naml, 81)

523. On that day We shall gather from every nation a multitude of those who disbelieved Our revelation. They shall be led in separate bands. (Al-Naml, 83)

524. The mountains, firm though you may think them, will pass away like clouds. Such is the might of Allah. He has knowledge of all your actions. (Al-Naml, 88)

525. Say: “I am bidden to serve the Lord of this city, which He has made sacred. All things are His. I am commanded to surrender to Him (to be a Muslim.)” (Al-Naml, 91)

526. “And to proclaim the Koran. He that takes the right path shall take it for his own good.” To him who goes astray, say: “I am only to give warning.” (Al-Naml, 92)

527. Then say: “Praise be to Allah! He will show you His signs and you will recognize them. Your Lord is never heedless of what you do.” (Al- Naml, 93)

528. We shall recount to you a part of the tale of Moses and Pharaoh for the instruction of the faithful truly. (Al-Qassas, 3)

529. But We took him and his warriors, and We cast them into sea. (My Beloved!) Consider the fate of the evil-doers. (Al-Qassas, 40)

530. You (My beloved) were not present on the western side of the Mountain (Sacred Valley) when We charged Moses with commission,

nor did you witness the event. (Al-Qassas, 44)

531. We raised many generations after him (after Moses) whose lives prolonged. You did not dwell among the people of Midian, nor did you learn our revelations from them but it was We who sent you forth. (Al-Qassas, 45)

532. You were not present on the Mountain-side when We called out Moses. Yet have We sent you forth, as a blessing from your Lord, to forewarn a nation to whom no one has been sent before, so that they make take heed. (Al-Qassas, 46)

533. And may not say, when evil befalls them on account of their misdeeds: “Lord, had You sent us an Apostle, We should have obeyed Your revelations and believed in them.” (Al-Qassas, 47)

534. And now that they have received the truth from Us, they ask: “Why is he not given the like of what was given to Moses?” But do they not deny what was given to Moses? They say: “Two works of sorcery complementing one another!” And they declare: “We will believe in neither of them.” (Al-Qassas, 48)

535. Say: “Bring down from Allah a scripture that is better guide than these (than the Books which were sent to Moses and Me) and I will follow it, if what you say be true!” (Al-Qassas, 49)

536. If they make no answer, know that they are the slaves of their desires. And who is in greater error than the man who is led by his desire without guidance from Allah? Allah does not guide the evil-doers. (Al-Qassas, 50)

537. We have caused Our Word to reach them one after another so that they may take advice. (Al-Qassas, 51)

538. You (My Beloved) really cannot guide whomever you please: it is Allah who guides whom He will. He best knows those who yield to guidance. (Al-Qassas, 56)

539. They say: “If we accept your guidance, we shall be driven from our land.” But have We not given them a sanctuary of safety to which fruits of every kind are brought as a provision from Ourself? Indeed most of them have no knowledge. (Al-Qassas, 57)

540. Nor did your Lord destroy the nations until He had sent Apostles to their capital cities proclaiming to them Our revelations. We destroyed them only because they sinned. (Al-Qassas, 59)

541. Your Lord creates what He will and chooses freely, but their idols have no power to choose. Glorified and exalted be He above their false gods. (Al-Qassas, 68)

542. Your Lord knows what their bosoms hide and what they reveal. (Al-Qassas, 69)

543. He is Allah: there is no god but Him. Praise is His in this world and in the hereafter. His is the power supreme. To Him you shall be recalled. (Al-Qassas, 70)

544. Say: “Think! If Allah should enshroud you in perpetual night till the Day of Resurrection, what other god could give you light? (Say!) Do you not hear?” (Al-Qassas, 71)

545. Say: “Think! If Allah should give you perpetual day until the Resurrection, what other god could bring you the night to sleep in? Do you not see?” (Al-Qassas, 72)

546. (Remember) That day He will call out to them saying: “Where are the gods whom you alleged to be My partners?” (Al-Qassas, 74)

547. Allah, who has committed the Koran to your keeping, will surely bring you home again. Say: “My Lord best knows him who brings guidance and him who is in gross error.” (A-Qassas, 85)

548. You never hoped that this Book would be revealed to you. Yet, through your Lord’s mercy, you have received it. Therefore, give no help to the unbelievers. (Al-Qassas, 86)

549. Let no one turn you away from Allah’s revelations, now that they have been revealed to you. Call men to your Lord, and serve none besides Him. (Al-Qassas, 87)

550. Invoke no other god besides Allah. There is no god but Him. All things shall perish except Himself. His is the judgment, and to Him you shall return. (Al-Qassas, 88)

551. And tell of Abraham. He said to His people: “Serve Allah and fear Him! That would be best for you, if you but knew it.” (Al-Anqabut, 16)

552. “If you deny me, other nations before you likewise denied their Apostles. An Apostle’s duty is but to give plain warning.” (Al-Anqabut, 18)

553. Say: “Roam the earth and see how Allah conceived Creation. Then Allah will initiate the Last Creation because Allah has power all things.” (Al-Anqabut, 20)

554. And tell of Lot. He said to his people: “You commit indecent acts which no other nation has committed before.” (Al-Anqabut, 28)

555. Recite the Book that is revealed to you and be steadfast in prayer. Prayer fends away indecency and evil. But your foremost duty is to remember Allah (dhiqir). Allah has knowledge of all your actions. (Al- Anqabut, 45)

556. Be courteous when you argue with the People of the Book, except with those among them who do evil. Say: “We believe in that which is revealed to us and which was revealed to you. Our God and Your God is One, to Him we surrender ourselves.” (Al-Anqabut, 46)

557. Thus have We revealed the Book to you. Those to whom We gave the Scriptures believe in it, and so do some of your own people. Only the unbelievers deny Our revelations. (Al-Anqabut, 47)

558. (O Muhammad) Never have you read a book before this, nor have you ever transcribed one with your hand. Had you done either of these, the unbelievers might have doubted. (Al-Anqabut, 48)

559. But to those who are endowed with knowledge it (those which are revealed to you) is an undoubted sign. Only the wrongdoers deny Our signs. (Al-Anqabut, 49)

560. They ask: “Why has no (other) sign been given him by his Lord? Say: “Signs (verses) are in the hands of Allah. My mission is only to give plain warning.” (Al-Anqabut, 50)

561. Is it not enough for them that We have revealed to you the Book for their instruction? Surely in this there is a blessing and an admonition to true believers. (Al-Anqabut, 51)

562. Say: “Allah is an all-sufficient witness between me and you. He knows all that the heavens and the earth contain. Those who believe in falsehood and deny Allah shall have much to loose.” (Al-Anqabut, 52)

563. They challenge you to hasten on the scourge. Had there been a time appointed for it, the scourge would have long since overtaken them. Indeed, it will come down upon them suddenly, and catch them unawares. (Al-Anqabut, 53)

564. They challenge you to hasten on the scourge. But Hell is encompassing the unbelievers. (They do not know about it.) (Al-Anqabut, 54)

565. If you ask them who is it that created the heavens and the earth, and subjected the sun and the moon, they will say: “Allah”. How then can they turn away from Him? (Al-Anqabut, 61)

566. If you ask them who it is that sends down water from the sky and thus resurrects the earth after its death, they will reply: “Allah”. Say: “Praise, then, be to Allah!” But most of them are senseless men. (Al-Anqabut, 63)

567. Therefore (My beloved) stand firm in your devotion to the true Faith (Religion), the upright Faith, which Allah created for man to embrace. Allah’s Creation cannot be changed. This is surely the right faith (Religion), although most men may not know it. (Al-Rum, 30)

568. Therefore, give their due to the near of kin, to the helpless, and to the traveler in need. That is best for those that strive to please Allah (that desires the grace of Allah); such men will surely prosper. (Al-Rum, 38)

569. Say: “Roam the earth and see what was the end of those who flourished before you. Most of them worshipped false gods.” (Al-Rum, 42)

570. Therefore, stand firm in your devotion to the Religion before that day arrives which none may put off against the will of Allah! On that day mankind will be parted into groups. (Al-Rum, 43)

571. Behold then the tokens of Allah’s mercy; how He resurrects the earth after its death. It is He who will resurrect the dead. He has power over all things. (Al-Rum, 50)

572. You cannot make the dead hear you, nor can you make the deaf hear your call if they turn their backs and give no heed. (Al-Rum, 52)

573. Nor can you guide the blind out of their error. None shall give ear to you save those who believe in Our revelations, and are submissive to Our will (and become Muslims). (Al-Rum, 53)

574. In this Koran We have set forth for men all manner of arguments. Yet, if you recite to them a single verse, the unbelievers will surely say: “You are preaching falsehoods. (You are the ones who cancelled our traditions.)” (Al-Rum, 58)

575. Thus, Allah seals the hearts of ignorant men. (Al-Rum, 59)

576. Therefore have patience (My Beloved). Allah’s promise is true.

Let not those who disbelieve drive you to despair. (Al-Rum, 60)

577. When Our revelations are recited to them, they turn their backs in scorn, as though they never heard them: as though their ears are sealed. To these proclaim a woeful scourge. (Luqman, 7)

578. As for those that disbelieve, let not their unbelief grieve you. To Allah they shall return and He will declare to them all that they have done. Allah has knowledge of their inmost thoughts. (Luqman, 23)

579. If you ask them: “Who has created the heavens and the earth?” they will reply: “Allah”. Say: “Praise, then, be to Allah!” But most of them have no knowledge. (Luqman, 25)

580. Do you not see how Allah causes the night to pass into the day and the day into the night? He has forced the Sun and the Moon into His service; each running for an appointed term. Allah is cognizant of all your actions. (Luqman, 29)

581. Do you not see how the ships speed upon the sea by the grace of Allah, so that He may reveal to you His wonders? Surely, there are signs in this for every steadfast, thankful man. (Luqman, 31)

582. Do they say: “He has invented it himself?” It is the truth from your Lord, so that you may forewarn a nation whom none has warned before you, and that they may be rightly guarded. (Al-Sajdah, 3)

583. Say: “The Angel of death in charge of you will carry off your souls. Then to your Lord you shall return.” (Al-Sajdah, 11)

584. Would that you could see the wrongdoers when they hang their heads before their Lord! They will say: “Lord, we now see and hear. Send us back and we will do good works. Now we are firm believers.” (Al-Sajdah, 12)

585. Had it been Our will, We could have given every soul its guidance. But My word will be fulfilled: “I will fill the pit of Hell with jinn and men.” (Al-Sajdah, 13)

586. We gave the Book to Moses. Never doubt that you will meet him. And We made him a guide for Israelites. (Al-Sajdah, 23)

587. On the Day of Resurrection your Lord will resolve for them their differences. (Al-Sajdah, 25)

588. They ask: “When will this Conquest (victory, the Conquest of Mecca) come, if what you say be true?” (Al-Sajdah, 28)

589. Say: “On the Day of the Conquest of Mecca, their faith shall not avail the unbelievers, nor shall they be reprieved. (Al-Sahdah, 29)

590. Therefore give no heed to them, and wait as they are waiting. (Al-Sajdah, 30)

591. Prophet, have fear of Allah and do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is all-knowing and Wise. (Al-Ahzab, 1)

592. Obey what is revealed to you from your Lord, for Allah is cognizant of all your actions. (Al-Ahzab, 2)

593. Put your trust in Allah; He is your all-sufficient guardian. (Al-Ahzab, 3)

594. The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on each other. His wives are also their mothers. (Al-Ahzab, 6)

595. We made a covenant with you, as We did with the other Prophets (about the application of the duty of Apostleship and the invitation to true Religion); with Noah and Abraham, with Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary. A solemn covenant We made with them. (Al-Ahzab, 7)

596. So that He might question the truthful about their truthfulness. But for the unbelievers He has prepared a woeful punishment. (Al-Ahzab, 8)

597. The hypocrites and the ill-hearted said: “Allah and His Apostle have decieved us.” (Al-Ahzab, 12)

598. Others said: “People of Yathrib (Medina)! You cannot stand much longer. Go back to your city. (or it is not correct to stay in this Religion any more, go back to your houses!)” And yet others sought the Prophet’s leave, saying: “Our homes are defenceless (open)” whereas defenceless (open) they were not. They only wished to flee. (Al-Ahzab, 13)

599. Had the city (Medina) been entered from every quarter, and had they been roused to rebellion, they would have surely rebelled (they would have surely oppress and torture people) and they would not have waited for it. (Al-Ahzab, 14)

600. Before that they swore to Allah never to turn their backs in flight. An oath to Allah must be answered for. (Al-Ahzab, 15)

601. Say: “Nothing will your fight avail you. If you escaped from death or slaughter you would enjoy this world only for a little while.” (Al-Ahzab, 16)

602. Say (My beloved): “Who can protect you from Allah if it is His will to scourge you? And who can prevent Him from showing you mercy? They shall find none besides Allah to protect or help them.” (Al-Ahzab, 17)

603. Allah well knows those of you who hold the others back; who say to their comrades: “Join our side!” and seldom take part in the fighting. (Al-Ahzab, 18)

604. (When they come to you) They come reluctantly to assist you. But when fear overtakes them they look to you for help, their eyes rolling as though they were on the point of death. But once they were out of danger they assail you with their sharp tongues, covetously demanding the richest part of the booty. Such men have no faith. Allah will bring their deeds to nothing. That is easy enough for Allah. (Al-Ahzab, 19)

605. There is a good example in Allah’s Apostle for those of you who look to Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah always. (Al-Ahzab, 21)

606. When the true believers saw the confederates, they were not afraid and they said: “This is (victory) what Allah and His Apostle have promised us; surely the promise of Allah and His Apostle has come true.” And this increased their faith and submission. (Al-Ahzab, 22)

607. Prophet, say to your wives: “If you seek this life and all its finery, come, I will make provision for you and release you honoroubly.” (Al-Ahzab, 28)

608. But if you seek Allah and His Apostle and the abode of the hereafter, know that Allah has prepared a rich reward for those of you who do good works. (Al-Ahzab, 29)

609. Wives of the Prophet! Those of you who commit a proven sin shall be doubly punished. That is easy enough for Allah. (Al-Ahzab, 30)

610. But those of you who obey Allah and His Apostle and do good works shall be doubly rewarded: for them We have made a generous provision. (Al-Ahzab, 31)

611. Wives of the Prophet, you are not like other women. If you fear Allah, do not be too complaisant in your speech, lest the lecherous-hearted should lust after you. Show discretion in what you say. (Al-Ahzab, 32)

612. Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women used to do in the days of ignorance. Attend to your prayers, give alms and obey Allah and His Apostle. Women of the Hosehold, Allah seeks only to remove uncleanness from you and to purify you. (Al-Ahzab, 33)

613. Commit to memory the revelations of Allah and the wise sayings that are recited in your dwellings. Benignant is Allah and all- knowing. (Al-Ahzab, 34)

614. Those who surrender themselves to Allah and accept the true faith (believing men and believing women); who are devout, sincere, patient, humble, charitable and chaste: who fast and ever mindful of Allah –on these, both men and women, Allah will bestow forgiveness and a rich reward. (Al-Ahzab, 35)

615. It is not for true believers- men or women- to take their choice in their affairs if Allah and His Apostle decree other wise. He that disobeys Allah and His Apostle strays far indeed. (Al-Ahzab, 36)

616. You said to the man whom Allah and yourself have favoured: “Keep your wife and have fear of Allah.” You sought to hide in your heart what Allah was to reveal. You were afraid of man, although it would have been more proper to fear Allah. And when Zayd divorced his wife, We gave her to you in marriage, so that it should become legitimate for true believers to wed the wives of their adopted sons if they divorced them. Allah’s will is always done. (Al-Ahzab, 37)

617. No blame shall be attached to the Prophet for doing what is sanctioned for him by Allah. Such was the way of Allah with the Prophets who passed away before him. Allah’s decrees are pre-ordained. (Al-Ahzab, 38)

618. Those prophets fulfilled the missions with which Allah had charged them, fearing Allah and fearing none besides Him. Sufficient is Allah’s reckoning. (Al-Ahzab, 39)

619. Muhammad is the father of no man among you. He is the Apostle of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. Allah has knowledge of all things. (Al-Ahzab, 40)

620. Believers, remember Allah abundantly. (Al-Ahzab, 41)

621. Praise Him morning and evening. (Al-Ahzab, 42)

622. Prophet! We have sent you forth as a witness, a bearer of good tidings, and a warner. (Al-Ahzab, 45)

623. One who shall call men to Allah by His leave and guide them like a shining light. (Al- Ahzab, 46)

624. Tell the faithful that Allah has bounteous blessing in store for them. (Al-Ahzab, 47)

625. Do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites: disregard their insolence. Put your trust in Allah; Allah is your all-sufficient guardian. (Al-Ahzab, 48)

626. Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave-girls whom Allah has given you as booty; the daughters of your paternal and maternal uncles and of your paternal and maternal aunts who fled with you; and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet and whom the Prophet wishes to take in marriage. This privilege is yours alone, being granted to no other believer. We well know the duties We have imposed on the faithful concerning their wives and slave-girls. We grant you this privilege so that none may blame you. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Ahzab, 50)

627. You may put off any of your wives you please and take near you any of them you please. Nor is it unlawful for you to receive any of those whom you have temporarily set aside. This is more proper, so that they may be contented and not vexed, and may all be pleased with what you give them. Allah knows what is in your hearts. He is all-knowing and gracious (He does not get angry suddenly and give punishment). (Al-Ahzab, 51)

628. It shall be unlawful for you to take more wives or to change your present wives for other women, though their beauty please you, except where slave-girls are concerned. Allah takes cognizance of all things. (Al-Ahzab, 52)

629. Believers, do not enter the houses of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless you are given leave. But if you are invited, enter; and when you have eaten, disperse. Do not engage in familiar talk, for this would annoy the Prophet and he would be ashamed to bid you go; but of the truth Allah is not ashamed. If you ask his wives for anything, speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for your hearts and their hearts. You must not speak ill of Allah’s Apostle, nor shall you ever wed his wives after him; this would be a grave offence in the sight of Allah. (Al-Ahzab, 53)

630. The Prophet is blessed by Allah and His Angels (They are exalting his Glory and honor). Bless him (exalt his Glory), then, you that are true believers, and greet him with a worthy salutation. (Al-Ahzab, 56)

631. Those who hurt Allah and His Apostle are cursed by Allah in this life and in the life to come. He has prepared for them a shameful punishment. (Al-Ahzab, 57)

632. Prophet, enjoin your wives, your daughters, and the wives of true believers to draw their veils close round them. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized and not be molested. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Ahzab, 59)

633. If the hypocrites and those who have tainted hearts and the scandal mongers of the city do not desist, We will rouse you against them, and their days in that city will be numbered. (Al-Ahzab, 60)

634. Cursed wherever they are found, they will be seized and put to death. (Al-Ahzab, 61)

635. Such has been the law of Allah with those (nations) who have gone before them. You shall find no change in the laws of Allah. (Al-Ahzab, 62)

636. People ask you about the Hour of Doom. Say: “Allah alone has knowledge of it. Who knows? It may well be that the Hour is near at hand.” (Al-Ahzab, 63)

637. On the day when their heads will roll about in the Fire, they shall say: “Would that we had obeyed Allah and the Apostle!” (Al-Ahzab, 66)

638. Believers, do not behave like those who slandered Moses. Allah cleared him of their calumny, and he was exalted by Allah. (Al-Ahzab, 69)

639. Allah will bless your works and forgive your sins. Those who obey Allah and His Apostle shall win a signal victory. (Al- Ahzab, 71)

640. The unbelievers declare: “The Hour of Doom will never come to us.” Say: “By the Lord, who knows all that is hidden, it is surely coming! Not an atom’s weight in heaven or earth escapes Him; nor is there anything smaller or greater but it is recorded in a glorious book.” (Saba, 3)

641. Those to whom knowledge has been given can see that what is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, leading to the path of the Almighty, the Glorious One. (Saba, 6)

642. The unbelievers say: “Shall we show you a man who claims that when you have been mangled into dust you will be raised to life again?” (Saba, 7)

643. Has he invented a lie about Allah, or is he mad? Truly, those who deny the life to come are doomed, for they have gone astray. (Saba, 8)

644. Do they not see what is before them and behind them in heaven and earth? If we will, We can cave in the earth under their feet or let fragments of the sky fall upon them. Surely, there is a sign in this for every penitent man. (Saba, 9)

645. To Solomon We subdued the wind, traveling a month’s journey morning and evening. We gave him a spring flowing with molten brass, and jinn who served him by leave of his Lord. Those of them who did not do Our bidding We would chasten with the torment of the Fire. (Saba, 12)

646. Yet, he (satan) had no power over them: Our only aim was to know those who believed in the life to come and those who were in doubt. Your Lord protects everything. (Saba, 21)

647. Say: “Call on those whom you deify besides Allah. They do not control an atom’s weight in heaven or earth, nor have they any share in either. Nor has He any helpers among them.” (Saba, 22)

648. None can intercede with Allah save him who has received His sanction. When fear is banished from their hearts, they shall ask each other: “What has your Lord ordained?” “The truth” they shall answer. “He is the Most High, the Supreme One.” (Saba, 23)

649. (My Beloved) Say: “Who provides for you from heaven and earth?” Say: “Allah, either you or we are right or in evident error.” (Saba, 24)

650. Say: “You are not accountable for our sins, nor are we accountable for your actions.” (Saba, 25)

651. Say: Our Lord will bring us altogether, then He will rightly judge between us. He is the All-knowing judge.” (Saba, 26)

652. Say: “Show me those whom you named with Him as partners. Never, Allah alone is mighty and wise.” (Saba, 27)

653. (My Beloved) We have sent you forth to all mankind, so that you may give them good news and forewarn them. But most of them have no knowledge. (Saba, 28)

654. They ask: “When will this threat be fullfilled, if what you say be true?” (Saba, 29)

655. Say: “Your day is already appointed. Not for one hour can you hold it back, nor can you go before it?” (Saba, 30)

656. The unbelievers say: “We never believe in this Koran, nor in the scriptures which came before it.” If only you could see the wrongdoers when they are brought before their Lord. Bandying charges with one another, those who were despised will say to those who deemed themselves mighty: “But for you, we would have been believers.” (Saba, 31)

657. Whenever We have sent an apostle to a nation, the people who were spoilt by wealth there said: “We deny the message which is sent with you.” (Saba, 34)

658. The unbelievers say: “We have been given greater wealth and more children than the faithful. Surely we shall not be punished.” (Saba, 35)

659. Say: “My Lord gives abundantly to whom He will and sparingly to whom He pleases. But most men do not know it.” (Saba, 36)

660. Say: “My Lord gives abundantly to whom He will and sparingly to whom He pleases. Whatever you give in alms He will pay you back for it. He is the most munificent Giver.” Saba, 39)

661. When Our clear revelations are recited to them, they say: “This is but a man who would turn you away from the gods your fathers worshipped”. Others say: “This (the Koran) is nothing but an invented falsehood.” While yet others, who denied the truth when it was first made known to them, declare: “This is but plain sorcery.” (Saba, 43)

662. Yet have We given them no scriptures, nor have We sent before you any apostle to warn them. (Saba, 44)

663. Say: “One thing I would ask you: stand up before Allah in pairs or singly and ponder whether your compatriot is truly mad. He is sent forth to warn you of a grievous scourge.” (Saba, 46)

664. Say: “I demand no recompense of you: keep it for yourselves. None but Allah can reward me. He is the witness of all things. (Saba, 47)

665. Say: “My Lord hurls forth the truth. He has knowledge of all that is hidden.” (Saba, 48)

666. Say: “Truth has come. Falsehood has vanished and shall return no more.” (Saba, 49)

667. Say: “If I am in error, the loss is surely mine; but if am in the right, it is thanks to that which my Lord has revealed to me. He hears all and is near at hand.” (Saba, 50)

668. If you could see the unbelievers when they are seized with terror! There shall be no escape; they shall be taken from their graves. (Saba, 51)

669. (My beloved) If they deny you, other Apostles have been denied before you. To Allah shall all things return. (Al-Fatır, 4)

670. Is he whose foul deeds seem fair to him like the man who is rightly guided? Allah leaves in error whom He will and guides whom He pleases. Do not fret yourself (My beloved Muhammad) to death on their account: Allah has knowledge of all their actions. (Al-Fatır, 8)

671. None can make known to you the Truth like the One who is all-knowing (Allah). (Al-Fatır, 14)

672. No soul shall bear another’s burden. If a laden soul cries out for help, not even a near relation shall share its burden. You shall admonish none but those who fear their Lord though they cannot see Him, and are steadfast in prayer. He that purifies himself has much to gain. To Allah shall all things return. (Al-Fatır, 18)

673. The living and the dead are not alike. Allah can cause whom He will to hear Him, but you cannot make those who are in their graves hear you. (Al-Fatır, 22)

674. Your only duty is to give warning about the future dangers. (Al-Fatır, 23)

675. We have sent you with the truth to proclaim good news (of Our mercy) and to warn your people (about Our scourge); for there is no nation that has not a warner. (Al-Fatır, 24)

676. If they disbelieve you (My beloved), know that those who have gone before them also disbelieved. Their Apostles came to them with veritable signs, with scriptures, and with the light-giving Books. (Al-Fatır, 25)

677. Did you not see how Allah sent down water from the sky with which We brought forth fruits of different hues? In the mountains, there are streaks of various shades of red and white and jet-black rocks. (Al-Fatır, 27)

678. (My beloved) What We have revealed to you in the Book is the truth confirming previous scriptures. Allah knows and observes His servants. (Al-Fatır, 31)

679. (My beloved) Say: “Behold other gods on whom you call besides Allah. Show me what part of the earth they have created! Have they a share in the heavens? Or have We given them a scripture affording them evident proof? Truly, vain are the promises the wrongdoers give each other.” (Al-Fatır 40)

680. They solemnly swore by Allah that if a Prophet should come to warn them, they would accept his guidance more readily than the other nations. Yet when a warner did come to warn them, they turned away from Him with abhorrence. (Al- Fatır, 42)

681. Because they want to behave arrogantly in the land and plot evil. But evil shall recoil on those that plot evil. What end are they awaiting, except the end which overtook the ancients? You will find no change in the laws of Allah; nor will you find in the laws of Allah any alterations. (Al-Fatır, 43)

682. Ya Sin-O MAN- O MUHAMMAD. (Ya sin, 1)

683-684. I swear by the Wise Koran that you are one of the Apostles who were sent. (Ya sin, 2-3)

685. You are upon a straight path. (Ya sin, 4)

686. You are upon the (Koran) path, which is revealed by the Mighty One, the Merciful. (Ya sin, 5)

687. So that you may forewarn a nation who, because their fathers were not warned before them, live in heedlessness. (Ya sin, 6)

688. It is the same whether or not you forewarn them: they will never have faith. (Ya sin, 10)

689. You shall admonish none but those who observe Our precepts (who obey Dhikr) and fear the Merciful, though they cannot see Him. To these give news of pardon and a rich reward. (Ya sin, 11)

690. You shall cite, as a case in point, the people of the city to which Our messengers made their way. (Ya sin, 13)

691. We have taught him (Muhammad) no poetry, nor does it become him to be a poet. This is but a warning: an eloquent Koran. (Ya sin, 69)

692. (This Koran has been revealed to Muhammad) so that he will exhort the living and pass judgment on the unbelievers. (Ya sin, 70)

693. Let not their words grieve you. We have knowledge of all that they hide and all they reveal. (Ya sin, 76)

694. Is man not aware that We created him from a little germ? Yet he is flagrantly contentious. (Ya sin, 77)

695. He answers back with arguments, and forgets His own creation. He asks: “Who will give life to rotten bones?” (Ya sin, 78)

696. Say: “He who first brought them into being will give them life again: He has knowledge of every creature.” (Ya sin, 79)

697. Ask the unbelievers if they deem themselves of a nobler make than the rest of Our creation. Of coarse clay We created them. (Al-Saffat, 11)

698. No. (My beloved) You marveled (this glorious power), while they scoff (because of your admiration). (Al-Saffat, 12)

699. When they are warned they take no warning. (Al-Saffat, 13)

700. When they are shown a sign they mock at it. (Al-Saffat, 14)

701. They say: “This is but plain sorcery.” (Al-Saffat, 15)

702. What! When we are dead and turned to dust and bones, shall we be raised to life? (Al-Saffat, 16)

703. “We and our forefathers?” (Al-Saffat, 17)

704. Say: “Yes, and you shall be raised to life by being insulted.” (Al-Saffat, 18)

705. They say: “Are we to renounce our gods for the sake of a mad poet?” (Al-Saffat, 36)

706. No, He was neither a poet nor a mad man. Surely he has brought the truth, confirming those who were sent before. (Al-Saffat, 37)

707. Noah prayed to Us, and his prayers were graciously accepted by us. (Al-Saffat, 75)

708. Abraham was of the self-same faith. (Al-Saffat, 83)

709. Because he came to His Lord with a pure heart. (Al-Saffat, 84)

710. Ask the unbelievers (My Beloved): “Is it true that your Lord has daughters, while they themselves choose sons.” (Al-Saffat, 149)

711. Or did We create the angels females? And were they present at their creation? (Al-Saffat, 150)

712. Surely they say because of their slanders: (Al-Saffat, 151)

713. “Allah has begotten children.” (Al-Saffat, 152)

714. Long ago We promised the Apostles who served Us. (Al-Saffat, 171)

715. They would receive Our help and would triumph. (Al-Saffat, 172)

716. Our armies surely be victorious. (Al-Saffat, 173)

717. So, You (My beloved) give no heed to them awhile. (Al-Saffat, 174)

718. Observe them! They shall see your triumph soon. (Al-Saffat, 175)

719. Do they wish to hurry on Our scourge? (Al-Saffat, 176)

720. Dismal shall be that morning when it smites in their courtyards, forewarned though they have been. (Al-Saffat, 177)

721. So pay no heed to them awhile. (Al-Saffat, 178)

722. Observe them! They will also see. (Al-Saffat, 179)

723. Exalted be your Lord, the Lord of Glory, above their imputations.

(Al-Saffat, 180)

724. Peace be on the Apostles! (Al-Saffat, 181)

725. Praise to Allah, Lord of the Universe! (Al-Saffat, 182)

726. The unbelievers marvel that a Prophet of their own should arise among them (to warn them about the dangers they will meet). They said: “This is a sorcerer, a teller of lies.” (Sad, 4)

727. “Does he claim that all the gods are one god? This is indeed a strange thing.” (Sad, 5)

728. Their leaders go about saying: “Pay no heed and stand firm in the worship of your gods: it is a binding duty.” (Sad, 6)

729. We have not heard of this in the other religion (the religion which our fathers followed.) It is nothing but a false invention. (Sad, 7)

730. Was the Koran (Dhikr) revealed to him alone among us? Yes, they are in doubt about My revelation (dhikr), for they have not yet felt My scourge. (Sad, 8)

731. Do they posses the treasures of the mercy of your Lord, the Mighty, the Munificent One? (Sad, 9)

732. Is theirs the sovereignty over the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them? Then let them climb up to the sky by ropes. (let them get on the vehicles, go up the skies and have the sovereignty over the worlds and descend the revelation according to their own wishes.) (Sad, 10)

733. The people of Noah, Ad and Pharaoh, who impaled his victims upon the stake, denied their Lord. (Sad, 12)

734. (The people of) Thamud, the compatriots of Lot, and the dwellers of the Forest all denied their Lord and divided themselves into factions (against the Prophets). (Sad, 13)

735. All of them charged their Apostles with imposture so they were deserved My scourge. (Sad, 14)

736. (My beloved) Bear with what they say, and remember Our servant David, who was both a mighty and a penitent man (who looked for the consent of Allah). (Sad, 17)

737. Have you heard the story of the two litigants who entered his chamber (Masjid) by climbing over the wall? (Sad, 21)

738. When they went in to David, and saw that he was alarmed, they said: “Have no fear. We are two litigants, one of whom has wronged the other. Judge rightly between us and do not be unjust; guide us to the right path.” (Sad, 22)

739. We have revealed to you this holy Book with Our blessing so that the wise might ponder its revelation and take advice. (Sad, 29)

740. And tell of Our servant Job. He called out to his Lord, saying: “Satan has afflicted me with sorrow and misfortune.”(Sad, 41)

741. And tell of Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: men of might and vision. (Sad, 45)

742. We made them pure with the thought of the hereafter. (Sad, 46)

743. They were among the righteous whom We have chosen near Us. (Sad, 47)

744. And remember Ishmael, Elisha, and Dhulkifl, who were all just men. (Sad, 48)

745. This is but an admonition. The righteous (who are protected) shall return to a blessed retreat (a good future). (Sad, 49)

746. (My beloved) Say: “My mission is only to give warning. There is no other god but Allah, the One who conquers all (who has no partners).” (Sad, 65)

747. He is the Lord of the Heavens and the earth and all that lies between them: the Exalted, the Benignant One. (Sad, 66)

748. Say: “This is a great message.” (Sad, 67)

749. Yet you give no heed to it (because of your thoughtlessness). (Sad, 68)

750. It is revealed to me, only that I am the Prophet who warns you about the coming dangers plainly. (Sad, 70)

751. (My beloved) Say: “For this I demand of you no recompense. Nor do I offer you any thing by myself.” (Sad, 86)

752. This (Koran) is an admonition to mankind. (Sad, 87)

753. You shall before long know its truth. (Sad, 88)

754. (My beloved) We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth: therefore serve Allah and worship none but Him. (Al-Zumar, 2)

755. To Allah alone is true worship due. As for those who choose other guardians besides Him, saying: “We serve them (the idols) only that may bring us nearer to Allah.” Allah Himself will judge for them (with the believers) their differences. He does not guide the untruthful disbelievers. (Al-Zumar, 3)

756. He created the Heavens and the earth truly. He caused the night to succeed the day to overtake the night. He made the Sun and the Moon obedient to Him, each running for an appointed term. Know that He is the Mighty the Benignant One. (Al-Zumar, 5)

757. When evil befalls man, he prays to his Lord and turns to Him in repentance, yet no sooner does He bestow on him His favour than he forgets what he has prayed for and makes other deities Allah’s equals, in order to lead men away from his path. (My beloved) Say: “Enjoy your unbelief for a while; but the Fire shall be your home.” (Al-Zumar, 8)

758. Can he who passes the night in adoration, standing or on his knees, who dreads the terrors of the life to come and hopes to earn the mercy of his Lord, be compared to the unbeliever? Say: “Are the wise and the ignorant equal?” Truly, none will take heed but men of understanding. (Al-Zumar, 9)

759. Say: “Fear your Lord, you that serve Allah and are true believers. Those who do good works in this life shall receive a good reward. Allah’s earth is vast. Those that endure with fortitude shall be requited without measure.” (Zumar, 10)

760. Say: “I am bidden to serve Allah and to worship none besides Him.” (Al-Zumar, 11)

761. “And I am bidden to be the first of Muslims.” (Al-Zumar, 12)

762. Say: “I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the torment of a fateful day.” (Al-Zumar, 13)

763. Say: “Allah I serve, and Him alone I worship.” (Al-Zumar, 14)

764. “As for yourselves, serve what you will besides Him.” Say: “They shall lose much, those who will forfeit their souls and all their kinsfolk on the Day of Resurrection. Pay attention! That shall be the ultimate loss.” (Al-Zumar, 15)

765. But let those rejoice who keep from idol-worship and turn to Allah in repentance. Give good news to My servants! (Al-Zumar, 17)

766. Can you rescue from the Fire those who have rightly earned the scourge? (My beloved) (Al-Zumar, 19)

767. As for those who truly fear their Lord, they shall be lodged in towering mansions set about with running streams. Such is the promise of Allah. Allah does not fail His promise. (Al-Zumar, 20)

768. Do you not see how Allah sends down water from the Sky which penetrates the earth and gathers in springs beneath? With it He brings forth plants of various hues. They wither, they turn yellow, and then He crumbles them to dust. Surely in this there is an admonition for men of understanding. (Al-Zumar, 21)

769. He whose heart Allah has opened to Islam shall receive light from his Lord. (Is he the one whose heart is sealed by Allah?) But woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! Truly, they are in the grossest error. (Al-Zumar, 22)

770. You (My beloved), as well as they, are doomed to die. (Al-Zumar, 30)

771. Is Allah not all-sufficient for His servants? Yet, they threaten you with those they serve besides Him. Truly, he whom Allah confounds has none to guide him. (Al-Zumar, 36)

772. But he whom Allah guides none can lead astray. Is Allah not mighty and capable of revenge? (Al-Zumar, 37)

773. If you ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they will reply: “Allah”. Say: “Do you think then that, if Allah be pleased to afflict me, your idols could relieve my affliction; or that if He be pleased to show me mercy, they could withhold His mercy?” Say: “Allah is my all-sufficient patron. In Him let the faithful put their trust.” (Al-Zumar, 38)

774. Say: “My people, do as best you can and so will I. You shall know soon.” Al-Zumar, 39)

775. “Who will be seized by a scourge that will disgrace him and be smitten by scourge everlasting.”(Al-Zumar, 40)

776. We have revealed to you the Book with the Truth, for the instruction of mankind. He that follows the right path shall follow it for his own good; and he that goes astray shall do so at his own peril. You are not acccountable for them. (Al-Zumar, 41)

777. Have they chosen others besides Allah to intercede for them? Say: “Even though they have no power, no understanding? (Do they still intercede for?)” (Al-Zumar, 43)

778. Say: “Intercession is wholly in the hands of Allah. He has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth. To Him you shall all be recalled.” (Al-Zumar, 44)

779. When Allah alone is named, the hearts of those who deny the hereafter shrink with aversion; but when their other gods are named, they are filled with joy. (Al-Zumar, 45)

780. Say: “Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth who has knowledge of the unknown and the manifest, You alone can judge the disputes of Your servants.” (Al-Zumar, 46)

781. Say: “Servants of Allah, you that have sinned against your souls, do not despair of Allah’s mercy, for He forgives all sins. It is He who is the forgiving One, the Merciful.” (Al-Zumar, 53)

782. “Submit to Him before His scourge overtakes you; for then there will be none to help you.”(Al-Zumar, 54)

783. Follow the best of what is revealed to you by your Lord before the scourge suddenly takes you when you are heedless. (Al-Zumar, 55)

784. On the Day of Resurrection you shall see their faces blackened, those who uttered falsehood about Allah. Is there not in Hell a home for the vainglorious? (Al-Zumar, 60)

785. But Allah will deliver those who fear Him, for they have earned salvation. No harm shall touch them, nor shall they ever grieve. (Al-Zumar, 61)

786. Say: “Ignorant men! Would you bid me serve a deity other than Allah?” (Al-Zumar, 64)

787. (My beloved) You have been revealed, you and those who have gone before you, that if you worshipped other deities besides Allah, you works would come to nothing and you would surely perish. (Al-Zumar, 65)

788. Therefore serve Allah and render thanks to Him. (Al-Zumar, 66)

789. The earth shone with the light of her Lord, and the Book was laid open. The Prophets and the witnesses were brought in, and judged with fairness: none shall be wronged. (Al-Zumar, 69)

790. Every soul is paid back according to its deeds, for He best knows all that they did. (Al-Zumar, 70)

791. You shall see the Angels circling round the Throne, giving glory to their Lord. They are judged with fairness, and said (by those in the Paradise): “Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe.” (Al-Zumar, 75)

792. None but the unbelievers dispute the revelations of Allah. (My beloved) Do not be deceived by their prosperous dealings in the land. (Al-Mu’min, 4)

793. Long before them the people of Noah denied Our revelations, and so did the factions after them. Every nation strove to slay their Apostle, seeking with false arguments to refute the truth; but I smote them, and (see) how stern was My punishment! (Al-Mu’min, 5)

794. Thus, the word of your Lord was fulfilled concerning the unbelievers; they are the heirs of the Fire. (Al-Mu’min, 6)

795. Forewarn them of the approaching day, when men’s hearts will leap up to their throats and choke them; when the wrongdoers will have neither friend nor intercessor to be heard. (Al-Mu’min, 18)

796. We shall surely help Our Apostles and the true believers both in this world and on the day when the witnesses rise to testify. (Al-Mu’min, 51)

797. Therefore (My beloved) have patience; Allah’s promise is true. Implore forgiveness for your sins, and celebrate the praise of your Lord evening and morning. (Al-Mu’min, 55)

798. As for those who dispute the revelations of Allah, with no authority vouchsafed to them, they nurture in their hearts ambitions they shall never attain. Therefore, seek refuge in Allah. It is He that hears all and knows all. (Al-Mu’min, 56)

799. (My beloved) Say: “I am forbidden to serve your idols besides Allah, now that clear proofs have been given me from my Lord. I am commanded to surrender myself to the Lord of the Universe.” (Al-Mu’min, 66)

800. (My beloved) Do you not see how those who dispute the revelations of Allah turn away from the right path? (Al-Mu’min, 69)

801. Therefore have patience (my beloved): the promise of Allah is true. Whether We let you glimpse in some measure the scourge with which We threaten them, or cause you to die before We smite them, to Us they shall all return. (Al-Mu’min, 77)

802. We have sent forth other Apostles before your time; of some We have already told you, of others We have not yet told you. None of the Apostles could bring a sign except by Allah’s will. And when Allah’s will is done, justice will prevail and those who have denied His signs will come to grief. (Al-Mu’min, 78)

803. They said: “Our hearts are proof against the faith to which you call us. Our ears are stopped, and a thick veil stands between us. Do as you think fit, and so will we.” (Fussilat, 5)

804. Say (My beloved): “I am but a mortal like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your God is one God. Therefore take the right path to Him and implore His forgiveness. Woe to those who serve other gods besides Him.” (Fussilat, 6)

805. Say: “Do you indeed disbelieve in Him who created the earth in two days? And do you make other gods His equals? The Lord of the Universe is He.” (Fussilat, 9)

806. If they pay no heed (after this explanation), say: “I have given you warning of a thunderbolt, like the thunderbolt which struck Ad and Thamud.” (Fussilat, 13)

807. Good and evil deeds are not alike. Requite evil with good, and he who is your enemy will become your dearest friend. (Fussilat, 34)

808. But none will attain this attribute (this attribute of requiting evil with good) save those who patiently endure; none will attain it save those who are truly fortunate (perfect and mature people). (Fussilat, 35)

809. If Satan tempts you, seek refuge in Allah. It is Allah who hears all and knows all. (Fussilat, 36)

810. And among His signs is the resurrection of the earth. You see it dry and barren: but when We send down the rain upon it, it stirs and swells. He that gives it life will raise the dead to life. He has power over all things. (Fussilat, 39)

811. (My beloved) nothing is said to you that has not been said to other Apostles before you. Your Lord is forgiving, but stern in retribution. (Fussilat, 43)

812. Had We revealed the Koran in a foreign tongue they would have said: “If only its verses were expounded! Why in a foreign tongue, and he an Arabian?” Say: “To true believers it is a guide and a healing balm. But those who deny it are deaf and blind. They are like men who are called to from a far-off place.” (Fussilat, 44)

813. We gave the Torah to Moses, but differences arose about it. And but for a word from your Lord, long since decreed, their differences would have been settled, grave though their doubts about it. (Fussilat, 45)

814. He that does good, does it for his own soul; and he that commits evil does so at his own peril. (Fussilat, 46)

815. (My beloved) Say: “Do but consider: if this Koran is indeed from Allah and you deny it, who can err more than the man who openly defies it?” (Fussilat, 52)

816. We will show them Our signs both in the horizon and in their own souls, until they clearly see that this (the Koran) is the truth. Does it not suffice that your Lord is the witness of all things? (Fussilat, 53)

817. Yet they still doubt that they will ever meet their Lord. Surely He has encompassed everything. (Fussilat, 54)

818. Thus Allah, the Mighty One, the Wise One, inspires you as He inspired others before you. (Al-Shura, 3)

819. As for those that serve other masters besides Him, Allah Himself is watching them. You are not accountable for what they do. (Al-Shura, 6)

820. Thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Koran, that you may warn the mother-city (Mecca) and those who dwell around it; that you may forewarn them of the day which is sure to come: when all are brought together, some in Paradise and some in hell. (Al-Shura, 7)

821. Whatever the subjects of your disputes, the final word belongs to Allah. Such is Allah, my Lord. In Him I have put my trust, and to Him I return in repentance. (Al-Shura, 10)

822. He has ordained for you the faith which He enjoined on Noah, and which We have revealed to you; which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, saying: “Observe the Faith and do not divide yourselves into factions.” But hard for the pagans is that to which you call them. Allah chooses for it whom He will, and guides to it those that repent. (Al-Shura, 13)

823. Yet men did not divide themselves, through their own wickedness, until knowledge was given them. And but for a word that had already gone forth from your Lord reprieving them for an appointed term, their fate would have been justly settled. Those who inherited the Scriptures after them have their grave doubts too. (Al- Shura, 14)

824. Therefore (My beloved) call men to the true faith, and follow the straight path as you are bidden. Do not be led by their desires, but say: “I believe all the Scriptures that Allah has revealed. I am commanded to exercise among you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our own works and you have yours; let there be no argument between us. Allah will bring us all together, for to Him we shall return.” (Al-Shura, 15)

825. It is Allah who has revealed the Book with truth and justice. And how can you tell? The Hour of Doom may be fast approaching. (Al-Shura, 17)

826. You shall behold the wrongdoers aghast at their own deeds, for then Our scourge will surely smite them. But those that have faith and do good works shall dwell in the fair gardens of Paradise, and shall receive from their Lord all that they desire. Surely that will be the supreme boon. (Al-Shura, 22)

827. Such is Allah’s promise to His servants who believe and do good works. (My beloved) Say: “For this I demand of you no recompense. I ask you only to love my relatives. (I want to approach Allah.) He that does a good deed shall be repaid many times over. Allah is forgiving and bountiful in His rewards.” (Al-Shura, 23)

828. Do they say: “He has framed a falsehood about Allah? But if Allah pleased, He could seal your heart. Allah will bring falsehood to nothing and vindicate the truth by His words. He knows the secret thoughts of men. (Al-Shura, 24)

829. You shall se them brought before the Fire. Awed and humiliated, they shall look upon it with furtive glances. The true believers said: “Great indeed is the loss of those who forfeited their souls and all their kindred on the Day of Resurrection.” See! The wrongdoers suffer everlasting torments. (Al-Shura, 45)

830. If they give no heed, (do not be sad!) know that We have not sent you to be their keeper. Your onlt duty is to give warning. When We give man a taste of Our mercy, he rejoices in it; but when through his own fault evil befalls him, man is ungrateful. (Al-Shura, 48)

831. Thus have We inspired you (My beloved) with a spirit of Our will when you knew nothing of faith or scripture, and made it a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom We please. You surely guide them to the right path. (Al-Shura, 52)

832. The path of Allah, to whom belongs all that the heavens and the earth contain. Surely to Allah all things in the end return. (Al-Shura, 53)

833. Yet, if you ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they are bound to answer: “The Almighty, the All-knowing, created them.” (Al-Zukhruf, 9)

834. Thus, whenever, before you, We sent an Apostle to forewarn a nation, those who lived in comfort said: “This was the faith our fathers practised; we are merely following in their footsteps.” (Al-Zukhruf, 23)

835. He said: “What if I bring you a faith more enlightened than your fathers?” But they replied: “We reject the message you bring.” (Al-Zukhruf, 24)

836. So We took vengeance on them. Consider the fate of those who disbelieved. (Al-Zukhruf, 25)

837. Is it they who apportion your Lord’s blessings? It is We who deal out to them their livelihood in this world, exalting some in rank above others, so that the one may take the other into his service. Better is your Lord’s mercy than all their hoarded treasures. (Al-Zukhruf, 32)

838. But for the fear that all mankind might have become one race of unbelievers, We would have given those who denied the Lord of Mercy dwellings with silver roofs, and gates and stairs of silver. (Al-Zukhruf, 33)

839. And gates, silver couches to recline upon. (Al-Zukhruf, 34)

840. And (We would give) ornaments of gold: for all these but the fleeting comforts of this life. It is the life to come that your Lord reserves for those who fear Him. (Al-Zukhruf, 35)

841. Can you make the deaf hear, or guide the blind or those in gross error? (Al-Zukhruf, 40)

842. Whether after We take you, We take our revenge. (Al-Zukhruf, 41)

843. Or let you live to see Our threats fulfilled, We shall surely take vengeance on them; for We have power over them. (Al-Zukhruf, 42)

844. Therefore hold fast to what which is revealed to you: you are on the right path. (Al-Zukhruf, 43)

845. It (the Koran) is an admonition (dhikr, glory) to you and to your people. You shall be questioned all. (Al-Zukhruf, 44)

846. Ask those of Our Apostles whom We sent before you if We ever appointed gods to be worshipped besides the Merciful. (Al-Zukhruf, 45)

847. When Mary’s son is cited as an instance, your people laugh. (Al-Zukhruf, 57)

848. They said: “Who is better, he or our gods?” They cite him to you (My beloved) merely to provoke you. Truly, they are a contentious nation. (Al-Zukhruf, 58)

849. He was no more than a mortal whom We favoured and made an example to the Israelites. (Al-Zukhruf, 59)

850. He is a portent of the Hour of Doom. Have no doubt about its coming and follow Me. This is the right path. (Al-Zukhruf, 61)

851. (My beloved) Say: “If the Lord of Mercy had a son, I would be the first to worship him.” (Al-Zukhruf, 81)

852. Let them blunder, let them play, until they face the day with which they are threatened. (Al-Zukhruf, 83)

853. Yet if you ask them who created them, they will promptly reply that it was “Allah”. How can they turn away from Him? (Al-Zukhruf, 87)

854. (Allah knows) that the Apostle said: “Lord, these men are unbelievers.” (Al-Zukhruf, 88)

855. Bear with them (My beloved) and wish them peace. They shall before long know their error. (Al-Zukhruf, 89)

856. We reveal our precepts and commandments to our Apostles on that night as a blessing from your Lord. He hears all and knows all. (Al-Duhan, 6)

857. (My beloved) Wait for the day when the sky will pour down visible smoke! (Al-Duhan, 10)

858. They denied him and said: “A madman, taught by others.” (Al-Duhan, 14)

859. We have revealed this to you in your own language so that they may take heed. (Al-Duhan, 58)

860. Wait, then; they too are waiting. (Al-Duhan, 59)

861. Such are Allah’s revelations. We recite them to you in all truth. But in what scripture will they believe, if they deny Allah Himself and His signs. (Al-Jathiyah, 6)

862. He hears Allah’s revelations recited to Him and then, as though he never heard them, persists in ridicule. Forewarn him of a woeful scourge. (Al-Jathiyah, 8)

863. (My beloved) Tell the believers to ignore those (their torture) who dread the days of victory because Allah punishes men according to their deeds. (Al-Jathiyah, 14)

864. He that does what is right does it for his own good; and he that commits evil does so at his own peril. (Al-Jathiyah, 15)

865. We gave them (the Israelites) plain commandments (in the religious affairs): yet it was not until knowledge had been vouchsafed them and they disagreed among themselves from evil motives. Your Lord will on the Day of Resurrection judge their differences. (Al-Jathiyah, 17)

866. And now We have set you on the right path. Follow it, and do not yield to the desires of ignorant men. (Al-Jathiyah, 18)

867. For they can in no way protect you from the wrath of Allah. The wrongdoers are patrons to each other; but the righteous have Allah Himself for their patron. (Al Jathiyah, 19)

868. Think! Who, besides Allah, can guide the man who makes his lust his god, the man whom Allah deliberately confounds, setting a seal upon his ears and heart and drawing a veil over his eyes? Will you not take heed? (Al-Jathiyah, 23)

869. Say: “It is Allah who gives you life and later causes you to die. It is He who will gather you all on the Day of Resurrection. Of this there is no doubt; yet most men do not know it.” (Al-Jathiyah, 26)

870. You shall see every nation on its knees. Every nation shall be summoned to its book, and a voice will say: “You shall this day be rewarded for your deeds.” (Al-Jathiyah, 28)

871. Say: “Have you seen those whom you invoke besides Allah? Show me what part of the earth they have created! Have they a share in the Heavens? Bring me a scripture revealed before this, or some other vestige of divine knowledge, if what you say be true.” (Al- Ahqaf, 4)

872. When Our revelations are recited to them, clear as they are, the unbelievers said: “This is plain sorcery.” (Al-Ahqaf, 7)

873. Do they say: “He has invented it himself?” Say: “If I have invented it there is nothing you can do to protect me from the wrath of Allah. He well knows what you say about it. Sufficient is He as a witness between you and me. He is the Benignant One, the Merciful.” (Al-Ahqaf, 8)

874. Say: “I am no prodigy among the Apostles; nor do I know what will be done with me or you. I follow only what is revealed to me, and my only duty is to give plain warning.” (Al-Ahqaf, 9)

875. Say: “Think if this Koran is indeed from Allah and you reject it; if an Israelite has vouched for it in (Tawrat) and accepted it, while you yourselves deny it with disdain. Truly, Allah does not guide the wrongdoers.” (Al-Ahqaf, 10)

876. The unbelievers say of the faithful: “Had there been any good in it (what Muhammad brought) they would have believed in it before us.” And since they reject its guidance, they say: “This is an ancient falsehood.” (Al-Ahqaf, 11)

877. Tell of Ad’s compatriot (Hud) who warned his people in the people of the Sand Dunes (Ahqaf) and there have been other Apostles before and since his time. (Ak-Ahqaf, 21)

878. Tell how We sent to you a band of jinn who, when they came and listened to the Koran, said to each other: Hush! Hush! As soon as it was ended they betook themselves to their people and gave them warning. (Al-Ahqaf, 29)

879. “Our people, answer the call of Allah’s summoner and believe in Him! He will forgive you your sins and deliver you from a woeful scourge.” (Al-Ahqaf, 31)

880. Bear up with patience (My beloved), as did the steadfast Apostles before you, and do not seek to hurry on their doom. On the day when they behold the scourge with which they are threatened, their life on earth will seem to them no longer than an hour. That is a warning. Shall any be destroyed except the evil-doers.? (Al-Ahqaf, 35)

881. As for the faithful who do good works and believe in what is revealed to Muhammad (s.a.v.)-which is the Truth from their Lord- He will forgive them their sins and ennoble their state. (Muhammad, 2)

882. How many cities were mightier than your own city, which has cast you out! We destroyed them all, and there was none to help them. (Muhammad, 13)

883. Some of them indeed listen to you, but no sooner do they leave your presence than they ask those endowed with knowledge: “What did he say just now?” Such are the men whose hearts are sealed by Allah, and who follow their base desires. (Muhammad, 16)

884. Know that there is no god but Allah. Implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the true believers, men and women. Allah knows your busy haunts and resting-places. (Muhammad, 19)

885. The faithful say: “If only a Chapter were revealed (about jihad, war)!” But when a forthright Chapter is revealed and war is mentioned in it, you see the infirm of the heart looking towards you as though they are fainting away for fear of death. Woe to those on whom what they fear shall come! (Muhammad, 20)

886. If We pleased, We could point them out to you and you could recognize them promptly by their looks. But you will surely know them from the tenor of their words. Allah has knowledge of all your actions. (Muhammad, 30)

887. The unbelievers who debar others from the path of Allah and disobey the Apostle after they have seen the light shall in no way harm Allah. He will bring their works to nothing. (Muhammad, 32)

888. Believers, obey Allah and obey His Apostle, and let not your labors come to nothing! (Muhammad, 33)

889. We have given you a plain victory! (Al-Fath, 1)

890. So that Allah may forgive you your past and future sins, and perfect His goodness to you; that He may guide you to straight path. (Al-Fath, 2)

891. And May Allah bestow on you a glorious victory! (Al-fath, 3)

892. We have sent you forth as a witness and as a bearer of good news and warnings. (Al-Fath, 8)

893. So that you have faith in Allah and His Apostle and that you may assist Him, honor Him and praise Him morning and evening. (Al-Fath, 9)

894. Those that swear fealty to you, swear fealty to Allah, Himself. The hand of Allah is above their hands. He that breaks his oath breaks it at his own peril, but he that keeps his pledge to Allah shall be richly rewarded by Him. (Al-Fath, 10)

895. The desert Arabs who stayed behind will say to you: “We were occupied with our goods and families. Implore Allah to pardon us”. They will say with their tongues what they do not mean in their hearts. Say: “Who can intervene on your behalf with Allah if it be His will to do you harm or good? No, Allah is cognizant of all your actions.” (Al-Fath, 11)

896. You thought the Apostle and the believers would never return to their people; and with this fancy, your hearts were delighted. You harbored evil thoughts and thus incurred damnation. (Al-Fath, 12)

897. As for those that disbelieve Allah and His Apostle, We have prepared a blazing fire for the unbelievers. (Al-Fath, 13)

898. When you set forth to take the spoils, those that stayed behind will say: “Let us come with you.” They seek to change the Word of Allah. Say: “You shall not come with us. So Allah has said beforehand.” They will reply: “You are jealous of us.” But how little they understand! (Al-Fath, 15)

899. Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind: “You shall be called upon to fight a mighty nation, unless they embrace Islam. If you prove obedient, Allah will reward you well. But if you run away, as you have done before this, He will inflict on you a stern chastisement.” (Al-Fath, 16)

900. It shall be no offence for the blind, the lame, and the sick to stay behind (they do not have to join the war). He that obeys Allah and His Apostle shall be admitted to gardens watered by running streams (by Allah); but he that turns and flees shall be sternly punished by Him. (Al-Fath, 17)

901. Allah was well pleased with the faithful when they swore allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts. Therefore He sent down tranquility (peace and confidence) upon them, and rewarded them with speedy victory. (Al-Fath, 18)

902. And while bigotry- the bigotry of ignorance- was holding its reign in the hearts of the unbelievers, Allah sent down His tranquility on His Apostle and on the faithful and made the word of piety binding on them, for they were most worthy and deserving of it. Allah has knowledge of all things. (Al-Fath, 26)

903. Allah has in all truth fulfilled His Apostle’s vision, in which He had said: “If Allah will, you shall enter the Sacred Mosque secure and fearless, with hair cropped or shaven.” He knew what you knew not; and what is more, He granted you a speedy victory. (Al- Fath, 27)

904. It is he that has sent forth His Apostle with guidance and true Faith (Religion), so that He may exalt it (the True Religion) above all religions. Sufficient is Allah as a witness. (Al-Fath-28)

905. Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. You see them adoring on their knees, seeking the grace of Allah and His good will. Their marks are on their faces, the traces of their prostrations. Thus are they described in the Torah and in the Gospel: they are like the seed which puts forth its shoot and strengthens it, so that it rises stout and firm upon its stalk, delighting the sowers. Through them He seeks to enrage the unbelievers. Yet to those of them who will embrace the Faith and do good works Allah has promised forgiveness and a rich reward. (Al-Fath, 29)

906. Believers, do not behave presumptuously in the presence of Allah and His Apostle! Have fear of Allah: Allah hears all and knows all. (Al-Hujurat, 1)

907. Believers, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor shout aloud when speaking to him as you do to one another, lest your harbours should come to nothing without your knowledge! (Al-Hujurat, 2)

908. Those who speak softly in the presence of Allah’s Apostle are the men whose hearts Allah has tested for piety. Forgiveness and a rich reward await them. (Al-Hujurat, 3)

909. Those who call out to you while you are in your chambers are for the most part foolish men. (Al-Hujurat, 4)

910. If they waited until you went out to them, it would be better for them. But, Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Hujurat, 5)

911. Know that Allah’s Apostle is among you. If he obeyed you in many matters, you would surely come to grief. But Allah has endeared the Faith to you and beautified it in your hearts, making unbelief, wrongdoing and disobedience abhorent to you. Such are those who are rightly guided through Allah’s grace and bounty. (Al- Hujurat, 7)

912. The Arabs of the Desert declare: “We are true believers.” Say: “Believers you are not.” Rather say: “We profess Islam (We became Muslims).” For faith has not yet found its way into your hearts. If you obey Allah and His Apostle, He will deny you the reward of your labors. Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Hujurat, 14)

913. The true believers are those that have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and never doubt; and fight with their wealth and persons for the cause of Allah. Such are those whose faith is true. (Al- Hujurat, 15)

914. Say: “Would you tell Allah of your religion, when Allah knows what the heavens and the earth contain? Allah has knowledge of all things.” (Al-Hujurat, 16)

915. They think they have conferred on you a favor by embracing Islam. Say: “In accepting Islam you have conferred on me no favor. It was Allah who bestowed a favor on you guiding you to the true faith. Admit this if you are men of truth!” (Al-Hujurat, 17)

916. Qaf. By the Glorious Koran! (The infidels of Mecca did not believe in the Prophet) (Qaf, 1)

917. They marvel that a Prophet of their own has arisen amongst them. The unbelievers say: “This is indeed a strange thing.” (Qaf, 2)

918. Yes, they denied the truth when it was preached to them, and now they are perplexed. (Qaf, 5)

919. Long before these the people of Noah and the dwellers of Al-Rass denied the truth; and so did Thamud (the People of Salih (a.s.). (Qaf, 12)

920. And Ad, Pharaoh and the compatriots of Lot. (Qaf, 13)

921. The dwellers of the Forest (the People of Shuayb) and the people of Tubba, all disbelieved their Apostles (like the people of Quraysh) and thus brought down upon themselves My threatened scourge. (Qaf, 14)

922. Remember that there are two angels who are seated on his right and on his left, who note down his (the man’s) deeds. (Qaf, 17)

923. (My beloved) Bear them what they say. Give glory to your Lord before sunrise and sunset! (Qaf, 39)

924. Praise Him (remember Him) in the night and after prostrations! (Qaf, 40)

925. Listen on the day when the Crier (Israfel, who will blow the Lust Trumpet) will call from near (from Sky)! (Qaf, 41)

926. We well know what they say (about Me and you). You shall not use coercion with them. Admonish with the Koran whoever fears My warning. (Qaf, 45)

927. By the heaven with its starry highways! (Al-Dhariyat, 7)

928. You contradict yourselves (about Hz. Muhammad and the Koran). (Al-Dhariyat, 8)

929. None but the perverse turn away from the true faith (from the Prophet of Allah and the Koran). (Al-Dhariyat, 9)

930. Have you heard about the story of Abraham’s honored guests (angels)? (Al-Dhariyat, 24)

931. In Moses too there was a sign. We sent him forth to Pharaoh with clear authority. (Al-Dhariyat, 38)

932. In the fate of (the people of) Ad there was another sign. We let loose on them a blighting wind. (Al-Dhariyat, 41)

933. Say (My beloved): “Therefore seek Allah. I come from Him to warn you plainly.” (Al-Dhariyat, 50)

934. Set up no other deity besides Allah. I come from Him to warn you plainly. (Al-Dhariyat, 51)

935. Then (My beloved), give no heed to them; you shall incur no blame. (Al-Dhariyat, 54)

936. Exhort them; exhortation helps the true believers. (Al-Dhariyat, 55)

937. On that day, woe to the unbelievers (who deny the Prophets before)! (Al-Tur, 11)

938. Therefore give warning. By the grace of Allah, you are neither soothsayer nor madman. (Al-Tur, 29)

939. Do they say: “He is but a poet: we are waiting for some misfortune to befall him.” (Al-Tur, 30)

940. Say: “Wait if you will; I too am waiting.” (Al-Tur, 31)

941. Do they say: “He has invented it himself?” Indeed, they have no faith. (Al-Tur, 33)

942. Let them produce a scripture like it, if what they say be true. (Al-Tur, 34)

943. Are you demanding payment of them (as a return of making them hear the revelations), that they should fear to be weighed down with debts? (Al-Tur, 40)

944. Are they seeking to ruin you? They themselves shall be ruined. (Al-Tur, 42)

945. Let them be, until they face the day when they shall stand dumbfounded! (Al-Tur, 45)

946. Therefore, wait the judgment of your Lord: We are watching over you. Give glory to your Lord when you awaken. (Al-Tur, 48)

947. Praise Him in the nighttime and at the setting of the stars! (Al-Tur, 49)

948-960. By the declining star;

Your compatriot (Muhammad) is not in error,

Nor is he deceived!

He does not speak out of his own fancy.

Whatever the Prophet (Muhammad) says is a revelation.

He is taught by One who is powerful and mighty.

He has a superior mind.

He stood.

He was on the uppermost horizon;

Then, drawing near, he came down.

There was two bow’s length between Him, or even closer.

He revealed to His servant that which He revealed.

His eyes did not deny, his heart did not surprise

How can you, then, question what he sees?

He beheld Him once again,

At the Sidra tree, beyond no one may pass.

Near it is the Garden of Repose.

That tree was covered with what covered it.

His eyes did not wander, nor did they turn aside.

For, he saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs. (Al-Najm, 1-8)

961. (My beloved) give no heed, then, to those who ignore Our warning and seek only the life of this world. (Al-Najm, 29)

962. This is the sum of their knowledge. (They cannot comprehend beyond this.) Your Lord best knows who have strayed from His path, and who is rightly guided. (Al-Najm, 30)

963. Those are the people who avoid the grossest sins and indecencies and commit only small offences. Your Lord will surely show abundant mercy. He knew you well when He created you of earth and when you were hidden in your mother’s wombs. Do not pretend to purity; He knows best those who guard themselves against evil. (Al-Najm, 32)

964-970. Have you considered him who turns his back?

He gave a little at first and then nothing at all?

Does he know, and can he see, what is hidden?

Has he not heard of what is preached,

in the scriptures of Moses and Abraham?

Who fulfilled his duty:

That no soul shall bear another’s burden,

And that each man shall be judged by his own labors. (Al-Najm, 33-39)

971. That all things shall in the end return to your Lord. (Al-Najm, 42)

972. He that now warns you is just like those who warned the others before you. (Al-Najm, 56)

973. They denied (the Prophet), and followed their own fancies. But in the end all issues shall be laid rest (Nobody can hinder the decision of Allah). (Al Qamar, 3)

974. Let them be (My beloved). On the day when the Crier (Israfel) summons them to the dread account, they shall come out from their graves with downcast eyes. (Al-Qamar, 6)

975. Shall our forefathers be raised to life too? (Al-Waqıah, 48)

976. Say: “Those of old, and those of the present age, (shall be brought together on the appointed day).” (Al-Waqıah, 49)

977. Praise, then, the name of your Lord, the Supreme One! (Al-Waqıah, 96)

978. Have faith in Allah and His Apostle and give alms of that which He has made your inheritance (for Him); for whoever of you believes and gives alms shall be richly rewarded. (Al-Hadid, 7)

979. And what cause have you not to believe in Allah, when the Apostle calls on you to have faith in your Lord, who has made a covenant with you, if you are true believers? (Why do you not trust in Allah?) (Al-Hadid, 8)

980. It is he who brings down clear revelations to His servant, so that He may lead you out of darkness into the light. Allah is compassionate and merciful. (Al-Hadid, 9)

981. Those that believe in Allah and His Apostles are the truthful men who shall testify in their Lord’s presence. They shall have their guerdon and their light. But those that disbelieve Our revelations and deny them are the heirs of hell. (Al-Hadid, 19)

982. Therefore strive for the pardon of your Lord, and for a Paradise as vast as heaven and earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Apostles! Such is the grace of Allah: He bestows it on whom He will. Allah’s grace is infinite. (Al-Hadid, 21)

983. We have sent Our Apostles with veritable signs, and through them have brought down scriptures and the scales of justice, so that men might conduct themselves with fairness. We have sent down iron, with its mighty strength and diverse uses for mankind, so that Allah may know those who aid Him, though unseen, and help His Apostles, Powerful is Allah, and Mighty. (Al-Hadid, 25)

984. Believers, have fear of Allah and put your trust in His Apostle! He will grant you a double share of His mercy, he will bestow on you a light to walk in, and He will forgive you: Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Hadid, 28)

985. Allah has heard the words of her who pleaded with you against her husband and made her plaint to Allah. Allah has heard what you said to each other because Allah hears all and observes all. (Al-Mujadilah, 1)

986. Those that oppose Allah and His Apostle shall be brought low, as have been those before them. We have sent down clear revelations. Shameful punishment awaits the unbelievers. (Al-Mujadilah, 5)

987. Are you not aware that Allah knows what the heavens and the earth contain? If three men converse in secret, He is their fourth; if five, He is their sixth; whether fewer or more, wherever they be, He is with them. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of their doings. Allah has knowledge of all things. (Al-Mujadilah, 7)

988. Have you not seen those who, though forbidden to intrigue in secret, defiantly plot together in wickedness and enmity and disobedience to the Apostle? When they come to you, they salute you in words which Allah does not greet you with, and ask themselves: “Why does Allah not punish us for what we say?” Hell is scourge enough for them: they shall burn in its flames, a wretched fate. (Al-Mucadilah, 8)

989. Believers when you converse in private do not speak with wickedness and enmity and disobedience to the Apostle, but with justice and with piety. Have fear of Allah, before whom be brought together. (Al-Mujadilah, 9)

990. Believers, when you confer with the Apostle, give alms before such conference. That is best and purest for you. But if you lack the means, know that Allah is forgiving and Merciful. (Al-Mujadilah, 12)

991. Do you hesitate to offer alms before you speak with him? If you do not (and Allah will pardon your offence), then at least, recite your prayers and render the alms levy and show obedience to Allah and His Apostle. Allah is cognizant of all your actions. (Al-Mujadilah, 13)

992. Those that oppose Allah and His Apostle are the lowest. (Al-Mujadilah, 20)

993. Allah has decreed: “I will surely triumph, Myself and My Apostles.” Powerful is Allah and mighty. (Al-Mujadilah, 21)

994. You shall find no believers in Allah and the Last Day on friendly terms with those who oppose Allah and His Apostle, even though they be their fathers, their sons and their brothers, or their nearest kindred. Allah has inscribed the Faith in their very hearts, and strengthened them with a spirit of His own. He will admit them to gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell for ever. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with him. They are the confederates of Allah: and Allah’s confederates will surely triumph. (Al-Mujadilah, 22)

995. The reason of this (the exile of Medina Jews) is because they have set themselves against Allah and his Apostle; and he that sets himself against Allah should know that Allah is stern in retribution. (Al-Hashr, 4)

996. As for those spoils of theirs which Allah has assigned to His Apostle, you spurred neither horse nor camel to capture them: but Allah gives His Apostles authority over whom He will. Allah has power over all things. (Al-Hashr, 6)

997. The spoils taken from the town-dwellers and assigned by Allah to His Apostle shall belong to Allah, to the Apostle and his kinsfolk, to orphans, to the poor and to the traveler in need; they shall not become the property of the rich among you. Whatever the Apostle give you accept it, and whatever he forbids you, forbear from it. Have fear of Allah; Allah is stern in retribution. (Al-Hashr, 7)

998. A share of the spoils shall also fall to the poor among the muhajirin who have been driven from their homes and their possessions, who seek Allah’s grace and bounty and who help Allah and His Apostle. These are the true believers. (Al-Hashr, 8)

999. Have you not seen the hypocrites? They say to their fellow-unbelievers among the people of the Book: “If they drive you out, we will go with you. We will never obey anyone who seeks to harm you. If you are attacked, we will certainly help you.” Allah bears witness that they are lying. (Al-Hashr, 11)

1000. They will never fight against you in a body except in fortified cities and from behind walls. Great is their valour among themselves; you think them as one band, yet their hearts are divided. They are surely lacking in judgment. (Al-Hashr, 14)

1001. Believers, do not make friends with those who are enemies of Mine and yours! Would you show them kindness, when they have denied the truth that has been revealed to you and driven the Apostle and yourselves out of your city because you believe in Allah, your Lord? If it was indeed to fight for My cause, and out of a desire to please me, that you left your city, how can you be friendly to them in secret? I well know all that you hide and, and all that you reveal. Whoever of you does this will stray from the right path. (Al-Mumtahanah, 1)

1002. Prophet, if believing women come to you and pledge themselves to serve no other deity besides Allah, to commit neither theft, nor adultery, nor child-murder, to utter no monstrous falsehoods of their own invention, and to disobey in nothing reasonable, accept their allegiance and implore Allah to forgive them! Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Mumtahanah, 12)

1003. Jesus the son of Mary, who said to the Israelities: “I am sent forth to you from Allah to confirm the Torah already revealed, and to give you news of an Apostle that will come after me whose name is AHMED. Yet when he (the Apostle whom Jesus told) brought them clear signs, they said: “This is plain sorcery.” (Al-Saff, 6)

1004. They seek to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths; but Allah will perfect His light, much as the unbelievers may dislike it. (Al-Saff, 8)

1005. It is He who has sent His Apostle with guidance and the faith of Truth so that He may exalt it above all religions, much as the pagans may dislike it. (Al-Saff, 9)

1006. Believers! Shall I point out to you a profitable course that will save you from a woeful scourge? (Al-Saff, 10)

1007. If you have faith in Allah and His Apostle, and fight for Allah’s cause with your wealth and your persons, that would be best for you, if you but knew it. (Al-Saff, 11)

1008. And He will bestow upon you other blessings which you desire: help from Allah and a speedy victory. Proclaim the good tidings to the faithful! (Al-Saff, 12)

1009. Believers, be Allah’s helpers! When Jesus the son of Mary said to the Disciples: “Who will come with me to the help of Allah?”, the Disciples replied: “We are Allah’s helpers.” Some of the Israelites believed in him while others did not. We aided the believers against their enemies, and they triumphed over them. (Al-Saff, 14)

1010. It is He that has sent forth among the Gentiles (the illiterate) an Apostle of their own to recite to them His revelations and to purify them, and to instruct them in the Book and in Wisdom, though they have hitherto been in gross error. (Al-Jumah, 2)

1011. He (the same Prophet) instructs the Book and the Wisdom others of their own kin who have not yet followed them. He is the Mighty, the Wise One. (Al-Jumah, 3)

1012. Say to the Jews: “If you claim that of all men you alone are Allah’s friends, then, you should wish for death, if what you say be true.” (Al-Jumah, 6)

1013. But, because of what their hands have done, they will never wish for death. Allah knows the wrongdoers. (Al-Jumah, 7)

1014. Say: “The death from which you shrink is sure to overtake you. Then you shall be sent back to Him, who knows the unknown and the manifest.” (Al-Jumah, 8)

1015. Yet no sooner do they see some commerce or merriment afoot than they flock eagerly to it, leaving you standing all alone. Say: “That which Allah has in store is far better than any commerce and merriment. Allah is the Most Munificent Giver.” (Al-Jumah, 11)

1016. When the hypocrites come to you they say: “We bear witness that you are Allah’s Apostles.” Allah knows that you are indeed His Apostle; and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are lying. (Al-Munafiqun, 1)

1017. They use their faith as a disguise, and debar others from the path of Allah. Evil is what they do. (Al-Munafiqun, 2)

1018. (The reason of their evil deeds is) they believed (in appearance) and then renounced their faith: their hearts are sealed (with the seal of blasphemy), so that they are devoid of understanding (they do not understand the reality of faith). (Al-Munafiqun, 3)

1019. When you see them, their good looks (their bodies, clothes) please you; and when they speak, you listen to what they say. Yet they are like propped-up beams of timber. Every shout they hear they take to be against them. They are the (real) enemy. Guard yourself against them! Let Allah kill them! How perverse they are (from Allah). (Al-Jumah, 4)

1020. When it is said to them: “Come, Allah’s Apostle will beg forgiveness for you”, they turn their heads and you see them go away in scorn. (Al-Jumah, 5)

1021. It is the same whether or not you ask forgiveness for them: Allah will not forgive them. Allah does not guide the evil-doers. (Al-Jumah, 6)

1022. It is they who say: “Give nothing to those that follow Allah’s Apostle until they have deserted him!” Allah’s are the treasures of heaven and the earth: but the hypocrites cannot understand. (Al-Jumah, 7)

1023. They say: “If we return to Madinah, the strong will soon drive out the weak.” But strength belongs to Allah and to His Apostle and to the faithful: yet the hypocrites do not know it. (Al-Jumah, 8)

1024. Believers, let neither your riches nor your children beguile you of Allah’s remembrance! Those that forget Him shall forfeit all. (Al-Jumah, 9)

1025. Have you not heard of those who disbelieved before you? They tasted the fruit of their unbelief, and grievous punishment is yet in store for them. (Al-Taghabun, 5)

1026. That is because, when their Apostles brought them veritable signs, they said: “Shall mortals be our guides?” They disbelieved and gave no heed. But Allah was in no need of them: Allah is self-sufficient and glorious. (Al-Taghabun, 6)

1027. The unbelievers claim they shall not be raised to life. Say: “By the Lord, you shall assuredly be raised to life. Then you shall be told of all that you have done. That is easy enough for Allah.” (Al-Taghabun, 7)

1028. Believe then in Allah and in His Apostle, and in the light which We have revealed. Allah has knowledge of all your actions. (Al-Taghabun, 8)

1029. Obey Allah and obey the Apostle. If you give no heed, know that Our Apostle’s duty is but to make plain his message. (Al-Taghabun, 12)

1030. Prophet! If you divorce your wives, divorce them at the end of their waiting period (when they are clean). Compute their waiting period (three times) and have fear of Allah. You shall not expel them from their homes, nor shall they go away, unless they have committed a proven vile deed. Such are the bounds set by Allah; he that transgresses Allah’s bounds wrongs his own soul. You never know; after that Allah may bring about some new event. (He may cause peace and they may be together again) (Al-Talaq, 1)

1031. How many nations have rebelled against the commandments of their Lord and His Apostles! Stern was Our reckoning with them, and harrowing was Our scourge. (Al-Talaq, 8)

1032. Allah has now sent down to you an exhortation; an Apostle proclaiming to you the revelations of Allah in all plainness, so that he may lead the faithful who do good works from darkness to the light. He that believes in Allah and does good works shall be admitted to gardens watered by running streams, where he will dwell for ever. Allah has made for him a generous provision. (Al-Talaq, 11)

1033. Prophet, why do you prohibit that which Allah has made lawful to you, in seeking to please your wives? (But, do not be sorry!) Allah is forgiving and merciful (Al-Tahrim, 1)

1034. When the Prophet confided a secret to one of his wives; and when she disclosed it and Allah informed him (the Prophet) of this, he made known one part of it and said nothing about the other. And when he (The Prophet) acquainted her with it she said: “Who told you this?” He (The Prophet) replied: “The wise One, the All-knowing One (Allah) told me.” (Al-Tahrim, 3)

1035. If you two turn to Allah in repentance (for your hearts have sinned) you shall be pardoned; but if you conspire against him, know that Allah is protector, and Gabriel, and the righteous among the faithful. The Angels too are his helpers. (Al-Tahrim, 4)

1036. It may well be that, if he divorce you, his Lord will give him in your place better wives than yourselves, submissive to Allah and full of faith, devout, penitent, obedient and given to fasting; both formerly-wedded and virgins. (Al-Tahrim, 5)

1037. Believers, turn to Allah in true repentance! Your Lord may forgive you your sins and admit you to gardens watered by running streams, on a day when the Prophet and those who believe with him will suffer no disgrace at the hands of Allah. Their light will shine in front of them and on their right, and they will say: “Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us. You have power over all things.” (Al-Tahrim, 8)

1038. Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate. (Al-Tahrim, 9)

1039. Those who have gone before them likewise disbelieved (My beloved, do not be sad!): but how grievous was the way I rejected them. (Al-Mulk, 18)

1040. Say: “It is He who has brought you into being, and given you ears and eyes and hearts. Yet you are seldom thankful.” (Al-Mulk, 23)

1041. Say: “It was He who placed you on the earth, and before Him you shall be assembled.” (Al-Mulk, 24)

1042. The unbelievers said (to the believers mockingly): “When will this promise be fulfilled, if what you say be true?” (Al-Mulk, 25)

1043. Say: “Allah alone has knowledge of that. My mission is but to warn you plainly.” (Al-Mulk, 26)

1044. But when they saw it drawing near, the unbelievers’ faces turned black with gloom, and a voice said: “This is the doom which you have challenged.” (Al-Mulk, 27)

1045. Say: “Consider whether Allah destroys me and all my followers or has mercy upon us, who will protect the unbelievers from a woeful scourge?” (Al-Mulk, 28)

1046. Say: “He is the Lord of mercy: in Him we believe, and in Him we put our trust. You shall soon now who is in evident error.” (Al-Mulk, 29)

1047. Say. “Consider: if all the water that you have were to sink down into the earth, (tell me) who would give you running water in its place?” (Al- Mulk, 30)

1048-1063. Nun. By the Pen, and what they write, (My beloved) you are not mad: thanks to the favor of your Lord! A lasting recompense awaits you, for yours is a sublime nature. You shall before long see –as they will see- which of you is mad. Your Lord knows best those who stray from His path, as He knows best who are rightly guided. Give no heed to the disbelievers: they desire you to overlook their doings that they may overlook yours. Nor yield to the wretch of many oaths, the mischief-making slanderer, the opponent of good, the wicked transgressor, the bully who is doubtful birth to boot. Though such a man be blessed with wealth and children, when Our revelations are recited to him, he says: “They are but fables of the ancients.” On the nose We will brand him! (Al-Qalam, 1-16)

1064. Or have We sworn a covenant with you – covenant binding till the Day of Resurrection –that you shall have what you yourselves ordain? (Al-Qalam, 39)

1065. Ask if any of them will vouch for that! (Al-Qalam, 40)

1066. Or have they other deities besides Allah? Let them call their deities, if what they say be true! (Al-Qalam, 41)

1067. On the day when the dread event unfolds and they are told to prostrate themselves, they will not be able. (Al-Qalam, 42)

1068. Utterly humbled, they shall stand with eyes downcast; for they had long since been bidden to prostrate themselves when they were safe and sound. (Al-Qalam, 43)

1069. Therefore leave to Me those that deny this revelation. We will lead them step by step to their ruin, in ways beyond their knowledge. (Al-Qalam, 44)

1070. I shall bear long with them: My stratagem is sure. (Al-Qalam, 45)

1071. Are you demanding pay of them, so that they are burdened with debt? (Al-Qalam, 46)

1072 Or have they knowledge of what is hidden? Can they write it down? (Al-Qalam, 47)

1073. (My beloved) Wait, then, the judgment of your Lord and do not act like him (Yunis) who was swallowed by the whale when he called out (Allah) in despair! (Al-Qalam, 48)

1074. Had his Lord not bestowed on him His grace, he would have been abandoned in the open to be blamed by all. (Al-Qalam, 49)

1075. But his Lord chose him for His own and made of him a righteous man. (Al-Qalam, 50)

1076. When they hear Our revelations, the unbelievers well nigh devour you with their eyes. “He is surely possessed.” They say (because of their hatred). (Al-Qalam, 51)

1077. Yet it is but an honor- an admonition to mankind. (Al-Qalam, 52)

1078-1092. I swear by all that you can see, and all that is hidden from your view, that this (the Koran) is the utterance of a noble messenger. It is no poet’s speech: scant is your faith! It is no soothsayer’s divination: how little you reflect! It is a revelation from the Lord of the Universe. Had he (the Prophet) invented lies concerning Us, We would have seized him by the right hand and severed his heart’s vein (we would have taken his power): not one of you could have protected him! It (the Koran) is but an admonition to the righteous. We well know that there are some among you who will deny it. It is despair of the unbelievers. It is the indubitable truth. Praise, then, the name of your Lord, the almighty! (Al-Haqqah, 38-52)

1093. (My beloved) Therefore conduct yourself with becoming patience! (Al-Maarij, 5)

1094. They think that the Day of Judgment is far off. (Al-Maarij, 6)

1095. But We see it near at hand. (Al-Maarij, 7)

1096. But what has befallen the unbelievers that they are running towards you? (Al-Maarij, 36)

1097. They scramble before you in multitudes from left and right. (Al-Maarij, 37)

1098. Are they each seeking to enter a garden of delight (Naim Paradise)? (Al-Maarij, 38)

1099. No! Let them remember of what We created them! (Al-Maarij, 39)

1100. I swear by the Lord of the East and of the West that We have the power to destroy them. (Al-Maarij, 39)

1101. And to replace them by others better than them: nothing can hinder us from so doing. (Al-Maarij, 40)

1102. So leave them to amuse themselves and blunder about in their folly until they face the day with which they are threatened. (Al-Maarij, 41)

1103. The day when they shall rush forward from their graves, like men rallying to standard. (Al-Maarij, 42)

1104. With downcast eyes and countenances distorted with shame. Such is the day with which they are threatened. (Al-Maarij, 43)

1105. (My beloved) Say: “It is revealed to me that a band of jinn listened to Allah’s revelations and said: “We have heard a wondrous Koran.” (Al-Jinn, 1)

1106. (It is revealed to me that) When Allah’s servant rose to pray to Him, they pressed around him in multitudes. (Al-Jinn, 19)

1107. (My beloved) Say: “I pray only to my Lord and worship none besides Him. (Al-Jinn, 20)

1108. Say: “I have no control over any good or evil that befalls you.” (Al-Jinn, 21)

1109. Say: “None can protect me from Allah, nor can I find any refuge besides Him.” (Al-Jinn, 22)

1110. My mission is only to make known His messages (what is revealed to me); those that disobey Allah and His Apostle shall abide forever in the Fire of hell. (Al-Jinn, 23)

1111. When they behold the scourge (The hour of Doom) they are threatened with, they shall realize which side had the less powerful protector, and which was fewer in numbers. (Al-Jinn, 24)

1112. Say: “I cannot tell whether the scourge you are threatened with is imminent, or whether my Lord has set it a far off day.” (Al-Jinn, 25)

1113. He alone has knowledge of what is hidden: His secrets He reveals to none. (Al-Jinn, 26)

1114. Except to the Apostles whom He has chosen. He sends down guardians who walk before them and behind them. (Al-Jinn, 27)

1115. That He may ascertain if they have indeed delivered the message of their Lord. He has knowledge of all their actions and takes count of all things. (Al-Jinn, 28)

1116-1130. You that are wrapped up in your mantle, keep vigil all night, save for a few hours; half the night, or even less: or a little more- and with measured tone recite the Koran, for We are about to address to you words of surpassing gravity. It is in the watches of the night that impressions are strongest and words most eloquent; in the day-time you are hard-pressed with the affairs of this world. Remember the name of your Lord and dedicate yourself to Him utterly. He is the Lord of the East and of the West: there is no god but Him. Accept Him for your protector. Bear patiently with what they say, and leave their company without recrimination. Leave to Me those that deny the Truth, those that enjoy the comforts of this life; bear with them yet a little while. We have in store for them heavy fetters and a blazing fire, choking food and a harrowing torment: on the day when the earth shall quiver with all its mountains, and the mountains crumble into heaps of shifting sand. (People!) We have sent forth an Apostle to testify against you, just as We sent an Apostle to Pharaoh before you. (Al-Muzammil, 1-15)

1131. Your Lord knows that you sometimes keep vigil wellnigh two –thirds of the night, and sometimes half or one third of it, as do others among your followers. Allah measures the night and the day. He knows that you cannot count the length of the vigil, and turns to you mercifully. Recite from the Koran as many verses as you are able; He knows that among you there are sick men and others traveling the road in quest of Allah’s bounty; and yet others fighting for the cause of Allah. Recite from the Koran then as many verses as you are able. Attend to your prayers, render the alms levy, and give Allah a generous loan. Whatever good you do you shall surely find it with Allah, ennobled and richly rewarded by Him. Implore Allah to forgive you; Allah is forgiving and merciful. (Al-Muzammil, 20)

1132-1157. You that are wrapped up in your cloak, arise and give warning. Magnify your Lord, purify your garments, and keep away from uncleanness. Bestow no favours expecting gain. Be patient for your Lord’s sake. The day the Trumpet sounds shall be a hard and joyless day for the unbelievers. Leave to me the man whom I created helpless and endowed with vast riches and thriving children. I have made his progress smooth and easy: yet he hopes that I shall give him more. By no means! Because he has stubbornly denied Our revelations, I will lay on him a mounting torment. He pondered, and he schemed. Confound him, how he schemed! Again, confound him, how he schemed! He looked around him, frowning and leering; then he turned away in scornful pride and said: “This is but a sorcery counterfeited, the utterance of a mere mortal!” I will surely cast him into the Fire. (Al-Muddathir, 1-26)


We have appointed none but Angels to guard the Fire,

and made their number a subject for dispute among the unbelievers,

so that those to whom the Scriptures were given may be convinced

and the true believers strenghthened in their faith;

that those to whom the Scriptures were given,

and the true believers, may have no doubts;

and those whose hearts are diseased and those who have no faith may say:

“What could Allah mean by this?

Thus Allah confounds whom He will and guides whom He pleases.

None knows the warriors of your Lord but Himself.

This is no more than an admonition to mankind.

(Al-Muddathir, 31)

1159. (Muhammad) You need not move your toungue too fast to learn this revelation (before Gabriel finishes). (Al-Qıyamah, 16)

1160. We Ourself shall see to its collection (in your heart) and recital (We will recite it to you). (Ak-Qıyamah, 17)

1161. When We read it, follow its words attentively. (Al-Qıyamah, 18)

1162. We-Allah shall Ourself explain its meaning. (Al-Qıyamah, 19)


In this life he neither believed nor prayed;

He denied the truth and, turning his back,

Went to his kinsfolk elated with pride.

Well have you deserved this doom; well have you deserved it.

Well have you deserved this doom: too well have you deserved it!

Does man think he will be left alone, to no purpose?

Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen? (Al-Qıyamah, 31-37)

1169. We have made known to you the Koran by gradual revelation. (Al-Insan, 23)

1170. Therefore await with patience the judgement of your Lord, and do not yield to the wicked and the unbelieving. (Al-Insan, 24)

1171. Remember the name of your Lord morning and evening. (Al-Insan, 25)

1172. In the night-time worship Him: Praise Him all the night long. (Al-Insan, 26)

1173. The unbelievers really love this fleeting life too well and thus leave that heavy day of doom. (Al-Insan, 27)

1174-1179. By the gales, sent forth in swift succession;

By the raging tempests and the-rain spreading winds;

By your Lord’s revelations,

Discerning good from evil

And admonishing by plea and warning!

(Al-Mursalat, 1-16)

1180. When the Apostles are brought together on the appointed Day of Judgment. (Al-Mursalat, 11)

1181. Woe on that day to the disbelievers (who denied the revelations and the Prophets of Allah)! (Al-Mursalat, 19)

1182. They disbelieved in Our reckoning. (Al-Naba, 27)

1183. They roundly denied Our revelations. (Al-Naba, 28)

1184. Such is the recompense of your Lord- a gift that will suffice them. (Al-Naba, 36)

1185. We have forewarned you of an imminent scourge: the day when men will look upon his works and the unbelievers cry: “Would that I were dust!” (Al-Naba, 40)


Have you (My beloved) heard the story of Moses? His Lord called out to him in the Sacred Valley of Tuva, saying: “Go to Pharaoh: he has transgrassed all bounds.” ’ (Al-Naziat, 15-17)


They question you about the Hour of Doom. “When will it come?” they ask. But how are you to know? Only your Lord knows when it will come. Your duty is but to warn those who fear it. On the Day when they behold that hour, they will think they stayed in the grave but one evening, or one morning. (Al-Naziat, 42-46)

1194-1205.He frowned and turned his back when the blind man came towards him.

How could you tell? He might have sought to purify himself. He might have been forewarned, and might have profited from Our warning.

But to the wealthy man you were all attention:

although the fault would not be yours if he remained uncleansed.

Yet to him that came to you with zeal and awe, you gave no heed.

Indeed, this is an admonition; let him who will, bear it in mind. (Abasa, 1-12)


Each soul shall know what it has done.

I swear by the turning planets,

and by the stars that rise and set;

by the night, when it descends,

and the first breath of morning:

this is the word of a gracious and mighty messenger,

held in honour by the Lord of the Throne,

obeyed in heaven, faithful to his trust.

No, your compatriot is not mad.

He saw him on the clear horizon.

He does not grudge the secrets of the unseen;

nor is this the utterance of an accursed devil.

Whither then are you going? (Al-Takvir, 14-26)


The record of the righteous shall be in “Illiyyun”. Would that you knew what “Illiyyun” is! It is a sealed book, seen only by the favoured.

The righteous will surely dwell in bliss. Reclining upon soft couches they will gaze around them: and in their faces you shall mark the glow of joy.

They shall be given a pure wine to drink, securely sealed, whose very dregs are musk (for this let all men emulously strive); a wine tempered with the waters of tasnim, a spring at which the favoured will refresh themselves.

The evil-doers mock the faithful and wink at one another as they pass by them. When they meet their own folk they say: “These are erring men!”

Yet they were not sent to be their guardians. But on that day the faithful will mock the unbelievers as they recline upon their couches and gaze around them. (Al-Mutaffifin, 18-34)

1236-1240. Why then do they not have faith, or kneel in prayer when the Koran is read to them?

The unbelievers indeed deny it; but Allah knows best the falsehood they believe in.

Therefore, proclaim to all a woeful doom. (Al-Inshiqaq, 20-24)

1241. (That day) By the witness (The Prophet A.S. and the Perfect Men), and that which is witnessed (the People). (Al-Buruj, 3)

1242. Stern is the vengeance of your Lord. (Al-Buruj, 12)

1243. (My beloved) Have you not heard the story of the warriors? (Al-Buruj, 17)

1244. Of Pharaoh and of Thamud? (Al-Buruj, 18)

1245-1248. By the heaven and by the nightly visitant!

Would that you knew what the nightly visitant is!

It is the star of piercing brightness.

For every soul there is a guardian watching it.

(Al-Tarıq, 1-4)

1249. (My beloved) Therefore, bear with the unbelievers, and let them be awhile. (Al-Tarıq, 17)


Praise the Name of your Lord, the Most High,

Who has created all things and proportioned them;

Who has ordained their destinies and guided them;

Who brings forth the green pasture,

Then turns it to withered grass.

(My beloved) We shall make you recite Our revelations,

So that you shall forget none of them except as Allah pleases.

He has knowledge of all that is manifest, and all that is hidden.

We shall guide you to the smoothest path.

Therefore give warning, if warning will awail.

He that fears Allah will heed it. (Al-A’la, 1-10)

1261. Happy is the man who purifies himself (who gives alms). (Al-A’la, 14)

1262. The man who remembers the name of his Lord and who prays is happy. (Al-A’la, 15)

1263. Have you heard of the Event (The Day of Resurrection) which will overwhelm mankind? (Al-Ghashiyah, 1)

1264. (My beloved) Therefore, give warning! Your duty is only to give warning. (Al-Ghashiyah, 21)

1265. You are not their keeper. (Al-Ghashiyah, 22)

1266- 1296.

By the Dawn

and the Ten Nights;

by that which is dual, and that which is single;

by the night, when it comes!

Is there not in this mighty oath for a man of sense?

Have you not heard how your Lord dealt with Ad.

The people of the many-columned city of Iram,

whose like has never been built in the whole land?

And with Thamud, who hewed out their dwellings among the rocks of the valley (of Kura)?

And with Pharaoh, who impaled his victims upon the stake?

They had all led sinful lives and made the land teem with wickedness.

Therefore, your Lord let loose on them His scourge;

for from His eminence your Lord observes all.

As for man, when his Lord tests him by exalting him and bestowing favors on him,

he says: “My Lord is bountiful to me.”

But when He tests him by grudging him His favours,

He says: “My Lord despises me.”

No! But you show no kindness to the orphan,

nor do you vie with each other in feeding poor.

Greedily you lay your hands on the inheritance of the weak, and you love riches with all your hearts.

No! But when the earth is crushed to fine dust, and your Lord comes down with the Angels, in their ranks,

and Hell is brought near- on that day man will remember his deeds.

But what will memory avail him?

He will say: “Would that I had been charitable in my lifetime!” But on that day none will punish as He will punish,

nor will any bind with chains like His.

O serene soul! Return to your Lord, joyful, and pleasing in His sight.

Join My servants and enter My Paradise! (Al-Fajr, 1-30)

1297- 1314.

I swear by this city (Mecca) and you are a resident of this city, by the begetter and all whom he begot: We created man to try him with afflictions.

Does he think that none has power over him? “I have squandered vast riches!” he boasts. Does he think that none observes him?

Have We not given him two eyes, a tongue, and two lips, and shown him the two paths? Yet he would not scale the Height.

Would that you knew what the Height is. It is the freeing of a bondsman; the feeding, in the day of famine, of an orphaned relation or a needy man in distress; to have faith and to enjoin fortitude and mercy. (Al-Balad, 1-17)

1315. He gives for the sake of his Most High Lord only. (Al-Layl, 20)

1316. Such men shall be content (with what Allah gives him) soon. (Al-Layl, 21)


By the light of day, and by the dark of night, your Lord has not forsaken you, nor does He abhor you.

The life to come holds a richer prize for you than this present life. You shall be gratified with what your Lord will give you.

Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?

Did he not find you in error and guide you?

Did He not find you poor and enrich you?

Therefore do not wrong the orphan, nor chide away the beggar. But proclaim the goodness of your Lord. (Al-Duha, 1-11)


(My beloved) Have We not lifted up your heart and relieved you of the burden which weighed down your back?

Have We not given you high renown?

Every hardship is followed by ease. Every hardship is followed by ease.

When your prayers are ended, resume your toil, and seek your Lord with all fervor. (Al-Sharh, 1-8)


Recite in the name of your Lord who created-created from clots of blood (embryo).

Recite! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One, who by the pen taught man what he did not know.

Indeed, man transgresses (in spite of your Lord’s favours) in thinking himself his own master: for to your Lord all things return (he will be asked of his sins in His presence).

Observe the man who rebukes Our servant when he prays.

Think: does he follow the guidance or enjoin true piety?

Think: if he denies the Truth and gives no heed, does he not know that Allah observes all things?

No. Let him desist, or We will drag him by the forelock, his lying, sinful forelock.

Then let him call his helpmates. We, in Our turn, will call the guards of Hell.

No, never obey him (My beloved)! Prostrate yourself and come nearer. (Al-Alaq, 1-19)


We revealed this on the Night of Qadr. Would that you knew what the (Glory of) Night of Qadr is like!

Better is the Night of Qadr than a thousand months.

On that night the Angels and the Spirit by their Lord’s leave come down with each decree.

That night is peace, till break of dawn. (Qadr, 1-5)

1360. The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans did not desist from unbelief until the Proof was given them (a proof, which will tell them the Truth, would certainly come). (Al-Bayyinah, 1)

1362. Their reward, in their Lord’s presence, shall be the gardens of Eden, gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell for ever. Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him. Thus shall the Allah-fearing be rewarded. (Al-Bayyinah, 8)


The disaster! What is the Disaster?

Would that you knew what the Disaster is!

On that day men shall become like scattered moths and the mountains like tufts of carded wool.

Then he whose scales are heavy shall dwell in bliss; but he whose scales are light, the Abyss shall be his home.

Would that you knew what this is like!

It is a scorching fire. (Al-Qari’ah, 1-11)


Woe to every back-biting slanderer who amasses riches and sedulously hoards them, thinking his wealth will render him immortal!

By no means! He shall be flung to the Destroying Flame.

Would that you knew what the Destroying Flame is like!

It is Allah’s own kindled fire. (Al-Humazah, 1-6)


(My beloved) Have you not considered

how Allah dealt with the army of the Elephant?

Did He not confound their stratagem

and send against them flocks of birds

which pelted them with clay-stones,

so that they became like the withered stalks of plants

which cattle have devoured? (Al-Fil, 1-5)


Have you thought of him that denies the Last Judgment? It is he who turns away the orphan and has no urge to feed the poor.

Woe to those who pray but are heedless in their prayer; who make a show of piety and give no alms to the destitute.

(Al-Maun, 1-7)

1392-1393. We have given you abundance. Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to Him. He that hates you shall remain childless. (Al-Kawthar, 1-3)


(My beloved) Say: “Unbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your own religion, and I have mine. (Al-Khafirun, 1-6)


When Allah’s help and victory come, and you see men embrace the Religion of Allah in multitudes, give glory to your Lord and seek His pardon! He is ever disposed to mercy. (Al-Nasr, 1-3)


Say: “He is Allah, He is One, Allah is Eternal (He does not need anything, everything is in need of Him to maintain their existence.) . He begot none, nor was He begotten. None is equal to Him.” (Al-Ikhlas, 1-4)


Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak from the mischief of His creation; from the mischief of the night when he spreads her darkness; from the mischief of conjuring witches; from the mischief of the envier, when he envies. (Al-Falaq, 1-5)


Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of men, the King of men, the God of men, from the mischief of the slinking prompter (satan) who whispers in the hearts of men; from jinn and men (I seek refuge in Allah from the mischief of all the wicked beings) .” (Nas: 1-6)
